Creating Local Instances for ATSD and Axibase Collector using Docker

Below is a step-by-step guide for setting up local instances of Axibase Time Series Database (ATSD) and Axibase Collector on a Docker host.

  1. Install Docker.

  2. Download the docker-compose.yml file to launch the ATSD and Collector container bundle.

    curl -o docker-compose.yml
  3. Launch containers by specifying the built-in collector account credentials used by Axibase Collector to insert data into ATSD.

    export C_USER=myuser; export C_PASSWORD=mypassword; docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
  4. Access the ATSD user interface by navigating to https://localhost:8443. Note that it may take several minutes for the containers to launch and for ATSD to become available. Create a username and password.

  5. Log in to ATSD with your newly created username and password.

  6. Navigate to the Entities tab in ATSD. The job creates a new entity in ATSD named mr8w-325u.

    Figure 19

  7. Open Data > Replacement Tables.

    Figure 20

  8. Upload the files included in this repository (city-size, us-regions, new-york-city-2010-population, and youngstown-2010-population) into a Replacement Table. Click Save. city-size contains 2015 population figures for each of the 122 cities included in this dataset. us-regions is a list of all of the regions (i.e. 1=New-England, 2=Middle-Atlantic etc.). new-york-city-2010-population and youngstown-2010-population are used to compute mortality statistics.

    Figure 21

  9. Navigate to Data > CSV Parsers and import parser.xml.

    Figure 22

    Figure 23

    Figure 24

  10. After uploading the parser import us.population.csv.

    This file contains population estimates from for all 122 cities for 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2015. Save a local copy of this file. Open the US_population_all_cities parser and upload us.population.csv.

    Figure 25

    Figure 26

    Click To submitted tasks button.

    Figure 27

If the upload is successful, ATSD notifies:

Figure 28

Next, navigate to Metrics and enter us.population into the Search Bar.

Figure 29

Select Series.

Figure 30

Figure 31