Entity Search


The entity search interface finds entities by name, entity tag, and last insert date.


Search text can consist of multiple keywords.

  • Keywords containing a colon are treated as tag filters, for example example-tag:example-value finds entities with tag example-tag set to example-value.
  • Reserved keywords min-date and max-date filter entities by last insert date specified as literal date in yyyy-MM-dd or ISO format or as a calendar keyword.
  • Remaining keywords match entity names.


Name patterns support the following wildcard symbols:

  • * Matches any number of characters.
  • ? Matches any one character.

Wildcard * is automatically appended to the end of name patterns when performing searches, thereby matching any entities which contain a name that begins with the specified text.

Multiple keywords are evaluated as boolean AND conditions.

Entity names, tag names, and tag values are matched on a case-insensitive basis.


  • Find entities which begin with keyword nur:


    Identical query:

  • Find entities which contain keyword nur:

  • Find entities with tag location set to SVL:

  • Find entities which contain tag location that begins with NORTH:

  • Find entities with any value for tag location and display location column:

  • Find entities with non-empty value for tag location and display location column:

  • Find entities which begin with nur and contain tag location set to SVL:

    nur location:SVL
  • Find entities with a last insert date on or later than the specified date:

  • Find entities without a last insert date:

  • Find entities with a last insert date in the specified range:

    min-date:2018-08-01 max-date:2018-08-10
  • Find entities containing cpu or memory:

    *cpu* *memory*
  • Find all entities matching server-? which have any data for last five minutes, and display some tags:

    server-? min-date:"now - 5 * minute" num_cpus: mem_size: disk_size:
  • Find entities with tag value containing whitespace:

    server_group:"Email servers"
  • Find entities with a name that contains a reserved character such as a colon : as in sha256:123:
