Group Processor

The transformation groups multiple input series and applies a statistical function to grouped values, producing new series.

The transformation is implemented as follows:

  1. Load detailed data for each series separately (input series).

  2. Combine input series into groups based on the groupByEntityAndTags setting.

  3. Split each group into subgroups based on the place setting.

  4. Create multi-value series for each subgroup. Multi-value series is a list of pairs: (timestamp, samples of several series) ordered by timestamps. The way series is constructed depends on the period setting.

    a. The period is specified explicitly in the query.
    Split each series time:value array into periods. Discard periods with start time earlier than startDate or greater than endDate. For each period create the pair (timestamp, collection of samples) and add it to the multi-valued series. The timestamp equals to the period start time. The collection of samples consists of multiple series samples within the period. Thus a series sample belongs to the collection of samples if its timestamp belongs to the period.

    b. The period is not specified.
    In this case the multi-value series consists of pairs (timestamp, multiple series samples with given timestamp), for each timestamp present in the input series within the subgroup.

  5. Interpolate each multi-value series according to the interpolate field.

  6. Truncate each multi-value series if truncate field is true.

  7. Calculate aggregated series for each specified statistical function, and each multi-value series. Statistical functions are set in the type, or types setting. To build aggregated series, the statistical function is applied to the samples for each pair in a multi-value series. Thus aggregated series contains sample (timestamp, aggregated value) per each pair (timestamp, samples) of multi-value series. The aggregated value is value of the statistical function applied to the samples.


Name Type Description
groupByEntityAndTags array Array of tag names which determines how series are grouped.
Default: null.
type string [type or types is Required] Statistical function applied to values with the same timestamp or within the same period, if the period is specified.
The type can be set to DETAIL in which case no grouping is performed and the underlying series is returned unchanged.
types array [type or types is Required] Array of statistical functions. Each function in the array produces a separate grouped series. If one of the functions is set to DETAIL, its result contains the underlying series.
period object Period. Splits the merged series into periods and applies the statistical function to values in each period separately.
interpolate object Interpolation function to fill gaps in input series (no period) or in grouped series (if period is specified).
truncate boolean Discards samples at the beginning of the interval until values for all input series are established.
Default: false.
place object Allocate grouped series to subgroups based on constraints and the objective function specified in the place object.
Default: null.

Series Grouping

If the groupByEntityAndTags setting is not set in the request, all input series are placed into a single group.

If the array is empty, the input series are placed in the same group if they have the same entity.

"groupByEntityAndTags": []

If the array of tag names is not empty, any two series belong to the same group if and only if they have the same entity, and for each specified tag name either both series have the same value of the tag, or both do not have the tag.

"groupByEntityAndTags": ["tag-name-1", "tag-name-2"]

Grouping Example

Consider a set of series with the following entities and tags:

| index | entity | tag-name-1  | tag-name-2  |
| 1     | e-1    |             |             |
| 2     | e-1    | tag-value-1 |             |
| 3     | e-1    |             | tag-value-1 |
| 4     | e-1    | tag-value-1 | tag-value-2 |
| 5     | e-1    | tag-value-2 |             |
| 6     | e-2    |             |             |
| 7     | e-2    |             | tag-value-1 |

The request groups series by entity and tag with name tag-name-1:

"groupByEntityAndTags": ["tag-1-name"]

The result contains 4 groups:

  • {1, 3} - Same entity e-1 and no tag-1-name
  • {2, 4} - Same entity e-1 and same tag-1-name value
  • {5} - Only one series with a different tag-name-1 value
  • {6, 7} - Same entity e-2 and no tag-1-name

View the full example for more details.

Grouping Functions

  • MIN
  • MAX
  • AVG
  • SUM
  • LAST


Interpolation Fields

Name Type Description
type string [Required] Interpolation function.
value number [Required by VALUE function] Constant number used to set value for the missing periods.
extend boolean Add missing periods at the beginning and the end of the selection interval. Default: false.

Values added by extend setting are determined as follows:

  • If the VALUE {n} interpolation function is specified, the extend option sets empty leading/trailing period values to equal {n}.
  • Without the VALUE {n} function, the extend option adds missing periods at the beginning and end of the selection interval using the NEXT and PREVIOUS interpolation functions.

Interpolation Functions

Type Description
NONE No interpolation. Periods without any detailed values are excluded from results.
PREVIOUS Set value for the period based on the previous period value.
NEXT Set value for the period based on the next period value.
LINEAR Calculate period value using linear interpolation between previous and next period values.
VALUE Set value for the period to a specific number.



Detailed Data by Series

| entity | datetime             | value |
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z | 1     |
| e-2    | 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z | 11    |
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z | 3     | e-1 only
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 5     | e-1 only
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8     |
| e-2    | 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8     |
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3     |
| e-2    | 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 13    |
| e-1    | 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 5     |
| e-2    | 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 15    |
| e-2    | 2016-06-25T08:00:59Z | 19    | e-2 only

Detailed Data Grouped by Timestamp

| datetime             | e1.value | e2.value |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z | 1        | 11       |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z | 3        | -        |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 5        | -        |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8        | 8        |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3        | 13       |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 5        | 15       |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:59Z | -        | 19       |

No Aggregation

When aggregation is disabled, the group function is applied to values for all unique timestamps in the merged series.

In the example below, the SUM function returns 12 = (1+11) at 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z as a total of e-1 and e-2 series values, both of which have samples this timestamp.

On the other hand, the SUM returns 3 = (3 + null->0) at 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z because only e-1 series has a value at that timestamp.

    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:00Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM"
| datetime             | e1.value | e2.value | SUM |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z | 1        | 11       | 12  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z | 3        | -        | 3   |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 5        | -        | 5   |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8        | 8        | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3        | 13       | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 5        | 15       | 20  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:59Z | -        | 19       | 19  |


Truncation discards timestamps at the beginning of the interval until all of the merged values have a value.

The example below uses startDate of 2016-06-25T08:00:01Z.

The first time is MAX(MIN(series_sample_time)), the last time is MIN(MAX(series_sample_time)).

MAX(MIN(series_sample_time)) = 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z.

MIN(MAX(series_sample_time)) = 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z.

| datetime             | e1.value | e2.value | SUM |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z | 3        | -        | 3   | discarded because time < MAX(MIN(series_sample_time))
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 5        | -        | 5   | discarded because time < MAX(MIN(series_sample_time))
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8        | 8        | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3        | 13       | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 5        | 15       | 20  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:59Z | -        | 19       | 19  | discarded because time > MIN(MAX(series_sample_time))

Samples for series e-1 at 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z and at 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z are discarded because there is no value for series e-2 until 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z.

Sample for series e-2 at 2016-06-25T08:00:59Z is discarded because there is no value for series e-1 after 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z.

    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:01Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM",
      "truncate": true
| datetime             | e1.value | e2.value | SUM |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8        | 8        | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3        | 13       | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 5        | 15       | 20  |


An opposite operation to truncation, extend adds missing values at the beginning and end of the interval to ensure that all merged series have values when the group function is applied.

| datetime             | e1.value | e2.value | SUM |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z | 3        | 8 +      | 11  | e2.value extended to start at the beginning of the interval
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 5        | 8 +      | 13  | e2.value extended to start at the beginning of the interval
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8        | 8        | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3        | 13       | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 5        | 15       | 20  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:59Z | 5 +      | 19       | 24  | e1.value extended until the end of the interval
    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:01Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM",
      "interpolate": {
        "type": "NONE",
        "extend": true

Extend is similar to interpolation where missing values at the beginning of in interval are interpolated with NEXT type, and missing values at the end of the interval are interpolated with PREVIOUS type.

| datetime             | e1.value | e2.value | SUM |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z | 3        | 8 +(NEXT)| 11  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 5        | 8 +(NEXT)| 13  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8        | 8        | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3        | 13       | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 5        | 15       | 20  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:59Z | 5 +(PREV)| 19       | 24  |

Since extend is performed prior to truncation, truncate setting has no effect on extended results.


Interpolation fills the gaps in the detailed series. Its behavior depends on the period parameter specified in the group processor.

period parameter is not specified

The interpolate function is applied to two consecutive samples of the same series to calculate an interim value for a known timestamp.


    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:00Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM",
      "interpolate": { "type": "PREVIOUS" }



Two interpolated values are added to the second series:

| datetime             | e1.value | e2.value | SUM |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z | 1        | 11       | 12  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z | 3        | 11 (PREV)| 14  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 5        | 11 (PREV)| 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8        | 8        | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3        | 13       | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 5        | 15       | 20  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:59Z | -        | 19       | 19  |

period parameter is specified

Assume that t1, t2, t3 are timestamps of consecutive periods, and the series has no samples in the t2 period. Then interpolated value of the t2 period is calculated based on two samples: (t1, v1) and (t3, v3), where v1 - is the last series value within the t1 period, and v3 is the first series value within the t3 period.


[ {
    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:00Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM",
      "period": {"count": 10, "unit": "SECOND"},
      "interpolate": {"type": "PREVIOUS"}


    "entity": "*", ...,
    "data": [
      {"d": "2016-06-25T08:00:00Z", "v": 15},
      {"d": "2016-06-25T08:00:10Z", "v": 21},
      {"d": "2016-06-25T08:00:20Z", "v": 16},
      {"d": "2016-06-25T08:00:30Z", "v": 16},
      {"d": "2016-06-25T08:00:40Z", "v": 20},
      {"d": "2016-06-25T08:00:50Z", "v": 19}

Interpolated values added to each of the grouped series:

|                      |          |          | group                | e1 grouped   | e2 grouped   |     |
| datetime             | e1.value | e2.value | timestamp            | interpolated | interpolated | SUM |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z | 1        | 11       | 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z | 1, 3         | 11           | 15  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z | 3        | -        |                      |              |              |     |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 5        | -        | 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 5, 8         | 8            | 21  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8        | 8        |                      |              |              |     |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:20Z | -        | -        | 2016-06-25T08:00:20Z | 8 (PREV)     | 8 (PREV)     | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3        | 13       | 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3            | 13           | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:40Z | -        | -        | 2016-06-25T08:00:40Z | 5            | 15           | 20  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 5        | 15       |                      |              |              |     |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:50Z | -        | -        | 2016-06-25T08:00:50Z | -            | 19           | 19  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:59Z | -        | 19       |                      |              |              |     |

Group Aggregation

By default, the group function is applied to all unique sample times from the merged series. To split values into periods, specify a period.

    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:00Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM",
        "period": {"count": 10, "unit": "SECOND"}

This is equivalent to Group <-> Aggregation processing in case of SUM+SUM functions.

    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:00Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "aggregate": {
      "type": "SUM",
      "period": {"count": 10, "unit": "SECOND"}
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM",
      "period": {"count": 10, "unit": "SECOND"}

Aggregation -> Group

The Aggregation -> Group order creates aggregate series for each of the merged series and then performs grouping of the aggregated series.

The timestamps used for grouping combine period start times from the underlying aggregated series.

| 10-sec period start  | e1.COUNT | e2.COUNT | SUM |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z | 2        | 1        | 3   |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 2        | 1        | 3   |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:20Z | -        | -        | -   | Period not created because there are no detailed values in the [00:20-00:30) period for any series.
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 1        | 1        | 2   |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:40Z | 1        | 1        | 2   |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:50Z | 0        | 1        | 1   |
    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:00Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "aggregate": {
      "type": "COUNT",
      "period": {"count": 10, "unit": "SECOND"}
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM"

Group -> Aggregation

The Group -> Aggregation merges series first, and then splits the merged series into periods.

At the first stage, grouping produces the following SUM series:

    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:00Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM"
| datetime             | e1.value | e2.value | SUM |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z | 1        | 11       | 12  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:05Z | 3        | -        | 3   |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 5        | -        | 5   |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:15Z | 8        | 8        | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 3        | 13       | 16  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:45Z | 5        | 15       | 20  |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:59Z | -        | 19       | 19  |

The grouped SUM series is then aggregated into periods.

Note that if period is not specified, the group function automatically applies aggregation for the same period as the aggregate function.
To avoid this, specify "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "MILLISECOND"} in group.

    "startDate": "2016-06-25T08:00:00Z",
    "endDate":   "2016-06-25T08:01:00Z",
    "entities": ["e-1", "e-2"],
    "metric": "m-1",
    "aggregate": {
      "type": "COUNT",
      "period": {"count": 10, "unit": "SECOND"}
    "group": {
      "type": "SUM",
      "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "MILLISECOND"}
| datetime             | COUNT(SUM(value)) |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:00Z | 2                 |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:10Z | 2                 |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:30Z | 1                 |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:40Z | 1                 |
| 2016-06-25T08:00:50Z | 1                 |


The place setting specifies how to place grouped series into subgroups based on constraints and the objective function. The operation supports two placement types: partitioning and packing.

Place Fields

Name Type Description
count integer Maximum number of subgroups. The response can contain less than the maximum.
constraint string Boolean expression that series in each subgroup must satisfy, for example max() < 10.
minimize string Objective function calculated for each subgroup. Partitioning into subgroups is performed to minimize the sum of function values.
method string The algorithm used to solve the packing problem. Allowed values: greedy_simple (default), or greedy_correlations.
entities array Entities containing group-specific information using entity tags with numeric characteristics of a subgroup.
entityGroup string Alternative to entities setting using an entity group name.
entityExpression string Alternative to entities setting using an expression.

Functions Available in the Place Context

  • stdev()
  • median_abs_dev()
  • max()
  • min()
  • sum()
  • count()
  • median()
  • avg()
  • percentile(p)


The algorithm finds the best partitioning of a given group of time series into no more than the specified number of subgroups.

The best combination is determined such that each group satisfies the constraint condition and the objective function value is minimal. Objective function is the sum of values of the minimize formula for all subgroups.

The maximum number of subgroups is limited by the count setting.

To find the exact solution the algorithm iterates over all possible combinations, and calculates the objective function for each combination as follows:

  • Create aggregated series for each subgroup, using the specified type, period, interpolate, and truncate settings.

  • Check boolean constraint expression for each aggregated series. Discard the partitions for which the constraint is false for one of the subgroups. The constraint expression can include statistical functions applied to aggregated series.

  • For each subgroup calculate the value of the minimize expression, which can also reference the same statistical functions.

  • Calculate the value of the objective function as sum of values calculated at the previous step.

The combination with the lowest objective function value and the smallest number of subgroups is selected as the best partitioning.

Partitioning Algorithm Complexity

The algorithm checks all combinations of the N input series subject to the count limit. The total number of combinations equals S(N, 1) + S(N, 2) + ... + S(N, count) where S is the Stirling number. This sum grows extremely fast, for example, there are over 16 trillion combinations to check if the number of input series is 20 and they are allocated to no more than 7 subgroups. The implementation expects N to not exceed 64, and throws an error if number of partitions exceeds 1,000,000.

Query Example

  "startDate": "2019-02-01T00:00:00Z",
  "endDate":   "2019-08-08T00:00:00Z",
  "entity": "*",
  "metric": "cpu_usage",
  "group": {
    "type": "SUM",
    "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "HOUR"},
    "interpolate": {"extend": false, "type": "NONE"},
    "place": {
      "count": 3,
      "constraint": "max() < 10",
      "minimize": "stdev()"
  "limit": 2


The response contains information about each subgroup: grouped series keys, the minimize expression value for the subgroup as groupScore, the objective function value as totalScore, and aggregated series for the subgroup as the data.

    "entity": "*",
    "metric": "lp_usage",
    "exactMatch": false,
    "type": "HISTORY",
    "meta": {
      "groupScore": 0.0021842975376114887,
      "series": [
        {"entity": "lp_1", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_1"},
        {"entity": "lp_2", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_2"},
        {"entity": "lp_3", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_3"}
      "name": "lp_1 lp_2 lp_3",
      "totalScore": 0.0021842975376114887
    "transformationOrder": ["GROUP"],
    "group": {
      "series": [
        {"entity": "lp_1", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_1"},
        {"entity": "lp_2", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_2"},
        {"entity": "lp_3", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_3"}
      "groupScore": 0.0021842975376114887,
      "totalScore": 0.0021842975376114887,
      "type": "SUM",
      "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "HOUR", "align": "CALENDAR"},
      "interpolate": {"type": "NONE", "extend": false},
      "truncate": false,
      "place": {"count": 3, "constraint": "max() < 10", "minimize": "stdev()"}
    "data": [
      {"d": "2019-02-07T22:00:00.000Z", "v": 4.998999189242195},
      {"d": "2019-02-07T23:00:00.000Z", "v": 5.000519124198814}
    "entity": "*",
    "metric": "lp_usage",
    "exactMatch": false,
    "type": "HISTORY",
    "meta": {
      "groupScore": 0,
      "series": [
        {"entity": "lp_6", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_6"},
        {"entity": "lp_7", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_7"}
      "name": "lp_6 lp_7",
      "totalScore": 0.0021842975376114887
    "transformationOrder": ["GROUP"],
    "group": {
      "series": [
        {"entity": "lp_6", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_6"},
        {"entity": "lp_7", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_7"}
      "groupScore": 0,
      "totalScore": 0.0021842975376114887,
      "type": "SUM",
      "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "HOUR", "align": "CALENDAR"},
      "interpolate": {"type": "NONE", "extend": false},
      "truncate": false,
      "place": {"count": 3, "constraint": "max() < 10", "minimize": "stdev()"}
    "data": [
      {"d": "2019-02-07T22:00:00.000Z", "v": 5},
      {"d": "2019-02-07T23:00:00.000Z", "v": 5}
    "entity": "*",
    "metric": "lp_usage",
    "exactMatch": false,
    "type": "HISTORY",
    "meta": {
      "groupScore": 0,
      "series": [
        {"entity": "lp_4", "tags": {},"label": "lp_4"},
        {"entity": "lp_5", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_5"}
      "name": "lp_4 lp_5",
      "totalScore": 0.0021842975376114887
    "transformationOrder": ["GROUP"],
    "group": {
      "series": [
        {"entity": "lp_4", "tags": {},"label": "lp_4"},
        {"entity": "lp_5", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_5"}
      "groupScore": 0,
      "totalScore": 0.0021842975376114887,
      "type": "SUM",
      "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "HOUR", "align": "CALENDAR"},
      "interpolate": {"type": "NONE", "extend": false},
      "truncate": false,
      "place": {"count": 3, "constraint": "max() < 10", "minimize": "stdev()"}
    "data": [
      {"d": "2019-02-07T22:00:00.000Z", "v": 5},
      {"d": "2019-02-07T23:00:00.000Z", "v": 5}


The packing algorithm divides series into the smallest number of subgroups, where each subgroup satisfies the constraint.

The objective function is ignored by the packing algorithm, but the constraint expression can use numeric parameters specific for each subgroup, and numeric parameters specific for each series.

Each entity specified in the entities, or entityGroup, or entityExpression holds numeric parameters of single subgroup as values of its tags. These values are available in the constraint expression by the tag names.

Subgroup Parameters Example

Assume the following entities with tags cpu_limit and memory_limit.

| entity name/tags | cpu_limit | memory_limit |
| lp_group_1       |        10 |           20 |
| lp_group_2       |         8 |           40 |
| lp_group_3       |        12 |           10 |
| lp_group_4       |        14 |           20 |
| lp_group_5       |         8 |           10 |

The constraint expression can reference the cpu_limit variable which resolves to the cpu_limit entity tag for the given entity.

"constraint": "max() < cpu_limit"

When the above expression is evaluated for the subgroup corresponding to the entity lp_group_3, the value of cpu_limit is 12.

Each series can also store numeric parameters in series entity tags. To reference these parameters in the constraint expression use tag name prepended by the series. prefix.

Series Parameters Example

Following series entities have tag memory_allocated:

| entity name/tags | memory_allocated |
| lp_1             |                4 |
| lp_2             |                4 |
| lp_3             |                4 |
| lp_4             |                8 |
| lp_5             |                4 |
| lp_6             |                2 |
| lp_7             |                4 |

The following constraint checks that sum of memory_allocated parameters of all series in a subgroup is less than 14:

"constraint": "sum(series.memory_allocated) < 14"

Subgroup and Series Parameters Example

Series with entities lp_2, lp_3, lp_6 are placed in a group associated with entity lp_group_1. Consider the constraint:

"constraint": "max() < cpu_limit && sum(series.memory_allocated) < memory_limit"

It checks that maximum value of aggregated series computed for lp_2, lp_3, lp_6 is less than cpu_limit which equals 10, and sum of memory allocated to each series sum(series.memory_allocated) = 4 + 4 + 2 is less that memory_limit which equals 20.

Packing Algorithm

The exact solution of the packing algorithm requires checking complexity combinations where N is the number of series and K is the maximum number of subgroups. This is computationally unfeasible if N and K are sufficiently large. As a workaround, the database applies the following heuristics:

  1. Sort entities by name.
  2. Check each entity, and build a subgroup for the given entity.
  3. If all entities are checked and there are still unassigned series, place them into a special subgroup.

The subgroup containing unassigned series is formed depends on the method setting.

Method greedy_simple

The method sorts series lexicographically by key which contains entity and tags. Unassigned series are iterated and inserted into the current group if the constraint is not violated.

Method greedy_correlations

  1. Select the first series in the subgroup. Iterate over unassigned series sorted by series name and select the first series that satisfies the constraint.

  2. For series that are already assigned to subgroups calculate the aggregation function, specified in the type parameter. Calculate correlations between assigned series and unassigned series (both aggregated). Sort unassigned series by correlation in the ascending order. Iterate over unassigned series starting with series with the lowest correlation, and add the series to the subgroup. With the series added, repeat all calculations: recalculate aggregated series, the correlations coefficients, and add next series to the subgroup. The step is completed if no more series can be added to the subgroup.

Approximate Query Example

  "startDate": "2019-02-01T00:00:00Z",
  "endDate":   "2019-02-08T00:00:00Z",
  "entity": "*",
  "metric": "lp_usage",
  "group": {
    "type": "SUM",
    "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "HOUR"},
    "interpolate": {"extend": true, "type": "LINEAR"},
    "place": {
      "entities": ["lp_group_1", "lp_group_2", "lp_group_3", "lp_group_4", "lp_group_5"],
      "constraint": "max() < cpu_limit && sum(series.memory_allocated) < memory_limit",
      "method": "greedy_correlations"

Approximate Query Response

    "metric": "lp_usage",
    "entity": "*",
    "exactMatch": false,
    "type": "HISTORY",
    "meta": {
      "groupScore": 0,
      "series": [
        {"entity": "lp_1", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_1"},
        {"entity": "lp_2", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_2"},
        {"entity": "lp_3", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_3"},
        {"entity": "lp_5", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_5"}
      "name": "lp_1 lp_2 lp_3 lp_5",
      "group-entity": "lp_group_1",
      "grouping-tags": {
        "cpu_limit": "10",
        "memory_limit": "20"
      "totalScore": 0
    "transformationOrder": ["GROUP"],
    "group": {
      "series": [
        {"entity": "lp_1", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_1"},
        {"entity": "lp_2", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_2"},
        {"entity": "lp_3", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_3"},
        {"entity": "lp_5", "tags": {}, "label": "lp_5"}
      "entity": "lp_group_1",
      "tags": {"cpu_limit": "10", "memory_limit": "20"},
      "type": "SUM",
      "period": {"count": 1, "unit": "HOUR", "align": "CALENDAR"},
      "interpolate": {"type": "LINEAR", "extend": true},
      "truncate": false,
      "place": {
          "count": 0,
        "constraint": "max() < cpu_limit && sum(series.memory_allocated) < memory_limit"
    "data": [
        "d": "2019-02-07T23:00:00.000Z",
        "v": 9.000519124198814
        "d": "2019-02-08T00:00:00.000Z",
        "v": 9.000519124198814