
Install ATSD

Install the database.

Create Account

Log in to the database at https://atsd_hostname:8443/.

Replace atsd_hostname with the hostname of the ATSD server.

Enter credentials for an administrator account.

Insert Sample Data

Download publicly available IEX market data for four instruments: TSLA, F, TM, ARKK covering the period between January 1, 2021 and March 15, 2021.

Download files with instrument details, trades, and daily aggregates.

curl --remote-name-all{gs_reference.cmd,gs_eod_ohlcv.csv,gs_trades.csv.gz}

Insert reference data.

cat gs_reference.cmd | nc -q 0 atsd_hostname 8081

Insert trades.

gunzip -c gs_trades.csv.gz | nc -q 0 atsd_hostname 8085

Insert end-of-day aggregates. Replace <username> and <password> with the account credentials specified above.

curl -k "https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/v1/trade-session-summary/import" \
  -F "data=@gs_eod_ohlcv.csv" \
  -u <username>:<password>

SQL Console

Open SQL > SQL Console page.

View trades:

  FROM atsd_trade
WHERE class = 'IEXG' AND symbol IN ('TSLA', 'F')
  AND datetime BETWEEN '2021-03-05 14:00:00' AND '2021-03-05 14:05:00'
  WITH TIMEZONE = 'US/Eastern'
  ORDER BY datetime, trade_num

Calculate 1-minute OHLCV bars from trades:

SELECT datetime, symbol, open(), high(), low(), close(), volume(), vwap()
  FROM atsd_trade
WHERE class = 'IEXG' AND symbol IN ('TSLA', 'F')
  AND datetime BETWEEN '2021-03-05 14:00:00' AND '2021-03-05 14:05:00'
  GROUP BY exchange, class, symbol, PERIOD(1 MINUTE)
  WITH TIMEZONE = 'US/Eastern'
  ORDER BY datetime, symbol

View daily results:

SELECT datetime, symbol, open, close, voltoday AS "volume",
  numtrades, ROUND(valtoday/1000000, 0) AS "volume_$M"
  FROM atsd_session_summary
WHERE class = 'IEXG' AND symbol = 'TSLA'
  AND datetime BETWEEN '2021-03-01 00:00:00' AND '2021-03-15 00:00:00'
  WITH TIMEZONE = 'US/Eastern'
  ORDER BY symbol, datetime

View reference data:

SELECT tags.symbol, tags.class_code, tags.figi, tags.type, tags.region, tags.currency,
  FROM atsd_entity
WHERE tags.class_code = 'IEXG' --AND tags.symbol IN ('TSLA', 'F', 'TM', 'ARKK')
  ORDER BY tags.symbol

View daily results for US auto manufacturers:

SELECT datetime, symbol, open, close, voltoday AS "volume",
  numtrades, ROUND(valtoday/1000000, 0) AS "volume_$M"
  FROM atsd_session_summary
WHERE class = 'IEXG' AND entity.tags.region = 'US' AND entity.tags.industry = 'Autos'
  AND datetime BETWEEN '2021-03-12 00:00:00' AND '2021-03-15 00:00:00'
  WITH TIMEZONE = 'US/Eastern'
  ORDER BY symbol, datetime

Calculate the ratio between two instruments based on last trade price:

SELECT datetime,
  LAST(CASE symbol WHEN 'TSLA' THEN price ELSE null END) last_TSLA,
  LAST(CASE symbol WHEN 'F' THEN price ELSE null END) last_F,
  ROUND(last_TSLA/last_F, 6) AS "TSLA/F"
FROM atsd_trade
  WHERE class = 'IEXG' AND symbol IN ('TSLA', 'F')
  AND datetime BETWEEN '2021-03-05 14:00:00' AND '2021-03-05 14:05:00'
  WITH TIMEZONE = 'US/Eastern', ROW_NUMBER(1 ORDER BY time, trade_num) >= 0
  ORDER BY datetime, trade_num

Calculate 1-minute OHLCV bars of the above ratio:

SELECT datetime,
  ROUND(MIN(ratio), 6) AS "TSLA/F_low",
  ROUND(MAX(ratio), 6) AS "TSLA/F_high",
  ROUND(LAST(ratio), 6) AS "TSLA/F_close"
  SELECT datetime,
    LAST(CASE symbol WHEN 'TSLA' THEN price ELSE null END) last_TSLA,
    LAST(CASE symbol WHEN 'F' THEN price ELSE null END) last_F,
    ROUND(last_TSLA/last_F, 6) AS "ratio"
  FROM atsd_trade
    WHERE class = 'IEXG' AND symbol IN ('TSLA', 'F')
    AND datetime BETWEEN '2021-03-05 14:00:00' AND '2021-03-05 14:05:00'
    WITH ROW_NUMBER(1 ORDER BY time, trade_num) >= 0
    ORDER BY datetime, trade_num

Explore more examples on SQL Overview page including:

Trade Viewer

Open Trade Viewer in the side menu.

Select one or multiple instruments to view and export raw trades or aggregates.


Click Portals > Add in the top menu.

Create a graph for the above SQL query by copying the query text into the sql...endsql setting:

  width-units = 1
  height-units = 2
  update-interval = 0 second
  offset-right = 70
  timezone = US/Eastern


    type = chart
    title = TSLA/F Ratio, 5-minute bars
    entity = *
    metric = value
    timespan = all
    label-format = metric
    format = precise(4)


    SELECT datetime,
      ROUND(MIN(ratio), 6) AS "TSLA/F_low",
      ROUND(AVG(ratio), 6) AS "TSLA/F_avg",
      ROUND(MAX(ratio), 6) AS "TSLA/F_high"
    FROM (
    SELECT datetime,
      LAST(CASE symbol WHEN 'TSLA' THEN price ELSE null END) last_TSLA,
      LAST(CASE symbol WHEN 'F' THEN price ELSE null END) last_F,
      ROUND(last_TSLA/last_F, 6) AS "ratio"
    FROM atsd_trade
    WHERE class = 'IEXG' AND symbol IN ('TSLA', 'F')
    AND datetime BETWEEN '2021-03-05 09:30:00' AND '2021-03-05 16:00:00'
    WITH ROW_NUMBER(1 ORDER BY time, trade_num) >= 0
    ORDER BY datetime, trade_num
    WITH TIMEZONE = 'US/Eastern'

To view the chart based on real-time data, the interval condition can be modified as follows:

AND datetime BETWEEN current_working_day AND now

Instrument Groups

Open Instrument Groups > Create page and create an expression-based watch list which is populated and stays updated based on reference data.

Click Expression tab and enter a filter expression.

tags.region = 'US' AND tags.industry = 'Autos'

SELECT datetime, symbol, open, close, voltoday AS "volume",
  numtrades, ROUND(valtoday/1000000, 0) AS "volume_$M"
  FROM atsd_session_summary
WHERE class = 'IEXG' AND is_entity_in_group(to_entity(symbol, class), 'us-auto')
  AND datetime BETWEEN '2021-03-12 00:00:00' AND '2021-03-15 00:00:00'
  WITH TIMEZONE = 'US/Eastern'
  ORDER BY symbol, datetime


In the URL links below, replace atsd_hostname with the hostname where ATSD is installed.

Replace <username> and <password> with the correct credentials.

Alternatively, create API tokens on Admin > API Tokens page to access various endpoints.

Export trades:

curl "https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/v1/trades?class=IEXG&symbol=TSLA&startDate=2021-03-05%2014%3A00%3A00-05%3A00&endDate=2021-03-05%2014%3A05%3A00-05%3A00" \
 -k -u <username>:<password>

Export OHLCV bars:

curl "https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/v1/ohlcv?class=IEXG&symbol=TSLA&startDate=2021-03-05%2014%3A00%3A00-05%3A00&endDate=2021-03-05%2014%3A05%3A00-05%3A00&period=1%20MINUTE" \
 -k -u <username>:<password>



You have successfully completed the Getting Started exercises.