Computed Columns

Computed columns can be created by applying functions and arithmetic expression to existing columns.

The computed columns can be used both in the SELECT expression as well as in WHERE, HAVING, and ORDER BY clauses.

Query with Join

SELECT t1.datetime AS "datetime", t1.entity AS "entity", t1.value, t2.value, t1.value + t2.value AS total_cpu
    FROM "mpstat.cpu_system" t1
    JOIN "mpstat.cpu_user" t2
WHERE t1.datetime > now - 1*MINUTE AND t2.datetime > now - 1*MINUTE


| datetime                 | entity       | t1.value | t2.value | total_cpu |
| 2016-08-15T07:53:01.000Z | nurswgvml006 | 1.0      | 1.0      | 2.0       |
| 2016-08-15T07:53:17.000Z | nurswgvml006 | 1.0      | 2.0      | 3.0       |
| 2016-08-15T07:53:33.000Z | nurswgvml006 | 0.0      | 4.0      | 4.0       |
| 2016-08-15T07:53:49.000Z | nurswgvml006 | 2.0      | 4.0      | 6.0       |
| 2016-08-15T07:52:59.000Z | nurswgvml007 | 1.0      | 2.0      | 3.0       |

Query with JOIN and Functions

SELECT t1.datetime, t1.entity, max(t1.value), max(t2.value), max(t1.value) + max(t2.value), max(t1.value + t2.value) AS max_total_cpu
  FROM "mpstat.cpu_system" t1
  JOIN "mpstat.cpu_user" t2
WHERE t1.datetime > now - 1*MINUTE
GROUP BY t1.entity, t1.datetime


| datetime                 | entity       | max(t1.value) | max(t2.value) | max(t1.value)+max(t2.value) | max_total_cpu |
| 2016-07-15T14:41:58.000Z | nurswgvml007 | 2.0           | 24.8          | 26.8                        | 25.1          |

Query with Computed Columns in ORDER BY Clause

SELECT entity, tags.file_system, tags.mount_point, min(value), max(value), max(value) - min(value) AS range
 FROM "df.disk_used"
WHERE datetime >= now - 1 * HOUR
 GROUP BY entity, tags
 ORDER BY max(value) - min(value) DESC


| entity       | tags.file_system                    | tags.mount_point | min(value) | max(value) | range     |
| nurswgvml010 | /dev/sdb1                           | /app             | 30131084.0 | 33794988.0 | 3663904.0 |
| nurswgvml006 | /dev/sdc1                           | /media/datadrive | 54354244.0 | 54536264.0 | 182020.0  |
| nurswgvml007 | /dev/mapper/vg_nurswgvml007-lv_root | /                | 9158952.0  | 9211892.0  | 52940.0   |
| nurswgvml011 | /dev/sda1                           | /                | 6818064.0  | 6827156.0  | 9092.0    |
| nurswgvml009 | /dev/sdb1                           | /opt             | 30847072.0 | 30852760.0 | 5688.0    |

Query with HAVING Clause

SELECT entity, min(value), max(value), max(value) - min(value)
  FROM "mpstat.cpu_busy"
WHERE datetime >= now - 1 * minute
  GROUP BY entity
HAVING max(value) - min(value) > 10
  ORDER BY max(value) - min(value) DESC


| entity       | min(value) | max(value) | max(value)-min(value) |
| nurswgvml010 | 0.2        | 25.1       | 24.9                  |
| nurswgvml502 | 0.5        | 15.5       | 15.0                  |