Distribution of the Public Asset Portfolio, 1998-2017

ChartLab and SQL Console in ATSD

Data Source: Bank of Israel

Value of the Public Portfolio (NIS Billion)

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SELECT date_format(time, 'yyyy-MM') AS "Date", tv.value AS "Total Value (NIS Billion)"
  FROM "total_(nis_billion)" AS tv WHERE date_format(time, 'MM') = '01'
GROUP BY 'Date', tv.value
  ORDER BY 'Date'
Date Total Value (NIS Billion)
1998-01 725
1999-01 847
2000-01 1048
2001-01 1074
2002-01 1162
2003-01 1177
2004-01 1331
2005-01 1433
2006-01 1675
2007-01 1878
2008-01 1960
2009-01 1916
2010-01 2312
2011-01 2581
2012-01 2574
2013-01 2730
2014-01 2974
2015-01 3190
2016-01 3306
2017-01 3429

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Months with negative growth are shown in red, and months with positive growth exceeding 25 billion NIS are shown in dark blue.

SELECT date_format(time, 'yyyy-MM') AS "Date", ROUND(tv.value, 1) AS "Total Value (NIS Billion)", ROUND((tv.value/3428.9)*100, 1) AS "Percent of Current Value", ROUND(tv.value - LAG(tv.value), 1) AS "Delta"
  FROM "total_(nis_billion)" AS tv WHERE date_format(time, 'MM') = '01'
GROUP BY 'Date', tv.value
  ORDER BY 'Date'
| Date    | Total Value (NIS Billion) | Percent of Current Value | Delta |
| 1998-01 | 725.1                     | 21.1                     | null  |
| 1999-01 | 846.6                     | 24.7                     | 121.5 |
| 2000-01 | 1047.9                    | 30.6                     | 201.3 |
| 2001-01 | 1074.1                    | 31.3                     | 26.2  |
| 2002-01 | 1162.3                    | 33.9                     | 88.2  |
| 2003-01 | 1177.4                    | 34.3                     | 15.1  |
| 2004-01 | 1331.1                    | 38.8                     | 153.7 |
| 2005-01 | 1432.8                    | 41.8                     | 101.7 |
| 2006-01 | 1674.7                    | 48.8                     | 241.9 |
| 2007-01 | 1878.2                    | 54.8                     | 203.5 |
| 2008-01 | 1959.8                    | 57.2                     | 81.6  |
| 2009-01 | 1916.4                    | 55.9                     | -43.4 |
| 2010-01 | 2311.9                    | 67.4                     | 395.5 |
| 2011-01 | 2581.2                    | 75.3                     | 269.3 |
| 2012-01 | 2574.5                    | 75.1                     | -6.7  |
| 2013-01 | 2730.4                    | 79.6                     | 155.9 |
| 2014-01 | 2974.3                    | 86.7                     | 243.9 |
| 2015-01 | 3189.5                    | 93                       | 215.2 |
| 2016-01 | 3305.5                    | 96.4                     | 116   |
| 2017-01 | 3428.9                    | 100                      | 123.4 |

Distributions of Assets by Type (Percent)

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SELECT date_format(time, 'MM-yyyy') AS "Date",  cd.value AS "Cash and Deposits", gbn.value AS "Government Bonds (Non-Tradeable)", gbt.value AS "Government Bonds (Tradeable)", cbn.value AS "Corporate Bonds (Non-Tradeable)", cbt.value AS "Corporate Bonds (Tradeable)", cm.value AS "Cash (Makam)", i.value AS "Shares in Israel", iad.value AS "Investments Abroad (Deposits)", iab.value AS "Investments Abroad (Bonds)", ias.value AS "Investments Abroad (Shares)", iao.value AS "Investments Abroad (Other)"
  FROM "cash_and_desposits" AS cd JOIN "government_bonds_(non-tradeable)" AS gbn JOIN "government_bonds_(tradeable)" AS gbt JOIN "corporate_bonds_(non-tradeable)" AS cbn JOIN "corporate_bonds_(tradeable)" AS cbt JOIN "cash_(makam)" AS cm JOIN "shares_in_israel" AS i JOIN "investments_abroad_(deposits)" AS iad JOIN "investments_abroad_(bonds)" AS iab JOIN "investments_abroad_(shares)" AS ias JOIN "investments_abroad_(other)" AS iao WHERE date_format(time, 'MM') = '01'
GROUP BY 'Date', cd.value, gbn.value, gbt.value, cbn.value, cbt.value, cm.value, i.value, iab.value, iad.value, ias.value, iao.value
  ORDER BY 'Date'
Date Cash and Deposits Government Bonds (Non-Tradeable) Government Bonds (Tradeable) Corporate Bonds (Non-Tradeable) Corporate Bonds (Tradeable) Cash (Makam) Shares in Israel Investments Abroad (Deposits) Investments Abroad (Bonds) Investments Abroad (Shares) Investments Abroad (Other)
01-1998 44.7 13.5 12.9 0.8 1.2 2 15.9 0.9 2.2 0 5.9
01-1999 45.5 13.3 12 0 1.1 2.1 15.4 2.4 2.5 0 5.7
01-2000 41.6 11.5 10.7 0.8 1.5 1.9 19.6 2.4 0.3 4.9 4.8
01-2001 44.3 11.5 11.7 1.3 1.3 2.5 16.6 3 0.8 3.5 3.5
01-2002 43.4 11.5 13.4 1.6 1.5 2.5 15.6 4.1 2.1 2 2.3
01-2003 45.4 12.4 12.9 2 1.6 3.5 10.7 4.7 3.2 1.4 2.2
01-2004 39.6 11.2 14.2 2.3 1.8 3.8 16.3 3.8 3.4 2.3 1.5
01-2005 37.3 10.1 14.2 2.8 2.5 4.6 17 3.7 3.7 2.7 1.4
01-2006 33.7 8.5 12.6 3.6 4 3.7 20.1 4 4 3.9 1.9
01-2007 31.6 7.3 10.8 4 5 4.4 22.4 3.7 4.4 4 2.4
01-2008 32.1 6.9 10.8 4 7.9 3.4 21.6 3.9 3.5 3.5 2.4
01-2009 36.1 10.9 13.9 3 7.3 3.4 11.9 4.1 3.2 3.4 2.7
01-2010 31.6 9.3 12.5 2.6 9 2.7 19 3.1 3.1 4.6 2.6
01-2011 29.8 9.3 11.9 2.3 9.4 2.5 20.7 2.3 3.6 5.7 2.5
01-2012 33.1 9.4 12 2.2 9.6 3.1 16 1.8 4.2 5.8 2.8
01-2013 33.1 9.4 12.9 2.1 9.6 2.7 14.8 1.1 4.4 6.7 3.2
01-2014 31.5 9.4 13 1.7 9.1 2.7 16.6 0.9 4.3 7.4 3.4
01-2015 32.2 10.1 12.7 1.6 7.8 3 15 0.7 5.3 8.4 3.4
01-2016 33.9 9.9 11.9 1.3 8.3 2 14.5 0.8 5.4 7.9 4
01-2017 35.3 9.6 11.1 1.1 9 1.5 14 0.5 5.3 7.9 4.6

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