Scheduled File Upload to ATSD

Before You Begin

  1. Ensure that the /opt/nmon/nmon binary exists and is executable.
  2. Launch the nmon console to ensure nmon executable can be started.

Upload Files to ATSD by API with wget

Perform these steps to start uploading files to ATSD every hour with wget.

Step 1

Create a file script /opt/nmon/ and add the following row to the cron schedule:

0 * * * * /opt/nmon/

Step 2

After that, add the following content to the file script /opt/nmon/ replacing username, password, and atsd_hostname with actual credentials:

fn="/nmon/nmon/`date +%y%m%d_%H%M`.nmon";pd="`/opt/nmon/nmon -F $fn -s 60 -c 60 -T -p`"; \
while kill -0 $pd; do sleep 15; done; \
wget -t 1 -T 10 --user=username --password=password --no-check-certificate -O - --post-file="$fn" \
--header="Content-type: text/csv" "https://atsd_hostname/api/v1/nmon?f=`basename $fn`"

Upload Files to ATSD with Unix Socket

To start uploading files to ATSD every hour with Unix socket perform these steps (bash is required):

Step 1

Create a file script /opt/nmon/ and add the following row to the cron schedule:

0 * * * * /opt/nmon/

Step 2

Add the following contents to script /opt/nmon/ replacing atsd_hostname with the ATSD hostname or IP address:

fn="/opt/nmon/`date +%y%m%d_%H%M`.nmon";pd="`/opt/nmon/nmon -F $fn -s 60 -c 60 -T -p`"; \
while kill -0 $pd; do sleep 15; done; \
{ echo "nmon p:default e:`hostname` f:`hostname`_file.nmon"; cat $fn; } > /dev/tcp/atsd_hostname/8081

Upload Files into ATSD

To start uploading files to ATSD every hour with netcat, perform these steps:

Step 1

Create a file script /opt/nmon/ and add the following row to the cron schedule:

0 * * * * /opt/nmon/

Step 2

Add the following contents to the /opt/nmon/ file replacing atsd_hostname with the ATSD hostname or IP address:

fn="/opt/nmon/`date +%y%m%d_%H%M`.nmon";pd="`/opt/nmon/nmon -F $fn -s 60 -c 60 -T -p`"; \
while kill -0 $pd; do sleep 15; done; \
{ echo "nmon p:default e:`hostname` f:`hostname`_file.nmon"; cat $fn; } | nc atsd_hostname 8081