Aggregate Processor


Aggregate Processor splits an interval into periods and calculates statistics for each period.

The aggregation process is implemented as follows:

  1. Load detailed data within the specified startDate and endDate into each series separately.
    startDate is inclusive and endDate is exclusive.
  2. Allocate time:value samples to periods based on a period alignment parameter.
    If period is not specified in the request, statistics are computed for the entire selection interval.
  3. Discard periods whose start time is earlier than startDate.
  4. Apply statistical function to values in each period and return a modified time:value array for each series where time is the period start time and value is the result of the statistical function.


Name Type Description
type string [type or types is Required] Statistical function applied to detailed values in each period, such as AVG or COUNT.
The field can also be set to DETAIL in which case no aggregation is performed and the underlying series is returned unchanged.
types array [type or types is Required] Array of statistical functions. Each function in the array produces a separate aggregated series. If one of the functions is set to DETAIL, its result contains the underlying series.
period object Regular period specified with count and time unit, for example
{ "count": 1, "unit": "HOUR" }.
interpolate object Fill values in empty periods using an interpolation function such as PREVIOUS or LINEAR.

Threshold Function Fields

Name Type Description
threshold object Object containing the minimum and maximum range for THRESHOLD_* functions.
calendar object Calendar settings for THRESHOLD_* functions.
workingMinutes object Working minutes settings for THRESHOLD_* functions.


Period is a repeating time interval used to group detailed values within some timespan to apply a statistical function.

Name Type Description
unit string Time unit such as MINUTE, HOUR, DAY.
count number Number of time units contained in the period.
align string Alignment of the period start/end time.
Default: CALENDAR.
timezone string Time Zone ID for aligning timestamps in CALENDAR mode.
The time zone is inherited from the corresponding setting at the query level and defaults to the database time zone displayed on the Settings > System Information page.


  • { "count": 1, "unit": "HOUR" }
  • { "count": 15, "unit": "MINUTE", "align": "END_TIME" }.


Name Type Description
name string Custom calendar name

Example: { "name": "au-nsw-calendar" }.


  • Either min or max is required.
Name Type Description
min number Minimum threshold.
max number Maximum threshold.

Example: { "max": 80 } or { "min": 100, "max": 150 }.

Working Minutes

Name Type Description
start number [Required] Working date start time, in minutes. If working day starts at 9:30 then start can be specified as 570 (9 * 60 + 30).
end number [Required] Working date end time, in minutes.


  • 1-hour Average
    "aggregate" : {
        "type": "AVG",
        "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "HOUR"}
  • 15-minute Average and Maximum
    "aggregate": {
        "types": [ "AVG", "MAX" ],
        "period": { "count": 15, "unit": "MINUTE" }
  • Average and Count for the Entire Interval
    "aggregate": {
        "types": [ "AVG", "COUNT" ]


By default, if the period does not contain any detailed values, the period is excluded from results.

Configure this behavior with an interpolation function which fills a missing period with data calculated based on previous and next period aggregate values.


Missing period values are interpolated from aggregate values of neighboring periods and not from detailed values.

Interpolation Fields

Name Type Description
type string [Required] Interpolation function.
value number [Required by value function] Constant number returned for empty periods.
extend boolean Add missing periods at the beginning and end of the selection interval.
Default: false.

Values added by the extend setting are determined as follows:

  • If the VALUE {n} interpolation function is specified, the extend option sets empty leading and trailing period values equal to {n}.
  • Without the VALUE {n} function, the extend option adds missing periods at the beginning and end of the selection interval using NEXT and PREVIOUS interpolation functions.

Interpolation Functions

Type Description
NONE No interpolation. Periods without detailed values are excluded from results.
PREVIOUS Set value for the period based on the previous period value.
NEXT Set value for the period based on the next period value.
LINEAR Calculate period value using linear interpolation between previous and next period values.
VALUE Set value for the period to a specific number.



"aggregate" : {
   "type": "AVG",
   "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "HOUR"},
   "interpolate" : {
      "type": "PREVIOUS"


"aggregate" : {
   "type": "AVG",
   "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "HOUR"},
   "interpolate" : {
      "type": "LINEAR"


"aggregate" : {
   "type": "SUM",
   "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "HOUR"},
   "interpolate" : {
      "type": "VALUE",
      "value": 0,
      "extend": true

Additional Interpolation Examples

ChartLab Examples

Interpolation Example