SUSE Linux Enterprise Server: Offline


The installation process involves downloading dependencies to an intermediate server with Internet access and copying them to the target server with similar characteristics for offline installation.

Supported Versions

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.x


Check Dependencies

Check that required dependencies are present on the target server:

sudo zypper search -i java-1_8_0-openjdk-devel which net-tools iproute2

Verify that the dependencies are present.

S  | Name                     | Summary                                                     | Type
i+ | iproute2                 | Linux network configuration utilities                       | package
i+ | java-1_8_0-openjdk-devel | OpenJDK 8 Development Environment                           | package
i  | net-tools                | Important Programs for Networking                           | package
i  | which                    | Displays where a particular program in your path is located | package

Install any missing dependencies.

Install ATSD

Download the ATSD rpm package for SLES to the server with internet access.

curl -O

Copy atsd_amd64_sles.rpm to the target server and install ATSD.

sudo zypper -n install atsd_amd64_sles.rpm

It can take up to five minutes to initialize the database.

Check Installation

tail -f /opt/atsd/atsd/logs/start.log

Watch for ATSD start completed message at the end of the start.log.

Web interface is now accessible on port 8443 (HTTPS).



Post-installation Steps