
ATSD provides scripts to control database services.

Use these scripts to stop and start the database.


If logged in as root or another user, change user to axibase to avoid file permission issues.

su axibase

Script Directory

The scripts are located in the /opt/atsd/bin directory.

Name Description Arguments
/opt/atsd/bin/ Start, stop, and check status of all services. start, stop, status
/opt/atsd/bin/ Start, stop, and check status of ATSD. start, stop, status
/opt/atsd/bin/ Start, stop, and check status of HBase. start, stop, status
/opt/atsd/bin/ Start, stop, and check status of HDFS. start, stop, status
/opt/atsd/bin/ Update ATSD in interactive mode.
-t Upgrade and restart ATSD.
-a Upgrade and restart ATSD, HBase, and HDFS.
-a, -t


/opt/atsd/bin/ status


Switch to the axibase user.

Run the jps utility to display Java processes running under the current user.

27392 Jps
22110 Server
18494 HMaster
18387 HQuorumPeer
18673 HRegionServer
25587 NameNode
25961 SecondaryNameNode
25790 DataNode

Process Types

Type Process Name
HDFS DataNode
HDFS SecondaryNameNode
HDFS NameNode
HBase HRegionServer
HBase HQuorumPeer
HBase HMaster
ATSD Server


ATSD is configured to run without HRegionServer and HQuorumPeer processes in Docker containers.

Restarting All Services

Stop all components: ATSD, HBase, and HDFS.

/opt/atsd/bin/ stop

Check that there is sufficient disk space.

df -h

Start all components: HDFS, HBase, and ATSD.

/opt/atsd/bin/ start

Docker Container

To restart or update an ATSD instance running in a Docker container, open a bash session.

docker exec -it atsd bash

Execute scripts as usual.

/opt/atsd/bin/ status


ATSD is configured to run without HRegionServer and HQuorumPeer processes in Docker containers.

Stopping Services


Stop ATSD.

/opt/atsd/bin/ stop

Verify that the Server process is not present in jps output.


If the Server process is still running, stop it forcefully with kill -9 {Server-pid}.

Stop HBase

Stop HBase processes.

/opt/atsd/bin/ stop

Verify that the HMaster, HRegionServer, HQuorumPeer processes are not present in the jps output:


The jps output displays only HDFS processes at this stage.

27392 Jps
25961 SecondaryNameNode
25790 DataNode
25587 NameNode

Stop remaining HBase processes if any of them are still running.

/opt/atsd/hbase/bin/ stop regionserver
/opt/atsd/hbase/bin/ stop master
/opt/atsd/hbase/bin/ stop zookeeper

If the HBase processes fail to stop after executing the above commands, stop HBase processes HMaster, HRegionServer, and HQuorumPeer by PID.

kill 11345


/opt/atsd/bin/ stop

Starting Services

Check System

Check that no ATSD processes are running.


Check that there is sufficient disk space.

df -h

Start HDFS

/opt/atsd/bin/ start

Start HBase

/opt/atsd/bin/ start

Start ATSD

/opt/atsd/bin/ start


Invalid Zookeeper Cache

If ATSD fails to start, check if the atsd.log file contains the TableExistsException error for any table, clean the Zookeeper cache.

cat /opt/atsd/atsd/logs/atsd.log | grep -C 5 "TableExistsException"
Caused by:
  org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableExistsException: atsd_messages

Remove the ephemeral /hbase directory from the Zookeeper cache.

echo "rmr /hbase" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase zkcli

Zookeeper Inconsistency

If HBase fails to start, check if the HBase master log contains the Master not active error:

cat /opt/atsd/hbase/logs/hbase-*-master-*.log | grep -C 5 "Master not active"
2017-09-15 05:24:43,982 ERROR master.HMasterCommandLine - Master exiting
java.lang.RuntimeException: Master not active after 30 seconds
    at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.JVMClusterUtil.startup(
    at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.LocalHBaseCluster.startup(

Verify that no HBase processes are running with jps.

Remove the Zookeeper data directory.

rm -rf /opt/atsd/hbase/zookeeper

Start HBase.

File Permissions

Java Process Status Files

The /opt/atsd/bin/ script relies on the jps utility to determine that Java processes are started in the correct order.

The jps utility requires write permissions to the /tmp/hsperfdata_axibase directory to store temporary files. If permissions to this directory are missing (for example the directory is owned by another user), jps returns an incomplete process list, even if processes are running and can be listed with ps aux | grep java.

If jps output is incomplete, the script stops the startup procedure with the following message:

nurswgvml007 atsdService: * [ATSD] DataNode is not running.
  • Solution: Stop all ATSD services. Delete the /tmp/hsperfdata_axibase directory.

Temporary Files

ATSD uses /tmp/atsd directory to store temporary files. If this directory is owned by root, ATSD cannot function properly.

  • Solution: Stop all ATSD services. Grant ownership to /tmp/atsd directory to the axibase user.
chown -R axibase:axibase /tmp/atsd

/opt/atsd directory

ATSD uses the /opt/atsd directory to store log files, backup files, and other files. If this directory is owned by root, ATSD cannot function properly.

  • Solution: Stop all ATSD services. Grant ownership to /opt/atsd directory to the axibase user.
chown -R axibase:axibase /opt/atsd