
StatsD is a Node.js network daemon that listens for metrics from applications running on the same server, aggregates metrics into statistics and transmits them to one or more pluggable back-end services.

Setup Backend

Review the backend configuration guide.


The StatsD format is supported in ATSD.

Basic Format:


Extended Format:|type|@sample_rate|#tag1:value,tag2


Download and install StatsD:

sudo apt-get install git nodejs devscripts debhelper
mkdir ~/build && cd ~/build
git clone
cd statsd

Install the resulting package:

cd ..
sudo dpkg -i statsd_0.6.0-1_all.deb

Stop and configure StatsD:

sudo service statsd stop
sudo nano /etc/statsd/localConfig.js

Edit the following fields: graphitePort is the ATSD port for network commands and graphiteHost is the hostname or ip address of ATSD:

  graphitePort: 8081
, graphiteHost: "atsd_hostname"
, port: 8125
, graphite: {
    legacyNamespace: false
  , globalPrefix: "customPrefix"
  , globalSuffix: "customSuffix"

Start StatsD:

sudo service statsd start


WordPress Monitoring Example

Open the Plugins menu on the WordPress administration page.

Click Add New. Install the StatsD WordPress Client plugin:

Activate the plugin:

If StatsD is not on the localhost or port, you have to define the local daemon IP in wp-config.php.

Usually wp-config.php is located in /var/www/html/wp-config.php:

define('STATSD_IP', 'x.x.x.x' );

If needed, you can override the default UDP port of 8125 in wp-config.php:

define('STATSD_PORT', xxxx);

Metrics collected by StatsD from WordPress:

Logins (success, fails, logout)
Password resets (attempts/successes)
User count (guage)
Users (registrations, spam, ham)
Posting (publish, trash, delete)
Commenting (received, approved, trashed, spam, unspam)
Attachments (Add, edit, delete)
XML-RPC (every command individually, you can rollup)
Multisite blog count (guage)
Multiiste blog actions (new, spam, ham, archive, unarchive, delete, undelete)
Page generation times
Query count (type + time when SAVEQUERIES defined)
Remote HTTP requests (count, time - by host)
WP Cron calls
WP Emails
etc: instant tracking of any application metric using API

Once collected, these metrics can be found in ATSD under the Entity and Metrics tabs.