

Verify that the target server meets hardware and OS requirements.


ATSD listens on the following ports by default:

In case you are not able to connect to an ATSD network service, check that the service is listening and the firewall allows access to the target port.

  • Log in to ATSD server
  • Search netstat output for TCP/UDP sockets that are listening on the target port, for example 8081.
netstat -tulnp | grep 8081
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
  • Check connectivity with telnet or netcat from a remote client to the ATSD server
$ telnet atsd_hostname 8081
Connected to atsd_hostname.
Escape character is '^]'.
$ netcat -z -v atsd_hostname 8081
Connection to atsd_hostname 8081 port [tcp/tproxy] succeeded!
  • If the connection cannot be established, check that the iptables firewall on the ATSD server is configured to allow incoming TCP/UDP traffic to the target ports.

Review Logs

Review the following log files for errors.

  • Startup log: /opt/atsd/atsd/logs/start.log
  • Application log: /opt/atsd/atsd/logs/atsd.log
tail -n 200 -f /opt/atsd/atsd/logs/atsd.log

If ATSD is launched in a Docker container, run:

docker exec -it atsd tail -f /opt/atsd/atsd/logs/atsd.log

To view ATSD, HBase, and HDFS files in the same stream, enumerate the paths.

tail -F /opt/atsd/atsd/logs/atsd.log \
  /opt/atsd/hbase/logs/* \

32-bit Error

Package Not Found error is displayed when attempting an installation of ATSD deb package on 32-bit architecture.

Retry installation on a supported architecture.

Technical Support

Contact us at with any technical questions.

Attach relevant details to your ticket.