Server Properties

Server properties are displayed on the Settings > Server Properties page.

Properties are grouped into multiple section. Each property has a tooltip which describes the setting.

Default Values

The Default Value column shows the original value for a given property.

Whenever a value deviates from the default, the database displays the field highlighted in blue.

To reset a property to the default value, leave the value blank and click Save.

Changing Properties

Modifications performed on the Server Properties page apply instantly after clicking Save.

Disabled properties highlighted in grey or blue and grey cannot be changed in the user interface and must be modified in the /opt/atsd/atsd/conf/ file. These modifications require a database restart.

The file can also be changed on the Settings > Configuration Files page by users with administrative permissions, however a database restart is still required.

Configuring Scheduled Tasks

To disable a task in the Scheduled Tasks table, enter No or use the drop-down list to select Never for the selected task.

To disable the or the search.indexing.incremental task, set the count to zero (0).

Exporting Properties

Export the current properties, as well as operating system settings and metrics, in JSON format by clicking Export Configuration at the bottom of the page.

Property Reference

Bold property names can only be modified in the file by a qualified user and require a database restart.


Property Default Value Description
entity.countToUseFilter 2 Applies to Data API queries with entity wildcard (*). If entity count is greater than entity.countToUseFilter, one scan with skips is used. Otherwise a separate scan is executed for each query.
hbase.compaction.list d properties message li tag forecast List of HBase table names for which the major compaction is performed by the task triggered with hbase.compaction.schedule. The list contains ATSD data tables.
hbase.compression.type none HBase-level compression. Supported options: none, gz, lzo, snappy, lz4, and zstd.
hbase.compression.type.raw none HBase-level compression applied to raw time series data. Supported options are: none, gz, lzo, snappy, lz4, and zstd.
hbase.table.prefix atsd_ Prefix added to all HBase tables created by ATSD.
htable.executor.corePoolSize 16 Minimum number of worker threads performing HBase queries such as scans. This pool does not include series and properties write threads.
htable.executor.maxPoolSize 32 Maximum number of worker threads performing HBase queries such as scans. This pool does not include series and properties write threads.
last.insert.cache.max.size 100000 Maximum number of series records kept in the Last Insert cache. If the limit is reached by the cache, records older than ten minutes, based on received time, are removed. If the cache remains more than 75% full, messages older than one minute are removed.
last.insert.write.period.seconds 15 Interval at which updated series from the Last Insert cache are persisted to the database.
messages.timeToLive 31536000 Number of seconds after which records are deleted from the atsd_messages table. The retention is based on the insertion time, not the record timestamp. The default is 365 days (365*24*3600).
properties.batch.size 512 Number of property records sent to HBase in each PUT command.
properties.queue.limit 8192 Maximum number of property records waiting in memory to be inserted into HBase.
properties.queue.pool.size 4 Maximum number of work threads sending property records into HBase.
properties.queue.rejection.policy BLOCK Policy that controls the behavior when the number of property records in memory reaches the properties.queue.limit. BLOCK policy slows down clients. DISCARD policy deletes most recent records in case of overflow.
scan.caching.size 2048 Number of rows sent to ATSD HBase in each RPC request. Setting the property to a low value causes unnecessary round-trips to the region server, while setting it to a large value requires more memory on the client and causes unnecessary rows to be sent to the client.
series.batch.size 1024 Number of series samples sent to HBase in each PUT command.
series.queue.limit 32768 Maximum number of series samples waiting in memory to be inserted into HBase.
series.queue.pool.size 4 Maximum number of worker threads sending series samples into HBase.
series.queue.rejection.policy BLOCK Policy that controls the behavior when the number of series samples in memory reaches the series.queue.limit. BLOCK policy slows down clients, DISCARD policy deletes most recent samples in case of overflow.

Scheduled Tasks

Property Default Value Description
data.compaction.schedule 0 0 22 * * * Schedule for launching a data compaction task. The task compresses raw values into a smaller number of daily rows.
delete.schedule 0 0 21 * * * Schedule for running a task to remove deleted entities, metrics, and properties. The task masks deleted data by placing Delete markers that hide the data from reading scans. 1 minute Interval at which entity groups with expression-based memberships are re-evaluated to add new entities and remove non-matching members from the group. Specify the interval in seconds, minutes, or hours. 0 0 1 * * * Schedule for running a task to automatically delete series samples for metrics with a configured retention interval. This task masks deleted data by placing Delete markers that hide the data from reading scans.
expired.series.removal.schedule 0 0 2 * * * Schedule for running a task to automatically delete expired time series for metrics with a configured series retention interval. This task masks deleted data by placing Delete markers that hide the data from reading scans.
hbase.compaction.schedule 0 0 1 * * * Schedule for triggering a major compaction in HBase. A major compactions removes Delete markers and that data is hidden. The compaction also re-writes storage files for optimal storage.
internal.backup.schedule 0 30 23 * * * Schedule for backing up ATSD configuration records to XML files in ./atsd/backup directory.
search.indexing.full.schedule 0 0 3 * * * Schedule at which the Series Search index is rebuilt.
search.indexing.incremental.interval 5 minute Interval at which the Series Search index is refreshed. Specify the interval in seconds, minutes, or hours.


Property Default Value Description
internal.metrics.dump.path ../logs/metrics.txt Absolute or relative path to a file containing current database monitoring parameters. Relative path must be relative to base ATSD directory. The file is refreshed every 15 seconds.
jmx.access.file None Absolute path to JMX access file containing the list of users and their read and write permissions.
jmx.enabled No JMX service status. localhost Hostname returned by the JMX service for Data connections.
jmx.password.file None Absolute path to JMX password file.
jmx.port 1099 Port on which JMX service is listening.


Property Default Value Description
http.port 8088 Port for plaintext HTTP protocol.
https.keyManagerPassword None Java SSL Key Manager password.
https.keyStorePassword None Java SSL Key Store password.
https.port 8443 Port for secure HTTP protocol.
https.trustStorePassword None Java SSL Trust Store password.
input.disconnect.on.error Yes Stop the TCP connection if a malformed command is received. Applies to Network API series, property, and message commands.
input.port 8081 TCP port for sending Network API commands.
input.socket.keep-alive Yes Enable keepalive for TCP sockets open on input.port
input.socket.receive-buffer-size -1 Network memory buffer for processing commands received on the input.port.
pickle.port 8084 TCP for sending commands serialized in Python pickle format.
series.processing.pool.size 2 Number of thread processing series commands received over TCP.
udp.input.port 8082 UDP port for sending Network API commands.


Property Default Value Description 50 Maximum number of metrics matched by metric LIKE expression in atsd_series tables. 51200 Maximum number of rows to be processed in memory by grouping and ordering queries. The limit is shared by all concurrently executing queries. If a query selects more rows than remain in shared memory, the query is processed by ATSD using a temporary table which results in increased response times.


Cache usage statistics are available as cache.size and cache.used_percent metrics, and on the Settings > Cache Management page.

Property Default Value Description
cache.entity.maximum.size 100000 Maximum number of entity records to keep in server memory cache.
cache.metric.maximum.value 50000 Maximum number of metric records to keep in server memory cache.
cache.tagKey.maximum.size 50000 Maximum number of tag names to keep in server memory cache.
cache.tagValue.maximum.size 100000 Maximum number of tag values to keep in server memory cache.

Web Interface

Property Default Value Description
entity-group.display.tags None List of entity group tags displayed on the Entity Group list.
scollector.ignore.tags Environment Role List of tags ignored from series commands received from scollector agents.

Rule Engine

Property Default Value Description
cancel.on.rule.change No Trigger actions when a rule is saved or deleted.
system.commands.enabled Yes Enable script execution by Rule Engine.
system.commands.timeout.seconds 15 Interval in seconds after which the script execution ceases.
webdriver.chromebrowser.path None Path to the google-chrome binary.
webdriver.chromedriver.path None Path to the chromedriver binary.
webdriver.phantomjs.path None Path to phantomjs binary.
webdriver.pool.size 4 Number of worker threads taking screenshots using Web Driver.
webdriver.screenshots.enable Yes Enable screenshot features in Rule Engine.


Property Default Value Description
api.guest.access.enabled No Enable anonymous access to Data API and Meta API query methods. ../backup Path to a directory where ATSD stores backup files.
default.addInsertTime Yes Include entity/metric last insert time in the response by default. 2000 Millisecond interval to wait between 10-second deletion tasks. 60 Maximum amount of time in minutes spent executing pending deletion tasks.
hostname nurswgvml007 Hostname of the ATSD server determined automatically by executing the hostname command. /tmp/atsd/nmon Absolute path to a directory where nmon agents are stored.
search.index.path /tmp/atsd/lucene Absolute path to Lucene index directory.
security.letsencrypt.renew No Enable to check Let's Encrypt certificate once a day and attempt to renew it.
server.url https://{atsd_hostname}:8443 Server URL specified in email notification links, by default set to hostname.