Research Articles 2017

Use Cases

  1. CPI vs. PPI: Producers are Spending Less While Consumers are Paying More (October 2017)
  2. Bitcoin After the GHash.IO Era (October 2017)
  3. The New Face of Nuclear Proliferation (October 2017)
  4. The Slow Death of the American Auto Industry (September 2017)
  5. The Rising Federal Funds Rate in the Current Low Long-Term Interest Rate Environment (September 2017)
  6. The New Bubble: Fed Rates Stay Low While Debt Value Remains High (September 2017)
  7. Calls May Be Recorded or Monitored for Training Purposes: Using Call Abandonment Rates to Establish Thresholds (August 2017)
  8. Does the Bag Tax Work? (August 2017)
  9. United States Treasuries as International Assets: China's Role in the Federal Fund Rate (August 2017)
  10. The Port of Los Angeles: Sustainable Progress for the Future of the City (August 2017)
  11. Debt Profile of the Average American (August 2017)
  12. The Consumer Price Index Versus Your Savings Account (Bank of Israel) (July 2017)
  13. Modeling Falling Birthrates in the Prairie State (July 2017)
  14. U.S. Expatriation Statistics (Quarter 2 Update) (June 2017)
  15. Quantifying Public Health: The American Fitness Index (June 2017)
  16. Violence Begets Violence: An Analysis of the Baltimore Police Force and Baltimore Homicide Data (June 2017)
  17. Climate Change: Back to the Drawing Board (June 2017)
  18. U.S. Expatriation Statistics (April 2017)
  19. Tax Day 2017: Taxpayers of the Nation Procrastinate (April 2017)
  20. Visa Travel to the United States with Charts, SQL, and Redash (March 2017)
  21. Consumer Finance Complaints (March 2017)
  22. Norway Car Registrations (March 2017)
  23. U.S. State Department: Getting Paid $400 Million While Rejecting Visitors (March 2017)
  24. Real-time Analysis of the Oroville Dam Disaster (February 2017)
  25. Analyzing American International Trade history (February 2017)
  26. Analyzing Chicago Crime Statistics (January 2017)

Data Library

  1. Maryland Death Statistics (1993-2015) (October 2017)
  2. Foreign Businesses Operating in Hong Kong (1996-2016) (October 2017)
  3. European Union Net Migration (2004-2015) (September 2017)
  4. Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis: City of Austin (2014) (September 2017)
  5. US Dollar Exchange Rate Analysis (2012-2017) (September 2017)
  6. Projected Baltimore Employment Figures (2001-2040) (September 2017)
  7. European Union Debt by Country (2005-2016) (August 2017)
  8. European Union Per Capita Debt by Country (2005-2016) (August 2017)
  9. Tax Rate by State (2017) (August 2017)
  10. Asset Distribution of the Public Asset Portfolio - Bank of Israel (1998-2017) (July 2017)
  11. Bank of Israel Debt (1997-2016) (July 2017)
  12. Connecticut Prison Population Statistics (2009-2017) (July 2017)
  13. New York Insurance Asset Versus Liability Data (2014-2015) (July 2017)
  14. New York City Income by Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Range (2014) (June 2017)