StatsD Backend

ATSD backend for StatsD enables you to forward metrics collected by StatsD daemon into ATSD for retention, analytics, visualization, and alerting.

ATSD StatsD backend on github.


Configuration file example:

    atsd : {
        host: "atsd_hostname",
        port: 8081,
        protocol: "tcp",
        patterns: [
                pattern: /^([^.]+\.){2}com\..+/,
                atsd_pattern: "<entity>.<>.<>.<metrics>"
                pattern: /.*/,
                atsd_pattern: "<entity>.<metrics>"
    port: 8125,
    backends: [ "./node_modules/atsd-statsd-backend/lib/atsd" ],
    debug: true

Supported variables

Variable Description Default Value
debug Enable debug logging : true or false false
keyNameSanitize Sanitizing metric names (removing forbidden characters): true or false true
flush_counts Processing flush counts: true or false true
atsd Container for options specific to ATSD back-end ATSD hostname
atsd.port ATSD port 8081
atsd.user Username
atsd.password ATSD Login Password
atsd.protocol Protocol: tcp or udp tcp
atsd.entity Default entity local hostname
atsd.prefix Global prefix for each metric
atsd.prefixCounter Prefix for counter metrics counters
atsd.prefixTimer Prefix for timer metrics timers
atsd.prefixGauge Prefix for gauge metrics gauges
atsd.prefixSet Prefix for set metrics sets
atsd.patterns Patterns to parse statsd metric names

Other variables used by StatsD can be specified.


Patterns enable the conversion of native StatsD metric names into ATSD entity/metric/tags.

If a metric name matches the regular expression pattern, the metric is parsed according to atsd_pattern.

NOTE: every \ in pattern must be duplicated.

If a metric name has more tokens than atsd_pattern, additional tokens are ignored. is used as an example metric and the default example entity is zulu.

metric – metric token; multiple occurrences are combined.

entity – entity token to replace the default entity; multiple occurrences are combined.

pattern = garbageCollections$
atsd-pattern = <tag:type>.<tag:dep>.<entity>.<metric>.<metric>.<metric>

# atsd-pattern = <tag:type>.<tag:dep>.<entity>.<metrics>     -Alternative Syntax

tag:tag_name – token for the tag named tag_name.

atsd-pattern = <entity>.<tag:test>.<metric>.<metric>
result = series e:alfa t:test=bravo ...

metrics – any number of metric tokens; can be used once per pattern; can also be omitted.

atsd-pattern = <entity>.<tag:test>.<metrics>
result = series e:alfa t:test=bravo ...
<> - token to be excluded
atsd-pattern = <entity>.<tag:test>.<>.<metric>
result = series e:alfa m:delta t:test=bravo ...