LIMIT by Partition

The last record in each partition can be retrieved by reverse ordering rows within each partition using the ORDER BY time DESC condition.


SELECT entity, datetime, value
  FROM "mpstat.cpu_busy"
WHERE datetime >= '2016-06-18T12:00:00.000Z' AND datetime < '2016-06-18T12:00:30.000Z'
  WITH ROW_NUMBER(entity ORDER BY time DESC) <= 1
  ORDER BY entity, time


| entity       | datetime                 | value |
| nurswgvml006 | 2016-06-18T12:00:21.000Z | 8.1  |
| nurswgvml007 | 2016-06-18T12:00:19.000Z | 67.7 |
| nurswgvml010 | 2016-06-18T12:00:14.000Z | 0.5  |
| nurswgvml011 | 2016-06-18T12:00:26.000Z | 4.0  |
| nurswgvml102 | 2016-06-18T12:00:18.000Z | 0.0  |
| nurswgvml502 | 2016-06-18T12:00:17.000Z | 0.5  |