Meta API: Replacement Tables Methods

Name Method / Path / Description
get CSV GET /replacement-tables/csv/{name}
Retrieves replacement table keys and values in CSV format and metadata in Link header.
get JSON GET /replacement-tables/json/{name}
Retrieves replacement table keys, values, and metadata in JSON format.
list CSV GET /replacement-tables/csv
Retrieves list of replacement table names in CSV format.
list JSON GET /replacement-tables/json
Retrieves list of replacement table names in JSON format.
update CSV PATCH /replacement-tables/csv/{name}
Updates values for existing keys or create new records from CSV file.
update JSON PATCH /replacement-tables/json/{name}
Updates replacement table and metadata from JSON document.
create or replace CSV PUT /replacement-tables/csv/{name}
Creates a replacement table with specified records or replace if exists.
create or replace JSON PUT /replacement-tables/json/{name}
Creates a replacement table with specified records and metadata, or replace if table already exists.
delete DELETE /replacement-tables/{name}
Deletes specified replacement table.