

Retrieves series matching the specified search text.

Refer to expression reference for syntax, available fields and operators.


Method Path
GET /api/v1/search

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
query string [Required] Search query according to expression reference.
limit positive
Maximum number of records to be returned by the server. Default: 100.
offset positive
Number of records to skip before beginning to return data.
metricTags string Comma-separated list of metric tag names to be included in the response.
For example, metricTags=OS,location.
Specify metricTags=* to include all metric tags.
metricFields string Comma-separated list of metric field names to be included in the response.
For example, metricFields=dataType,units.
Specify metricFields=* to include all metric fields.
entityTags string Comma-separated list of entity tag names to be included in the response.
For example, entityTags=OS,location.
Specify entityTags=* to include all entity tags.
entityFields string Comma-separated list of entity field names to be included in the response.
For example, entityFields=timeZone,interpolate.
Specify entityFields=* to include all entity fields.



Name Type Description
recordsTotal number Total number of series in the database as of last index update.
recordsFiltered number Total number of series that matched the specified expression.
time number Query execution time, in milliseconds.
data array Array of series records.

Series Record

The record contains series identifier as well as entity and metric fields in the following order:

# Type Description
1 string Metric name
2 string Metric label
3 object Metric fields: key-value pairs
4 object Metric tags: key-value pairs
5 string Entity name
6 string Entity label
7 object Entity fields: key-value pairs
8 object Entity tags: key-value pairs
9 object Series tags: key-value pairs
10 number Relevance score

Tags and fields without a value are not included in the response, even if they are specified in the request.


Find series records, matching inflation*. Return 2 records at most.



GET /api/v1/search?query=inflation*&limit=2&metricTags=*&metricFields=units,dataType&entityTags=*&entityFields=timeZone




curl 'https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/v1/search?query=inflation*&limit=2&metricTags=*&metricFields=units,dataType&entityTags=*&entityFields=timeZone' \
  -k --user {username}:{password}


  "query": "contents:inflation.cpi.categories*",
  "recordsTotal": 496621,
  "recordsFiltered": 20,
  "time": 136,
  "data": [
      "CPI - Non-negotiable",
        "units": "million",
        "dataType": "LONG"
        "pricebase": "Current prices",
        "seasonaladjustment": "Seasonally Adjusted",
        "source": "CBS"
      "U.S. FED",
        "timeZone": "US/Eastern"
        "source": "FRED"
        "category": "Health"
      "CPI - Non-negotiable",
        "units": "million",
        "dataType": "LONG"
        "pricebase": "Current prices",
        "seasonaladjustment": "Seasonally Adjusted",
        "source": "CBS"
      "U.S. FED",
        "timeZone": "US/Eastern"
        "source": "FRED"
        "category": "Energy"
  • Series object description:
  // metric name

  // metric label
  "CPI - Non-negotiable",

  // metric fields
    "units": "million",
    "dataType": "LONG"

  // metric tags
    "pricebase": "Current prices",
    "seasonaladjustment": "Seasonally Adjusted",
    "source": "CBS"

  // entity name

  // entity label
  "U.S. FED",

  // entity fields
    "timeZone": "US/Eastern"

  // entity tags
    "source": "FRED"

  // series tags
    "category": "Health"

  // relevance score