Calculated Values with Schema-Based Parsing


Data is not always recorded ideally for a given analysis. Perhaps the required metrics are not contained in a given file, or perhaps calculations must be performed upon the given data to arrive to a series which better suits current needs.

Schema-based parsing in ATSD supports modification upon import. Thus, working with any data in SQL Console or ChartLab is more meaningful. Using Bank of Israel foreign trade data as an example, this procedure is explained within this tutorial.


Data Source: Central Bank of Israel

To start, look at the visualization, SQL query, and result set below:

Data has been imported into ATSD without modification.

SELECT date_format(time, 'yyyy') AS "Year", im.value AS "Import Percent Change", ex.value 'Export Percent Change'
  FROM import_total AS "im" JOIN export_total AS "ex"
Expand this section to view query results.
Year Import Percent Change Export Percent Change
1970 17.7 9.7
1971 10.8 23.6
1972 1.2 13.5
1973 35.2 5.5
1974 0.7 5.6
1975 4.2 1.8
1976 -2.8 14.7
1977 -3.0 11.7
1978 10.6 4.6
1979 2.8 3.0
1980 -6.2 7.8
1981 10.2 5.2
1982 3.6 -3.5
1983 6.8 1.7
1984 -1.1 13.6
1985 -0.9 10.0
1986 9.2 5.6
1987 19.6 10.2
1988 -2.8 -1.5
1989 -5.1 4.1
1990 9.5 2.0
1991 15.8 -2.8
1992 8.4 13.9
1993 14.1 10.0
1994 10.8 12.9
1995 7.7 10.0
1996 7.2 6.1
1997 4.2 9.1
1998 2.1 6.2
1999 15.6 14.6
2000 12.0 23.4
2001 -5.5 -11.7
2002 -1.2 -2.1
2003 -0.8 8.1
2004 11.8 17.6
2005 3.5 4.7
2006 3.4 5.0
2007 11.1 10.4
2008 2.5 5.8
2009 -13.9 -11.8
2010 15.1 15.2
2011 11.0 9.5
2012 2.1 -1.9
2013 -0.3 3.6
2014 3.8 1.4
2015 -0.5 -4.3
2016 9.5 3.0

The dataset shows the annual change in the amount of foreign trade done by Israel for each year from 1970 to 2016 denominated by 2010 New Israeli Shekel (NIS) value. These values are a calculated percent and the following key applies for 2016 information:

NIS Million at 2010 Prices:
2016: Total Import: 367,246; Total Export: 341,267

Only the percent change value without the raw figures is stored in dataset. Using this method, the 2010 NIS Million value can be applied to the above dataset. Thus, users can see concrete import and export figures shown by change in 2010 NIS Million, instead of percentile value.

In a local instance of ATSD navigate to Data > CSV Parsers, scroll to the bottom of the page, expand the split-button, and click Create. Copy the schema showed below to the Schema field.

var dataPer2016 = ['2016',341267,319631,183461,135824,15268,367246,356431,10984,268057,89354,21465]; // numbers for 2016
function calcAccumulatedPercent(row, col) {
    var accCoef = 1;
    for (var i = row - 1; i > 1; --i) {
        var value = cell(i, col);
        if (!value) {
            return null;
        accCoef = accCoef * 100 / (100 + 1.0 * changeSeparator(value));
    return accCoef;

function calcValueForRow(row, col) {
    if (cell(row, col)) {
        return dataPer2016[col - 1] * calcAccumulatedPercent(row, col);
    return null;

function changeSeparator(numAsStr) {
    return numAsStr ? numAsStr.replace(',', '.') : numAsStr


metric(cell(1, col) + "_actual").
value(calcValueForRow(row, col)).
value(changeSeparator(cell(row, col)))

By manually entering the actual values provided in the data set as a var group and writing a program to convert the percent change values into 2010 NIS values, before submitting the data into the ATSD, the parser calculates and inserts new values without modifying the originals.

The script below the comment line ###### is the schema. For details about writing a custom schema, refer to Uploading CSV Files.

Because ATSD supports schema-based parsing and JavaScript customization, modify data before submission to store and insert data exactly as needed.

An enhanced SQL query and visualization are shown below, featuring newly calculated values:

SELECT date_format(time, 'yyyy') AS "Year", ima.value AS "Import Total", im.value AS "Import Percent Change", exa.value AS "Export Total", ex.value 'Export Percent Change'
  FROM import_total AS "im" JOIN import_total_actual AS "ima" JOIN export_total AS "ex" JOIN export_total_actual AS "exa"
Expand this section to view query results.
Year Import Total Import Percent Change Export Total Export Percent Change
1970 36111.9 17.7 21892.3 9.7
1971 40011.9 10.8 27058.9 23.6
1972 40492.1 1.2 30711.9 13.5
1973 54745.3 35.2 32401.0 5.5
1974 55128.5 0.7 34215.5 5.6
1975 57443.9 4.2 34831.4 1.8
1976 55835.5 -2.8 39951.6 14.7
1977 54160.4 -3.0 44625.9 11.7
1978 59901.4 10.6 46678.7 4.6
1979 61578.7 2.8 48079.1 3.0
1980 57760.8 -6.2 51829.2 7.8
1981 63652.4 10.2 54524.3 5.2
1982 65943.9 3.6 52616.0 -3.5
1983 70428.1 6.8 53510.5 1.7
1984 69653.3 -1.1 60787.9 13.6
1985 69026.5 -0.9 66866.7 10.0
1986 75376.9 9.2 70611.2 5.6
1987 90150.8 19.6 77813.6 10.2
1988 87626.6 -2.8 76646.3 -1.5
1989 83157.6 -5.1 79788.8 4.1
1990 91057.6 9.5 81384.6 2.0
1991 105444.7 15.8 79105.9 -2.8
1992 114302.0 8.4 90101.6 13.9
1993 130418.6 14.1 99111.7 10.0
1994 144503.8 10.8 111897.1 12.9
1995 155630.6 7.7 123086.9 10.0
1996 166836.0 7.2 130595.2 6.1
1997 173843.1 4.2 142479.3 9.1
1998 177493.8 2.1 151313.0 6.2
1999 205182.9 15.6 173404.7 14.6
2000 229804.8 12.0 213981.4 23.4
2001 217165.6 -5.5 188945.6 -11.7
2002 214559.6 -1.2 184977.8 -2.1
2003 212843.1 -0.8 199960.9 8.1
2004 237958.6 11.8 235154.1 17.6
2005 246287.1 3.5 246206.3 4.7
2006 254660.9 3.4 258516.6 5.0
2007 282928.2 11.1 285402.4 10.4
2008 290001.4 2.5 301955.7 5.8
2009 249691.2 -13.9 266324.9 -11.8
2010 287394.6 15.1 306806.3 15.2
2011 319008.0 11.0 335952.9 9.5
2012 325707.2 2.1 329569.8 -1.9
2013 324730.1 -0.3 341434.3 3.6
2014 337069.8 3.8 346214.4 1.4
2015 335384.5 -0.5 331327.2 -4.3
2016 367246.0 9.5 341267.0 3.0