Delete Instrument

The endpoint deletes the instrument and all its trades.


Method Path
POST /api/v1/instruments/delete


Field Name Description
symbol [Required] Symbol.
class [Required] Class.
exchange [Required] Exchange.
multipleInstruments Omit the symbol parameter and add multipleInstruments set to true to delete trades for all instruments within the class.
deleteEntity Delete the underlying entity. Default is false.
  "class": "<class-name>",
  "symbol": "<symbol>",
  "exchange": "<exchange>"

To delete all instruments for the class, omit the symbol parameter and add multipleInstruments parameter set to true.

  "class": "<class-name>",
  "multipleInstruments": true,
  "exchange": "<exchange>"

To delete the underlying entity for the instrument add deleteEntity parameter set to true.

  "class": "<class-name>",
  "symbol": "<symbol>",
  "deleteEntity": true | false,
  "exchange": "<exchange>"


Deleted instruments are logged in deleted_instruments.log file using the format:

2021-01-17T13:06:14.985Z;Instrument(id=4509, symbol=TSLA, class=IEXG, exchange=IEX)

Deleted trades are logged in deleted_trades.log file.




curl --insecure --request POST 'https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/v1/instruments/delete' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ****' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "class":    "IEXG",
  "symbol":   "ZTEST",
  "exchange": "IEX"


Disable tombstone protection.

echo "alter 'atsd_trade_instrument', NAME => 'd', KEEP_DELETED_CELLS => false" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell

Initiate major compaction.

echo "major_compact 'atsd_trade_instrument'" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell

Wait until major compaction is completed. Watch for Completed major compaction message.

tail -n 100 -F /opt/atsd/hbase/logs/* | grep atsd_trade_instrument

Re-enable tombstone protection.

echo "alter 'atsd_trade_instrument', NAME => 'd', KEEP_DELETED_CELLS => true" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell

Verify that protection is enabled: KEEP_DELETED_CELLS => 'TRUE'

echo "describe 'atsd_trade_instrument'" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell