
Period is a repeating time interval used to group samples occurred within each interval into buckets to apply aggregation functions.

Name Type Description
count number Number of time units contained in the period.
unit string Time unit, for example MINUTE, HOUR, DAY.
align string Alignment of the period start time.
Default: CALENDAR.
timezone string Time Zone ID for aligning timestamps in CALENDAR mode.
The time zone is inherited from the corresponding setting at the query level and defaults to the database time zone displayed on the Settings > System Information page.


"period": { "count": 1, "unit": "HOUR" }
"period": { "count": 5, "unit": "MINUTE" }
"period": { "count": 5, "unit": "MINUTE", "align": "START_TIME" }
"period": { "count": 1, "unit": "DAY", "timezone": "US/Pacific" }


The default CALENDAR setting creates calendar-aligned periods using the duration specified with count and unit fields.

For example, 1 HOUR initializes 1-hour long periods starting at 0 minutes of each hour within the selection interval.

Alignment Description
CALENDAR Period start is rounded down to the nearest time unit.
START_TIME First period begins at start time specified in the query.
FIRST_VALUE_TIME First period begins at the time of first retrieved value.
END_TIME Last period ends on end time specified in the query.

CALENDAR Alignment

The CALENDAR alignment calculates the initial period according to the rules below and creates subsequent periods by incrementing the duration specified with count and unit fields. The initial period is defined as the earliest period starting within the selection interval.

  • startDate of the selection interval is rounded to calculate the base time using the rule table below.
  • If the base time is within the selection interval, it becomes the initial period.
  • Otherwise, the period starting with base time is incremented (decremented if base time exceeds start time) to find the earliest period starting within the selection interval. This period becomes the initial period.

startDate Rounding Rules

Time Unit Base Time (Rounded)
MILLISECOND 0m:0s in a given hour.
SECOND 0m:0s in a given hour.
MINUTE 0m:0s in a given hour.
HOUR 0h:0m:0s on a given day.
DAY 0h:0m:0s on the 1st day in a given month.
WEEK 0h:0m:0s on the 1st Monday in a given month.
MONTH 0h:0m:0s on January 1st in a given year.
QUARTER 0h:0m:0s on January 1st in a given year.
YEAR 0h:0m:0s on January 1st, 1970.

For example, if period is 2 HOUR, start date of 2016-06-20 15:08 is rounded to 2016-06-20 00:00 as the base time, and the initial period starts at 2016-06-20 16:00.

Start of the day for DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR units is determined according to the server time zone unless the timezone field is specified explicitly.

Example 1

45 MINUTE-period with startDate of 2016-06-20 15:05 and endDate of 2016-06-20 17:30: [2016-06-20 15:05 - 2016-06-20 17:30).

  • Start time 2016-06-20 15:05 is rounded to 2016-06-20 00:00 as the base time.
  • Base time is incremented by 45 minutes until a period start is >= 15:05: 00:00, 00:45, 01:30, etc.
  • The first period to reach the start of the selection interval is 15:45 or [2016-06-20 15:45 - 2016-06-20 16:30).
  • The next period is incremented by 45 minutes from the start of the previous period to [2016-06-20 16:30 - 2016-06-20 17:15).
  • Subsequent periods are incremented by 45 minutes while their start time is earlier than endDate.
  • The last period is [17:15 - 18:00) however it contains partial data bounded by endDate of 17:30: [17:15 - 17:30).

Example 2

45 MINUTE-period with startDate of 2016-06-20 15:05:00.

  • Time is rounded to 15:00:00 and then incremented by 45 minutes until period start time is >= 15:05:00.
  • The period that first satisfies this condition is [15:45:00 - 16:30:00).

Example 3

365 DAY-period with startDate of 2014-12-21 00:00 and endDate of 2016-12-20 00:00.

  • Since time unit is DAY, time is rounded to 1st day of the month containing startDate, which is 2014-12-01 00:00.
  • The first period is [2014-12-01 00:00 - 2015-12-01 00:00) and its start time is outside of the selection interval.
  • The next period is [2015-12-01 00:00 - 2016-12-01 00:00) and its start time is within the selection interval.
  • The 3rd period is [2016-12-01 00:00 - 2017-12-01 00:00) and its start time is also within the selection interval, although it contains data within [2016-12-01 00:00 - 2016-12-20 00:00) interval limited by endDate.

Calculation Examples

| Period     | Start Date        | End Date          | Initial Period    | 2nd Period        | Last Period      |
| 1 MINUTE   | 2016-06-20 15:05  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-20 15:05  | 2016-06-20 15:06  | 2016-06-23 23:59 |
| 3 MINUTE   | 2016-06-20 15:05  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-20 15:06  | 2016-06-20 15:09  | 2016-06-23 23:57 |
| 37 MINUTE  | 2016-06-20 15:05  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-20 15:37  | 2016-06-20 16:14  | 2016-06-23 23:47 |
| 45 MINUTE  | 2016-06-20 15:05  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-20 15:45  | 2016-06-20 16:30  | 2016-06-23 23:15 |
| 45 MINUTE  | 2016-06-20 15:00  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-20 15:00  | 2016-06-20 15:45  | 2016-06-23 23:15 |
| 1 HOUR     | 2016-06-20 16:00  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-20 16:00  | 2016-06-20 17:00  | 2016-06-23 23:00 |
| 1 HOUR     | 2016-06-20 16:05  | 2016-06-23 23:55  | 2016-06-20 17:00  | 2016-06-20 18:00  | 2016-06-23 23:00 |
| 1 HOUR     | 2016-06-20 16:30  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-20 17:00  | 2016-06-20 18:00  | 2016-06-23 23:00 |
| 7 HOUR     | 2016-06-20 16:00  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-20 21:00  | 2016-06-21 04:00  | 2016-06-23 19:00 |
| 10 HOUR    | 2016-06-20 16:00  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-20 20:00  | 2016-06-21 06:00  | 2016-06-23 18:00 |
| 1 DAY      | 2016-06-01 16:00  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-02 00:00  | 2016-06-03 00:00  | 2016-06-23 00:00 |
| 2 DAY      | 2016-06-01 16:00  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-03 00:00  | 2016-06-05 00:00  | 2016-06-23 00:00 |
| 5 DAY      | 2016-06-01 16:00  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-06 00:00  | 2016-06-11 00:00  | 2016-06-21 00:00 |
| 10 DAY     | 2016-06-03 16:00  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-10 00:00  | 2016-06-20 00:00  | 2016-06-20 00:00 |
| 365 DAY    | 2016-06-03 16:00  | 2017-06-24 00:00  | 2017-06-01 00:00  | -                 | -                |
| 1 WEEK     | 2016-06-01 16:00  | 2016-06-24 00:00  | 2016-06-06 00:00  | 2016-06-13 00:00  | 2016-06-20 00:00 |
| 1 WEEK     | 2016-05-01 16:00  | 2016-05-24 00:00  | 2016-05-02 00:00  | 2016-05-09 00:00  | 2016-05-23 00:00 |
| 1 WEEK     | 2016-06-01 00:00  | 2016-06-02 00:00  | 1st Monday Jun-06 | -                 | -                |