Entities: list


Retrieves a list of entities matching the specified filters.


Method Path
GET /api/v1/entities

Query Parameters

Filter Parameters

Name Type Description
expression string Include entities that match a filter expression consisting of fields and operators.
Supported wildcards: * and ?.
Example: name LIKE 'nur*' or tags.app = 'db'
minInsertDate string Include entities with lastInsertDate equal or greater than minInsertDate.
ISO format date or calendar keyword, for example 2017-10-01T00:00:00Z or current_day.
maxInsertDate string Include entities with lastInsertDate less than maxInsertDate, including entities without lastInsertDate.
ISO format date or calendar keyword, for example 2017-10-01T00:00:00Z or now - 1*DAY.

Control Parameters

Name Type Description
tags string Comma-separated list of entity tag names to include in the response, for example: app,OS,location.
Specify * wildcard to include all entity tags.
Use wildcard as part of name pattern, for example loc*, to include matching entity tags.
Default: no tags are included.
addInsertTime boolean Include calculated field lastInsertDate, which requires additional processing, in the response.
The default value is inherited from the default.addInsertTime setting on the Settings > Server Properties page which is set to true by default.
limit integer Maximum number of entities to retrieve, ordered by name. Default: 0 (unlimited).


The expression can include all fields listed below except the calculated lastInsertDate field that can be filtered using minInsertDate and maxInsertDate parameters for performance reasons.


  • Retrieve entities with name starting with nur.
name LIKE 'nur*'
  • Retrieve entities with label not starting with aws and created after '2017-Oct-01'.
lower(label) NOT LIKE 'aws*' AND createdDate > '2017-10-01T00:00:00Z'
  • Retrieve entities with tag function equal to database (case insensitive comparison).
lower(tags.function) = 'database'
  • Retrieve entities with non-empty function tag.
tags.function != ''
  • Retrieve entities without any tags and name consisting of 64 characters.
tags.size() == 0 && name.length() == 64



Name Type Description
name string Entity name.
label string Entity label.
enabled boolean Enabled status. Incoming data is discarded for disabled entities.
interpolate string Interpolation mode: LINEAR or PREVIOUS.
Used in SQL WITH INTERPOLATE clause when interpolation mode is set to AUTO, for example, WITH INTERPOLATE(1 MINUTE, AUTO).
timeZone string Time Zone ID, for example EST.
Refer to the Time Zone table for a list of supported Time Zone IDs.
The time zone is applied by date-formatting functions to return local time in entity-specific time zone.
createdDate string Date of entity creation in ISO format.
versionDate string Date of entity change in ISO format.
lastInsertDate string Last time a value is received by the database for this entity in ISO format.
tags object Entity tags, as requested with the tags parameter.



Example 1



GET /api/v1/entities?timeFormat=iso&limit=2&expression=name%20LIKE%20%27nurs*%27




curl "https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/v1/entities?timeFormat=iso&limit=2&expression=name%20LIKE%20%27nurs*%27" \
  -k --user {username}:{password}


    "name": "nurswgdkr002",
    "enabled": true,
    "lastInsertDate": "2018-09-04T15:43:36.000Z",
    "createdDate": "2014-10-03T07:09:54.551Z"
    "name": "nurswgvml001",
    "label": "NURSWGDKR002.corp.example.org",
    "enabled": false

Example 2

Expression value:

name != '' or tags.keyName != '' or label != null or enabled = true or interpolate = 'LINEAR' or timeZone != ''



GET /api/v1/entities?expression=label!=%22%22%20and%20enabled=true%20and%20interpolate!=%22%22%20and%20timeZone!=%22%22




curl https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/v1/entities?expression=label!=%22%22%20and%20enabled=true%20and%20interpolate!=%22%22%20and%20timeZone!=%22%22 \
  -k --user {username}:{password}


    "name": "nurswgdkl001",
    "enabled": true,
    "timeZone": "PST",
    "lastInsertDate": "2016-10-28T08:37:05.000Z",
    "versionDate":    "2020-10-28T08:37:05.000Z",
    "interpolate": "LINEAR",
    "label": "NURswgdkl001"

Additional examples