Series Query: Group without Aggregation


Groups multiple input series into one series and applies a grouping function to the grouped values.

When aggregation is disabled, the grouping function is applied to values for all unique timestamps in the merged series.

In the example below, the SUM function returns 12 (1+11) at 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z as a total of e-1 and e-2 series values, both of which have samples for this timestamp.

On the other hand, SUM returns 3 (3 + null->0) at 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z because only e-1 series has a value at that timestamp.

Detailed Data by Series

| entity | datetime                 | value |
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:00.000Z | 1     |
| e-2    | 2016-06-25T08:00:00.000Z | 11    |
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:05.000Z | 3     | e-1 only
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:10.000Z | 5     | e-1 only
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:15.000Z | 8     |
| e-2    | 2016-06-25T08:00:15.000Z | 8     |
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:30.000Z | 3     |
| e-2    | 2016-06-25T08:00:30.000Z | 13    |
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:45.000Z | 5     |
| e-2    | 2016-06-25T08:00:45.000Z | 15    |
| e-2    | 2016-06-25T08:00:59.000Z | 19    | e-2 only

Detailed Data Grouped by Timestamp

| datetime                 | e1.value | e2.value |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:00.000Z | 1        | 11       |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:05.000Z | 3        | -        |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10.000Z | 5        | -        |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15.000Z | 8        | 8        |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30.000Z | 3        | 13       |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45.000Z | 5        | 15       |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:59.000Z | -        | 19       |



POST /api/v1/series/query


    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:00Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM"



| datetime                 | e1.value | e2.value | SUM |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:00.000Z | 1        | 11       | 12  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:05.000Z | 3        | -        | 3   |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10.000Z | 5        | -        | 5   |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15.000Z | 8        | 8        | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30.000Z | 3        | 13       | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45.000Z | 5        | 15       | 20  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:59.000Z | -        | 19       | 19  |