Series: delete


Deletes series for the specified metric, entity, and optional series tags.

Delete Markers

Due to the specifics of the underlying storage technology, the records deleted with this method are not instantly removed from the disk.

Instead, the records are masked with a DELETE marker. The DELETE marker hides all data rows recorded before the DELETE marker.

The actual deletion from the disk, which removes both the DELETE marker as well as earlier records, occurs in the background as part of a scheduled procedure called major compaction.

As a result, series samples that are re-inserted with timestamps earlier than the pending DELETE marker is not visible.

To remove the pending DELETE markers, initiate an HBase Compaction on the Settings > Storage > Delete Tasks page. The compaction runs in the background and can take some time to complete.


Method Path Content-Type Header
POST /api/v1/series/delete application/json




An array of objects containing fields for filtering records for deletion.

Field Type Description
metric string [Required] Metric name.
entity string [Required] Entity name.
tags object Series tags object, where field name represents tag name and field value is tag value,
for example {"tag-1":"val-1","tag-2":"val2"}
exactMatch boolean If exactMatch is true, only one series with exactly the same series tags as in the request is deleted.
If false, all series which contain the series tags in the request (but can also include other series tags) are deleted.
If exactMatch is false and no series tags are specified, all series for the specified metric and entity are deleted.
Default: true.


In case of a successful operation the response contains a count of deleted series:

{ "series": 1 }

The service responds with an error message if the metric or entity is not found, or if no series are matched.

{"error":"com.axibase.tsd.service.meta.SeriesNotFoundException: No series found"}

Exact Match Example


POST /api/v1/series/delete


  "metric": "tcp-connect-status",
  "entity": "nurswgvml007",
  "exactMatch": true,
  "tags": {
    "port": 22080


curl https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/v1/series/delete \
  -k --user {username}:{password} \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '[{ "metric":"tcp-connect-status", "entity":"nurswgvml007", "exactMatch": true, "tags": {"port": 22080}}]'

Partial Match Example


POST /api/v1/series/delete


  "metric": "tcp-connect-status",
  "entity": "nurswgvml007",
  "exactMatch": false


curl https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/v1/series/delete \
  -k --user {username}:{password} \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '[{ "metric":"tcp-connect-status", "entity":"nurswgvml007", "exactMatch": false}]'