Java Metrics

ATSD has a storage driver for Metrics, which captures JVM and application-level metrics.

Learn more about Metrics on GitHub.

The metrics-atsd module implements AtsdReporter, which allows Java applications to stream metrics into ATSD.

Learn more about ATSD Storage Driver for Metrics on GitHub.

The Metrics library provides 5 types of metrics:

  • Gauge – current value.
  • Counter – incrementing and decrementing integer.
  • Meter – rate of events over time.
  • Histogram – statistical distribution of values.
  • Timer – rate at which the method is invoked and the distribution of its duration.

Configurations and Settings

Configuring the Sender


final AtsdTCPSender sender = new AtsdTCPSender(new InetSocketAddress("atsd_hostname", 8081));


final AtsdUDPSender sender = new AtsdUDPSender("atsd_hostname", 8082);

Configuring the Builder

Name Required Default Description
public Builder setEntity(String entity) No hostname or "defaultEntity" Application name or hostname.
public Builder withClock(Clock clock) No Clock.defaultClock() Clock instance.
public Builder setMetricPrefix(String prefix) No null Prefix metric names with the specified string.
public Builder convertRatesTo(TimeUnit rateUnit) No TimeUnit.SECONDS Convert rates to the specified period.
public Builder convertDurationsTo(TimeUnit durationUnit) No TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS Convert durations to the specified period.
public Builder filter(MetricFilter filter) No MetricFilter.ALL Only report metrics matching the specified filter.
public AtsdReporter build(AtsdSender sender) Yes Sending metrics using the specified AtsdSender.

Add Metric

Add metric to monitor:

public class UserLogin {
    static final MetricRegistry registry = new MetricRegistry();
    static Meter meter = registry.meter(new MetricName("login.meter"));;

Add metric to monitor with tags:

public class UserLogin {
    static final MetricRegistry registry = new MetricRegistry();
    static Meter meter = null;
    static {
        HashMap<String, String> tags = new HashMap();
        tags.put("provider", "ldap");
        meter = registry.meter(new MetricName("login.meter", tags));

Create Reporter

static void atsdTCPReport() {
    final AtsdTCPSender sender = new AtsdTCPSender(new InetSocketAddress("atsd_hostname", 8081));
    //final AtsdUDPSender sender = new AtsdUDPSender("atsd_hostname", 8082);
    final AtsdReporter reporter = AtsdReporter.forRegistry(metrics)
    reporter.start(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Collect Metric Values

static void login() {
    System.out.println("method `login` invoked");

Start Reporter

static void startReporter() {