Aggregate Functions: FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE

FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE functions return the first and last value within a set of the grouped records which are sorted by time in ascending order.


series e:e-agr-1 m:m-agr=10  d:2017-07-01T02:00:00Z
series e:e-agr-2 m:m-agr=20  d:2017-07-01T08:00:00Z <- last value within day
series e:e-agr-3 m:m-agr=30  d:2017-07-01T01:00:00Z <- first value within day

series e:e-agr-3 m:m-agr=60  d:2017-07-02T00:00:00Z <- value is non-deterministic, multiple samples recorded with the same time
series e:e-agr-1 m:m-agr=40  d:2017-07-02T00:00:00Z
series e:e-agr-2 m:m-agr=50  d:2017-07-02T00:00:00Z
series e:e-agr-4 m:m-agr=70  d:2017-07-02T00:00:00Z

series e:e-agr-1 m:m-agr=NaN d:2017-07-03T00:00:00Z <- NaN is discarded by first/last functions
series e:e-agr-2 m:m-agr=80  d:2017-07-03T15:00:00Z <- last numeric value within day
series e:e-agr-3 m:m-agr=90  d:2017-07-03T09:00:00Z <- first numeric value within day

Query: GROUP BY day

SELECT datetime, count(value), count(*),
  FIRST_VALUE(value), LAST_VALUE(value)
FROM "m-agr"
  • Results
| datetime            | count(value) | count(*) | first_value(value) | last_value(value) |
| 2017-07-01 00:00:00 |            3 |        3 |                 30 |                20 |
| 2017-07-02 00:00:00 |            4 |        4 |                 40 |                70 |
| 2017-07-03 00:00:00 |            2 |        3 |                 90 |                80 |

Query: GROUP BY entity

SELECT entity, count(value), count(*),
  FIRST_VALUE(value), LAST_VALUE(value)
FROM "m-agr"
  GROUP BY entity
  • Results
| entity  | count(value) | count(*) | first_value(value) | last_value(value) |
| e-agr-1 |            2 |        3 |                 10 |                40 |
| e-agr-2 |            3 |        3 |                 20 |                80 |
| e-agr-3 |            3 |        3 |                 30 |                90 |
| e-agr-4 |            1 |        1 |                 70 |                70 |