Select All Columns

SELECT * can be used to include all available columns in the result set.

The list of available columns includes time, datetime, value, text, metric, entity, and series tags.

The SELECT * expression includes only a subset of pre-defined columns. Additional columns such as metric.label, entity.tags or time can be enumerated in the SELECT expression explicitly.

Series tags can be included in the SELECT expression using SELECT tags.{name} syntax.

Query Without Series Tags

  FROM "mpstat.cpu_busy"
WHERE entity = 'nurswgvml006'
  AND datetime > now - 5 * minute


| time          | datetime             | value | text | metric          | entity       | tags |
| 1499177483000 | 2017-07-04T14:11:23Z | 3.03  | null | mpstat.cpu_busy | nurswgvml006 | null |
| 1499177499000 | 2017-07-04T14:11:39Z | 6.19  | null | mpstat.cpu_busy | nurswgvml006 | null |
| 1499177515000 | 2017-07-04T14:11:55Z | 1.02  | null | mpstat.cpu_busy | nurswgvml006 | null |

Query With Series Tags

  FROM "df.disk_used"
WHERE entity = 'nurswgvml006'
  AND datetime > now - 5 * minute
ORDER BY datetime


| time          | datetime             | value   | text | metric       | entity       | tags                                                          |
| 1499177539000 | 2017-07-04T14:12:19Z | 6652400 | null | df.disk_used | nurswgvml006 | file_system=/dev/mapper/vg_nurswgvml006-lv_root;mount_point=/ |
| 1499177554000 | 2017-07-04T14:12:34Z | 6652400 | null | df.disk_used | nurswgvml006 | file_system=/dev/mapper/vg_nurswgvml006-lv_root;mount_point=/ |
| 1499177569000 | 2017-07-04T14:12:49Z | 6652392 | null | df.disk_used | nurswgvml006 | file_system=/dev/mapper/vg_nurswgvml006-lv_root;mount_point=/ |

Query - JOIN

If the query is joining multiple tables, the list of columns in the result set includes columns from each table.

In case of JOIN, column names are fully qualified and include both table name (alias) and column name.

  FROM "df.disk_used"
  JOIN USING ENTITY "mpstat.cpu_busy"
WHERE mpstat.cpu_busy.entity = 'nurswgvml006'
  AND df.disk_used.datetime > now - 5 * minute


| disk_used.time | disk_used.datetime   | disk_used.value | disk_used.text | disk_used.metric | disk_used.entity | disk_used.tags                                                | cpu_busy.time | cpu_busy.datetime    | cpu_busy.value | cpu_busy.text | cpu_busy.metric | cpu_busy.entity | cpu_busy.tags |
| 1499177675000  | 2017-07-04T14:14:35Z | 6652392         | null           | df.disk_used     | nurswgvml006     | file_system=/dev/mapper/vg_nurswgvml006-lv_root;mount_point=/ | 1499177675000 | 2017-07-04T14:14:35Z | 3              | null          | mpstat.cpu_busy | nurswgvml006    | null          |
| 1499177675000  | 2017-07-04T14:14:35Z | 58659216        | null           | df.disk_used     | nurswgvml006     | file_system=/dev/sdc1;mount_point=/media/datadrive            | 1499177675000 | 2017-07-04T14:14:35Z | 3              | null          | mpstat.cpu_busy | nurswgvml006    | null          |