File Upload

Uploading nmon files can be done using a wget command or using the ATSD web interface.

Below are the commands and settings for uploading nmon files using a wget command.


wget --header="Content-type: text/csv" --post-file=file.nmon 'http://server:port/nmon/wget?config=config_name&entity=entity_name&timeZone=time_zone_id'


wget --header="Content-type: text/csv" --header="Content-Encoding: gzip" \
  --post-file=file.nmon.gz 'http://server:port/nmon/wget?config=config_name&entity=entity_name&timeZone=time_zone_id'

Special Parameters

  • config (required): name of nmon parser configuration in ATSD.
  • entity (optional): name of entity. If left blank, the parser uses the host record from the nmon header as the entity name.
  • timeZone (optional): time zone where the data is recorded.

Multiple nmon files can be uploaded simultaneously if archived. The archive can contain multiple nmon files from different hosts. In this case, leave the entity field blank in which case the parser defaults to the host record from the nmon header as the entity name.

Supported Compression Formats

.zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2

File Web Interface Upload Example