SQL Query Metadata API Endpoint


Retrieves SQL query result metadata in JSON format without executing the query.

The metadata is available even for metrics that do not exist in the database. In this case, the metric value column is of the default float datatype.


No entity permissions are required.


Method Path Content-Type Header
POST /api/sql/meta application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Name Type Description
q string [Required] Query text.

As an alternative, the query can be submitted as text payload with Content-Type set to text/plain and with the other parameters included in the query string.


The response contains result set metadata in JSON format to assist JDBC drivers and API clients in processing query results.

The metadata is specified as JSON-LD (JSON linked data) according to the W3C Model for Tabular Data.

ATSD JSON-LD schema is published here.

    "@context": ["http://www.w3.org/ns/csvw", {
        "atsd": "http://www.axibase.com/schemas/2017/07/atsd.jsonld"
    "dc:created": {
        "@value": "2017-07-04T16:59:19.908Z",
        "@type": "xsd:date"
    "dc:publisher": {
        "schema:name": "Axibase Time-Series Database",
        "schema:url": {
            "@id": "https://atsd_hostname:8443"
    "dc:title": "SQL Query",
    "rdfs:comment": "SELECT tbl.value*100 AS \"cpu_percent\", tbl.datetime 'sample-date'\n FROM \"mpstat.cpu_busy\" tbl \n WHERE datetime > now - 1*MINUTE",
    "@type": "Table",
    "url": "sql.csv",
    "tableSchema": {
        "columns": [{
            "columnIndex": 1,
            "name": "tbl.value * 100",
            "titles": "cpu_percent",
            "datatype": "double",
            "table": "mpstat.cpu_busy",
            "propertyUrl": "atsd:value"
        }, {
            "columnIndex": 2,
            "name": "tbl.datetime",
            "titles": "sample-date",
            "datatype": "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
            "table": "mpstat.cpu_busy",
            "propertyUrl": "atsd:datetime",
            "dc:description": "Sample time in ISO8601 format"
    "dialect": {
        "commentPrefix": "#",
        "delimiter": ",",
        "doubleQuote": true,
        "quoteChar": "\"",
        "headerRowCount": 1,
        "encoding": "utf-8",
        "header": true,
        "lineTerminators": ["\r\n", "\n"],
        "skipBlankRows": false,
        "skipColumns": 0,
        "skipRows": 0,
        "skipInitialSpace": false,
        "trim": false,
        "@type": "Dialect"



curl https://atsd_hostname:8443/api/sql/meta  \
  --insecure  --include --user {username}:{password} \
  --data 'q=SELECT entity, value FROM "mpstat.cpu_busy" WHERE datetime > now - 1*MINUTE'
    "@context": ["http://www.w3.org/ns/csvw", {
        "atsd": "http://www.axibase.com/schemas/2017/07/atsd.jsonld"
    "dc:created": {
        "@value": "2017-07-07T13:05:48.395Z",
        "@type": "xsd:date"
    "dc:publisher": {
        "schema:name": "Axibase Time-Series Database",
        "schema:url": {
            "@id": "https://atsd_hostname:8443"
    "dc:title": "SQL Query",
    "rdfs:comment": "SELECT entity, value FROM \"mpstat.cpu_busy\" WHERE datetime > now - 1*MINUTE",
    "@type": "Table",
    "url": "sql.csv",
    "tableSchema": {
        "columns": [{
            "columnIndex": 1,
            "name": "entity",
            "titles": "entity",
            "datatype": "string",
            "table": "mpstat.cpu_busy",
            "propertyUrl": "atsd:entity"
        }, {
            "columnIndex": 2,
            "name": "value",
            "titles": "value",
            "datatype": "float",
            "table": "mpstat.cpu_busy",
            "propertyUrl": "atsd:value"
    "dialect": {
        "commentPrefix": "#",
        "delimiter": ",",
        "doubleQuote": true,
        "quoteChar": "\"",
        "headerRowCount": 1,
        "encoding": "utf-8",
        "header": true,
        "lineTerminators": ["\r\n", "\n"],
        "skipBlankRows": false,
        "skipColumns": 0,
        "skipRows": 0,
        "skipInitialSpace": false,
        "trim": false,
        "@type": "Dialect"