Retrieves series matching the specified search text.
Refer to expression reference for syntax, available fields and operators.
Method | Path |
GET | /api/v1/search |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
query | string | [Required] Search query according to expression reference. |
limit | positive integer | Maximum number of records to be returned by the server. Default: 100. |
offset | positive integer | Number of records to skip before beginning to return data. |
metricTags | string | Comma-separated list of metric tag names to be included in the response. For example, metricTags=OS,location . Specify metricTags=* to include all metric tags. |
metricFields | string | Comma-separated list of metric field names to be included in the response. For example, metricFields=dataType,units . Specify metricFields=* to include all metric fields. |
entityTags | string | Comma-separated list of entity tag names to be included in the response. For example, entityTags=OS,location . Specify entityTags=* to include all entity tags. |
entityFields | string | Comma-separated list of entity field names to be included in the response. For example, entityFields=timeZone,interpolate . Specify entityFields=* to include all entity fields. |
Name | Type | Description |
recordsTotal | number | Total number of series in the database as of last index update. |
recordsFiltered | number | Total number of series that matched the specified expression. |
time | number | Query execution time, in milliseconds. |
data | array | Array of series records. |
Series Record
The record contains series identifier as well as entity and metric fields in the following order:
# | Type | Description |
1 | string | Metric name |
2 | string | Metric label |
3 | object | Metric fields: key-value pairs |
4 | object | Metric tags: key-value pairs |
5 | string | Entity name |
6 | string | Entity label |
7 | object | Entity fields: key-value pairs |
8 | object | Entity tags: key-value pairs |
9 | object | Series tags: key-value pairs |
10 | number | Relevance score |
Tags and fields without a value are not included in the response, even if they are specified in the request.
Find series records, matching inflation*
. Return 2 records at most.
GET /api/v1/search?query=inflation*&limit=2&metricTags=*&metricFields=units,dataType&entityTags=*&entityFields=timeZone
curl 'https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/v1/search?query=inflation*&limit=2&metricTags=*&metricFields=units,dataType&entityTags=*&entityFields=timeZone' \
-k --user {username}:{password}
"query": "contents:inflation.cpi.categories*",
"recordsTotal": 496621,
"recordsFiltered": 20,
"time": 136,
"data": [
"CPI - Non-negotiable",
"units": "million",
"dataType": "LONG"
"pricebase": "Current prices",
"seasonaladjustment": "Seasonally Adjusted",
"source": "CBS"
"U.S. FED",
"timeZone": "US/Eastern"
"source": "FRED"
"category": "Health"
"CPI - Non-negotiable",
"units": "million",
"dataType": "LONG"
"pricebase": "Current prices",
"seasonaladjustment": "Seasonally Adjusted",
"source": "CBS"
"U.S. FED",
"timeZone": "US/Eastern"
"source": "FRED"
"category": "Energy"
- Series object description:
// metric name
// metric label
"CPI - Non-negotiable",
// metric fields
"units": "million",
"dataType": "LONG"
// metric tags
"pricebase": "Current prices",
"seasonaladjustment": "Seasonally Adjusted",
"source": "CBS"
// entity name
// entity label
"U.S. FED",
// entity fields
"timeZone": "US/Eastern"
// entity tags
"source": "FRED"
// series tags
"category": "Health"
// relevance score