Querying Data.gov Dataset with Python and SQL


This 10 minute tutorial demonstrates how to load a data.gov dataset into a python DataFrame in a few simple steps.

For this particular exercise, import the data on the New York State Solar Photovoltaic Incentive Program into Axibase Time Series Database (ATSD) and query the data with SQL to identify the top 10 contractors by total project cost and installed capacity.


Download Docker Compose File

curl -o docker-compose.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axibase/atsd-use-cases/master/integrations/socrata/python/resources/docker-compose.yml

The docker-compose.yml file configures ATSD and Axibase Collector services along with the required dependencies. The role of the Collector is to automatically download and parse a specific data.gov JSON file while ATSD serves as the SQL-enabled database.

Launch Containers

export C_USER=myuser; \
export C_PASSWORD=mypassword; \
export S_PATH=https://data.ny.gov/api/views/3pzs-2zsk; \
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
Pulling atsd (axibase/atsd:latest)...
latest: Pulling from axibase/atsd
Creating atsd
Creating axibase-collector

Downloading the Docker image and initializing the services can take several minutes. Monitor the progress by watching the container logs.

docker logs -f atsd

An ATSD start completed message means that the setup completed successfully.

 * [ATSD] Starting ATSD ...
 * [ATSD] ATSD not running.
 * [ATSD] ATSD java version "1.7.0_111"
 * [ATSD] Waiting for ATSD to start. Checking ATSD web-interface port 8088 ...
 * [ATSD] Waiting for ATSD to bind to port 8088 ...( 1 of 20 )
 * [ATSD] Waiting for ATSD to bind to port 8088 ...( 11 of 20 )
 * [ATSD] ATSD web interface:
 * [ATSD]
 * [ATSD]
 * [ATSD] ATSD start completed.

Install Python Modules

pip install atsd_client pandas tabulate

The ATSD Python client implements a set of methods to load series, properties, and message records from the database, as well as acts as an SQL client.

Execute Query in Python Console


Replace localhost with the actual Docker hostname, if necessary.

import atsd_client
from atsd_client.services import SQLService
conn = atsd_client.connect_url('http://localhost:8088', 'myuser', 'mypassword')
sql = SQLService(conn)
q = """SELECT p.tags.contractor AS contractor,
        COUNT(p.value) AS project_count,
        ROUND(SUM(p.value)/1000, 0) AS total_gwh_annual_production,
        ROUND(SUM(c.value)/1000000, 1) AS total_cost_mln,
        ROUND(SUM(c.value)/SUM(p.value), 2) AS cost_per_kwh
       FROM expected_kwh_annual_production p
        JOIN project_cost c
       WHERE p.tags.contractor != 'Other'
        GROUP BY p.tags.contractor
       ORDER BY total_gwh_annual_production DESC
        LIMIT 10"""
df = sql.query(q)
from tabulate import tabulate
print(tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))

Examine Results

|    | contractor                                  |   project_count |   total_gwh_annual_production |   total_cost_mln |   cost_per_kwh |
|  0 | SolarCity(CS)                               |             344 |                         28347 |            130.3 |           4.6  |
|  1 | SunPower Capital LLC (E)                    |              55 |                         14525 |             63.1 |           4.34 |
|  2 | New York Light Energy                       |              16 |                          9194 |             37.8 |           4.11 |
|  3 | Monolith Solar Associates LLC(CS)           |              45 |                          8248 |             33.2 |           4.02 |
|  4 | SunRun Inc. (E)                             |             124 |                          7653 |             26.4 |           3.45 |
|  5 | Solar Liberty Energy Systems Inc. (CS)      |              61 |                          7219 |             30.9 |           4.28 |
|  6 | NRG Residential Solar Solutions LLC (E)(CS) |              65 |                          4270 |             14.6 |           3.41 |
|  7 | Sungevity Development LLC (E)               |              87 |                          3629 |             14.3 |           3.95 |
|  8 | Kilowatt Systems LLC                        |              53 |                          3627 |             12.4 |           3.43 |
|  9 | Best Energy Power (CS)                      |              14 |                          3290 |             12.9 |           3.91 |


This tutorial provides an example on how to load a particular data.gov dataset into ATSD while minimizing time spent on designing table schema and implementing parsers.

In a more advanced (consolidation) scenario, the Collector can be scheduled to store and even incrementally update a wide range of datasets from data.gov into the same ATSD instance. This can be accomplished by creating additional Socrata jobs in the Collector web interface accessible at https://localhost:9443.