Select FROM atsd_series Table

Querying the built-in atsd_series table allows specifying metric name in the WHERE clause instead of the FROM query.

At least one metric condition must be present in a WHERE clause of a valid atsd_series query. Metric names are case-insensitive.


The following queries are equivalent:

SELECT entity, metric, datetime, value
  FROM atsd_series
WHERE metric = 'mpstat.cpu_busy'
  AND datetime > current_hour
SELECT entity, metric, datetime, value
  FROM "mpstat.cpu_busy"
WHERE datetime > current_hour


| entity       | metric   | datetime                 | value |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy | 2016-08-08T15:26:14.000Z | 7.0   |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy | 2016-08-08T15:26:30.000Z | 4.0   |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy | 2016-08-08T15:26:46.000Z | 3.1   |

Query Multiple Metrics

Unlike FROM {metric} syntax, FROM atsd_series allows querying multiple metrics similar to the UNION ALL operator.

SELECT entity, metric, datetime, value, tags
  FROM atsd_series
WHERE metric IN ('mpstat.cpu_busy', 'mpstat.cpu_user')
  AND entity = 'nurswgvml007'
  AND datetime > now - 2 * MINUTE


| entity       | metric   | datetime                 | value | tags |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy | 2016-08-08T15:54:47.000Z | 6.1   | null |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy | 2016-08-08T15:55:03.000Z | 11.9  | null |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_user | 2016-08-08T15:54:47.000Z | 5.0   | null |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_user | 2016-08-08T15:55:03.000Z | 5.9   | null |

By default results are ordered by metric. The default sort can be modified with the ORDER BY clause.

SELECT entity, metric, datetime, value, tags
  FROM atsd_series
WHERE metric IN ('mpstat.cpu_busy', 'mpstat.cpu_user')
  AND entity = 'nurswgvml007'
  AND datetime > now - 2 * MINUTE
ORDER BY datetime


| entity       | metric   | datetime                 | value | tags |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy | 2016-08-08T15:54:47.000Z | 6.1   | null |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_user | 2016-08-08T15:54:47.000Z | 5.0   | null |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy | 2016-08-08T15:55:03.000Z | 11.9  | null |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_user | 2016-08-08T15:55:03.000Z | 5.9   | null |

Metric Condition

Metrics can be selected in the WHERE clause using the = and LIKE operators.

Both AND and OR boolean operators are supported when processing conditions in multiple-metric queries.

SELECT entity, metric, datetime, value, tags
  FROM atsd_series
WHERE (metric = 'df.disk_used' OR metric = 'df.disk_used_percent')
  AND entity = 'nurswgvml007'
  AND datetime > now - 2 * MINUTE
ORDER BY datetime


| entity       | metric            | datetime             | value      | tags                                                          |
| nurswgvml007 | disk_used         | 2017-04-06T16:31:36Z | 9010776    | file_system=/dev/mapper/vg_nurswgvml007-lv_root;mount_point=/ |
| nurswgvml007 | disk_used         | 2017-04-06T16:31:36Z | 1848808233 | file_system=//nurstr/backup;mount_point=/mnt/u113452          |
| nurswgvml007 | disk_used_percent | 2017-04-06T16:31:36Z | 68.612     | file_system=/dev/mapper/vg_nurswgvml007-lv_root;mount_point=/ |
| nurswgvml007 | disk_used_percent | 2017-04-06T16:31:36Z | 88.158     | file_system=//nurstr/backup;mount_point=/mnt/u113452          |
| nurswgvml007 | disk_used         | 2017-04-06T16:31:51Z | 9011816    | file_system=/dev/mapper/vg_nurswgvml007-lv_root;mount_point=/ |
| nurswgvml007 | disk_used         | 2017-04-06T16:31:51Z | 1848808233 | file_system=//nurstr;mount_point=/mnt/u113452                 |

Metric LIKE Condition

The maximum number of metrics matched with the LIKE operator is limited to 50. Otherwise, the SQL processor raises an exception.

SELECT entity, metric, datetime, value, tags
  FROM atsd_series
WHERE metric LIKE 'cpu_s%' -- up to 50 metrics
  AND datetime >= CURRENT_HOUR
WITH ROW_NUMBER (entity, metric, tags ORDER BY time DESC) <= 1
  ORDER BY entity, metric, tags, time


| entity       | metric     | datetime             | value | tags |
| nurswgvml006 | cpu_steal  | 2017-04-07T13:15:01Z | 0.0   | null |
| nurswgvml006 | cpu_system | 2017-04-07T13:15:01Z | 2.0   | null |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_steal  | 2017-04-07T13:15:00Z | 0.0   | null |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_system | 2017-04-07T13:15:00Z | 0.0   | null |
| nurswgvml010 | cpu_steal  | 2017-04-07T13:14:51Z | 0.0   | null |
| nurswgvml010 | cpu_system | 2017-04-07T13:14:51Z | 0.0   | null |
| nurswgvml301 | cpu_steal  | 2017-04-07T13:14:58Z | 0.0   | null |
| nurswgvml301 | cpu_system | 2017-04-07T13:14:58Z | 0.0   | null |
| nurswgvml502 | cpu_steal  | 2017-04-07T13:14:49Z | 0.0   | null |
| nurswgvml502 | cpu_system | 2017-04-07T13:14:49Z | 0.0   | null |

metrics() Function

The metrics() function retrieves all metrics collected by the specified entity.

SELECT metric, datetime, value
  FROM atsd_series
WHERE metric IN metrics('nurswgvml007')
  AND metric LIKE 'mpstat.cpu%'
  -- AND metric NOT LIKE 'df.%'
  AND datetime >= CURRENT_HOUR
ORDER BY datetime
  LIMIT 10


| metric            | datetime             | value |
| mpstat.cpu_system | 2017-04-06T16:00:02Z | 8.3   |
| mpstat.cpu_nice   | 2017-04-06T16:00:02Z | 0.0   |
| mpstat.cpu_steal  | 2017-04-06T16:00:02Z | 0.0   |
| mpstat.cpu_idle   | 2017-04-06T16:00:02Z | 70.7  |
| mpstat.cpu_user   | 2017-04-06T16:00:02Z | 17.9  |
| mpstat.cpu_iowait | 2017-04-06T16:00:02Z | 2.0   |
| mpstat.cpu_busy   | 2017-04-06T16:00:02Z | 29.3  |
| mpstat.cpu_system | 2017-04-06T16:00:18Z | 4.6   |
| mpstat.cpu_nice   | 2017-04-06T16:00:18Z | 0.1   |
| mpstat.cpu_steal  | 2017-04-06T16:00:18Z | 0.0   |

JOIN in atsd_series. Example 1

When metrics selected from atsd_series table are joined with metrics referenced in the query, each atsd_series metric is joined with a referenced metric separately.

SELECT base.entity, base.metric, base.datetime, base.value, t1.value AS "cpu_sys"
  FROM atsd_series base
  JOIN "mpstat.cpu_system" t1
WHERE base.metric IN ('mpstat.cpu_busy', 'mpstat.cpu_user')
  AND base.entity = 'nurswgvml007'
  AND base.datetime > PREVIOUS_MINUTE
ORDER BY base.datetime
| base.entity  | base.metric | base.datetime        | base.value | cpu_sys |
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy    | 2017-04-07T15:04:08Z | 5.0        | 2.0     | cpu_busy JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy    | 2017-04-07T15:04:24Z | 5.1        | 2.0     | cpu_busy JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy    | 2017-04-07T15:04:40Z | 4.0        | 1.0     | cpu_busy JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy    | 2017-04-07T15:04:56Z | 3.0        | 1.0     | cpu_busy JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy    | 2017-04-07T15:05:12Z | 5.2        | 1.0     | cpu_busy JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_busy    | 2017-04-07T15:05:28Z | 2.0        | 1.0     | cpu_busy JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_user    | 2017-04-07T15:04:08Z | 2.0        | 2.0     | cpu_user JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_user    | 2017-04-07T15:04:24Z | 3.1        | 2.0     | cpu_user JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_user    | 2017-04-07T15:04:40Z | 3.0        | 1.0     | cpu_user JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_user    | 2017-04-07T15:04:56Z | 2.0        | 1.0     | cpu_user JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_user    | 2017-04-07T15:05:12Z | 4.1        | 1.0     | cpu_user JOIN cpu_system
| nurswgvml007 | cpu_user    | 2017-04-07T15:05:28Z | 1.0        | 1.0     | cpu_user JOIN cpu_system

JOIN in atsd_series. Example 2

SELECT t1.entity, t1.metric, t1.datetime,
  t1.value, t4.value AS "Elapsed Time", t5.text AS "Unit Batch Id", t6.text AS "Unit Procedure"
  FROM atsd_series t1
    JOIN "SV6.Elapsed_Time" t4
    JOIN "SV6.Unit_BatchID" t5
    JOIN "SV6.Unit_Procedure" t6
WHERE t1.metric IN metrics('br-1470')
  AND t1.metric NOT LIKE 'sv7%'
  AND t1.datetime BETWEEN '2016-10-04T02:00:00Z' AND '2016-10-04T02:10:00Z'
  AND t1.entity = 'br-1470'
  ORDER BY t1.metric, t1.datetime


| t1.entity | t1.metric    | t1.datetime          | t1.value | Elapsed Time | Unit Batch Id | Unit Procedure |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r01 | 2016-10-04T02:00:00Z | 97.4     | 475.0        | 1413          | 1413-Proc3     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r01 | 2016-10-04T02:03:00Z | 78.5     | 95.0         | 1414          | 1414-Proc1     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r01 | 2016-10-04T02:06:00Z | 52.6     | 275.0        | 1414          | 1414-Proc2     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r01 | 2016-10-04T02:09:00Z | 84.8     | 455.0        | 1414          | 1414-Proc3     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r03 | 2016-10-04T02:00:00Z | 47.7     | 475.0        | 1413          | 1413-Proc3     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r03 | 2016-10-04T02:03:00Z | 41.2     | 95.0         | 1414          | 1414-Proc1     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r03 | 2016-10-04T02:06:00Z | 40.9     | 275.0        | 1414          | 1414-Proc2     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r03 | 2016-10-04T02:09:00Z | 35.7     | 455.0        | 1414          | 1414-Proc3     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r04 | 2016-10-04T02:00:00Z | 26.0     | 475.0        | 1413          | 1413-Proc3     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r04 | 2016-10-04T02:03:00Z | 24.4     | 95.0         | 1414          | 1414-Proc1     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r04 | 2016-10-04T02:06:00Z | 20.9     | 275.0        | 1414          | 1414-Proc2     |
| br-1470   | sv6.pack:r04 | 2016-10-04T02:09:00Z | 21.9     | 455.0        | 1414          | 1414-Proc3     |

Selecting Multiple Metrics and Entities

Locate lagging series: series with data timestamped with the last 14 days, but which have stopped collecting data during the last 24 hours.

SELECT metric, entity, tags, date_format(MAX(time)) as "max_time"
  FROM atsd_series
WHERE datetime >= NOW - 14*DAY -- condition to select series with last insert date within the last 14 days
  AND ( metric = 'disk_used' AND entity IN ('nurswgvml006', 'nurswgvml007', 'nurswgvml010', 'nurswgvml502')
     OR metric = 'cpu_user'  AND entity IN ('nurswgvml010', 'nurswgvml502')
     OR metric = 'cpu_busy'  AND entity = 'nurswgvml006'
GROUP BY metric, entity, tags
  HAVING MAX(time) < NOW - 24 * HOUR -- condition to exclude series that have recent data


| metric     | entity        | tags                               | max_time            |
| disk_used  | nurswgvml010  | file_system=udev;mount_point=/dev  | 2017-09-29 10:16:37 |

Numeric Precedence

If the value column in atsd_series query returns numbers for metrics with different data types, the prevailing data type is determined based on the following rules:

  1. If all data types are integer (short, integer, long), return the prevailing integer type.
  2. If all data types are decimal (float, double, decimal), return the prevailing decimal type.
  3. If data types are both integer and decimal, return decimal type.


  • The metric condition supports only =, IN and LIKE operators, as well as the metrics(entity) function.
  • The number of metrics retrieved with metric LIKE '%expr%' condition must not exceed 50.