Counter Aggregator


The COUNTER and DELTA functions calculate the difference between values within the given period.

The functions returns the sum of the differences between consecutive values in the period. The starting (first) value is the last value from the previous period, if available.

COUNTER function

SUM (v(i) - v(i-1) < 0 ? v(i) : v(i) - v(i-1))

If the difference between two values is negative, the difference is replaced with the second value itself.

| value | counter | delta |
| 10    | 0       | 0     |
| 20    | 10      | 10    |
| 3     | 3       | -17   |
| 15    | 12      | 12    |
| ===== | ======= | ===== |
| -     | 25      | 5     |

DELTA function

SUM (v(i) - v(i-1))

If the difference between values is always non-negative, the DELTA aggregator produces the same result as the COUNTER aggregator.

View ChartLab examples illustrating the difference between the functions.

Query - Detailed

SELECT datetime, count(value), max(value), first(value), last(value), counter(value), delta(value)
  FROM log_event_total_counter
WHERE entity = 'nurswgvml201' AND tags.level = 'ERROR'
  AND datetime >= '2018-09-30T09:00:00Z' AND datetime < '2018-09-30T10:00:00Z'
GROUP BY period(5 minute)


| datetime                 | count(value) | max(value) | first(value) | last(value) | counter(value) | delta(value) |
| 2018-09-30T09:00:00.000Z | 5.0          | 3.0        | 2.0          | 3.0         | 1.0            | 1.0          |
| 2018-09-30T09:05:00.000Z | 4.0          | 3.0        | 3.0          | 3.0         | 0.0            | 0.0          |
| 2018-09-30T09:10:00.000Z | 4.0          | 3.0        | 3.0          | 3.0         | 0.0            | 0.0          |
| 2018-09-30T09:15:00.000Z | 6.0          | 5.0        | 2.0          | 5.0         | 5.0            | 2.0          |
| 2018-09-30T09:20:00.000Z | 5.0          | 8.0        | 7.0          | 8.0         | 3.0            | 3.0          |
| 2018-09-30T09:25:00.000Z | 4.0          | 3.0        | 3.0          | 3.0         | 3.0            | -5.0         |
| 2018-09-30T09:30:00.000Z | 4.0          | 3.0        | 3.0          | 3.0         | 0.0            | 0.0          |
| 2018-09-30T09:35:00.000Z | 4.0          | 3.0        | 3.0          | 3.0         | 0.0            | 0.0          |
| 2018-09-30T09:40:00.000Z | 10.0         | 1803.0     | 3.0          | 1803.0      | 1800.0         | 1800.0       |
| 2018-09-30T09:45:00.000Z | 5.0          | 1806.0     | 1803.0       | 1806.0      | 3.0            | 3.0          |
| 2018-09-30T09:50:00.000Z | 4.0          | 3.0        | 3.0          | 3.0         | 3.0            | -1803.0      |
| 2018-09-30T09:55:00.000Z | 5.0          | 3.0        | 2.0          | 3.0         | 3.0            | 0.0          |

Detailed Values

| datetime                 | value  |
| 2018-09-30T09:00:05.869Z | 2.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:00:17.860Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:00:28.195Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:00:33.526Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:00:38.858Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:05:32.217Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:06:00.211Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:07:00.321Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:08:00.353Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:10:36.214Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:11:36.503Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:12:36.836Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:13:36.901Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:15:01.917Z | 2.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:15:30.948Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:15:36.279Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:16:36.369Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:17:36.454Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:19:36.559Z | 5.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:20:05.540Z | 7.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:20:10.547Z | 8.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:20:15.565Z | 8.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:20:20.571Z | 8.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:20:25.578Z | 8.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:25:32.833Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:26:03.818Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:27:04.143Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:28:04.438Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:30:13.153Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:30:34.830Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:31:34.965Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:32:35.065Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:35:32.089Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:36:00.095Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:37:00.125Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:38:00.437Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:40:06.418Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:40:11.748Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:40:16.778Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:40:22.108Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:43:35.007Z | 93.0   |
| 2018-09-30T09:43:40.023Z | 453.0  |
| 2018-09-30T09:43:45.044Z | 903.0  |
| 2018-09-30T09:43:50.375Z | 1399.0 |
| 2018-09-30T09:43:55.707Z | 1803.0 |
| 2018-09-30T09:44:55.744Z | 1803.0 |
| 2018-09-30T09:45:01.407Z | 1803.0 |
| 2018-09-30T09:45:06.740Z | 1806.0 |
| 2018-09-30T09:45:34.740Z | 1806.0 |
| 2018-09-30T09:46:35.064Z | 1806.0 |
| 2018-09-30T09:47:35.398Z | 1806.0 |
| 2018-09-30T09:50:33.322Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:51:03.995Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:52:04.000Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:53:04.009Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:55:04.351Z | 2.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:55:34.683Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:56:34.718Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:57:35.040Z | 3.0    |
| 2018-09-30T09:58:35.257Z | 3.0    |

Query - Filtered

If the rows are filtered in the WHERE condition such that intermediate periods are empty, the first (starting) value is obtained from the most recent period preceding the current period.

In the example below, the first value is the last value of the previous Sunday.

SELECT datetime, date_format(time, 'eeee') AS "day-of-week",
  min(value), max(value), max(value)- min(value) AS "max-min", first(value), last(value), last(value)-first(value) AS "last-first", delta(value)
FROM "so.tags.count"
WHERE entity = 'stackoverflow-python'
  AND datetime >= '2017-01-01T00:00:00Z' AND datetime < '2017-02-06T00:00:00.000Z'
  AND date_format(time, 'eeee') = 'Sunday'
GROUP BY period(1 day)
  --HAVING date_format(time, 'eeee') = 'Sunday'


| datetime             | day-of-week | min(value) | max(value) | max-min | first(value) | last(value) | last-first | delta(value) |
| 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 677557     | 677798     | 241     | 677557       | 677798      | 241        | 241          |
| 2017-01-08T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 680671     | 681048     | 377     | 680671       | 681048      | 377        | 3250         |
| 2017-01-15T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 684065     | 684449     | 384     | 684065       | 684449      | 384        | 3401         |
| 2017-01-22T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 687657     | 688064     | 407     | 687657       | 688064      | 407        | 3615         |
| 2017-01-29T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 690772     | 691213     | 441     | 690772       | 691213      | 441        | 3149         |
| 2017-02-05T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 694730     | 695097     | 367     | 694730       | 695097      | 367        | 3884         |

The same query where filtering is applied to grouped rows (by period) produces daily differences since the first value used by the DELTA function is the last value of the previous day.

SELECT datetime, date_format(time, 'eeee') AS "day-of-week",
  min(value), max(value), max(value)- min(value) AS "max-min", first(value), last(value), last(value)-first(value) AS "last-first", delta(value)
FROM "so.tags.count"
WHERE entity = 'stackoverflow-python'
  AND datetime >= '2017-01-01T00:00:00Z' AND datetime < '2017-02-06T00:00:00.000Z'
  --AND date_format(time, 'eeee') = 'Sunday'
GROUP BY period(1 day)
  HAVING date_format(time, 'eeee') = 'Sunday'


| datetime             | day-of-week | min(value) | max(value) | max-min | first(value) | last(value) | last-first | delta(value) |
| 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 677557     | 677798     | 241     | 677557       | 677798      | 241        | 241          |
| 2017-01-08T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 680671     | 681048     | 377     | 680671       | 681048      | 377        | 403          |
| 2017-01-15T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 684065     | 684449     | 384     | 684065       | 684449      | 384        | 403          |
| 2017-01-22T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 687657     | 688064     | 407     | 687657       | 688064      | 407        | 423          |
| 2017-01-29T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 690772     | 691213     | 441     | 690772       | 691213      | 441        | 458          |
| 2017-02-05T00:00:00Z | Sunday      | 694730     | 695097     | 367     | 694730       | 695097      | 367        | 385          |