

ChartLab is a Node application that makes it easy for end users to build and share charts using the visualization library implemented in ATSD.

Public ChartLab examples are hosted at the following URLs:

ChartLab provides a simple web interface to view and save portal and widget examples. Each example consists of one or multiple widgets built with the ATSD charts library. The widgets act as API clients and load series, properties and messages from ATSD REST API endpoints.

Authentication and Authorization

ChartLab is optimized for convenience. The service does not require visitors to create an account to view or save configurations.

Data Sources

The widgets can be configured to load data from the following sources:

  • Random data source
  • ATSD instance, operated by Axibase
  • Custom ATSD instance

Connecting ChartLab to Custom ATSD


Your ATSD instance must be publicly accessible on a DNS/IP address.

  • Log in to ATSD server via SSH.

  • Open the /opt/atsd/atsd/conf/ file.

    Add the following setting:

api.guest.access.enabled = true

Save the file.

  • Restart the Database

    /opt/atsd/bin/ stop
    /opt/atsd/bin/ start
  • Open ChartLab on the plain text protocol to avoid security errors.

    The error is raised in the browser if the custom ATSD instance is using a self-signed or an untrusted SSL certificate.

  • Change Source to ATSD in the ChartLab top menu.

  • Add url property to the [configuration] section.

    Specify DNS name or IP address of the target ATSD instance.

    url =

    User credentials are not required since ATSD is now configured for anonymous read-only access via Data and Meta API methods.

  • Verify that the data is displayed for the following example for a built-in entity/metric:

  offset-right = 50
  height-units = 2
  width-units = 1
  url =


  type = chart
  timespan = 15 minute
  format = bytes

    entity = atsd
    metric = jvm_memory_used