nmon File Streaming over Telnet

Execute the steps in this guide to stream nmon statistics into ATSD using telnet protocol.

For sending nmon data through an SSH tunnel, refer to nmon File Streaming using an SSH Tunnel guide.

To monitor multiple servers using nmon, refer to Installing nmon on Multiple Machines guide.

The main purpose of the nmon tool is to monitor performance information for CPU, memory, network, disk, virtual memory, top processes, and other parts of the server or virtual server.

Currently, nmon is primarily supported on AIX and Linux systems. It can monitor IBM Power systems, x86, and amd64 processors, and even ARM based systems.

nmon can be run either in interactive or recording modes. The integration uses the recording mode to stream appended data into ATSD.

AIX systems have nmon installed by default.

Install nmon

Create nmon directories:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/nmon/nmon_logs
sudo chown -R `whoami` /opt/nmon
cd /opt/nmon

Option 1: install nmon from repositories – Ubuntu/Debian

sudo apt-get install nmon

Option 2: install nmon from Axibase GitHub

git clone git://github.com/axibase/nmon.git -b 15e
  • Move the downloaded nmon files to the /opt/nmon directory:
mv nmon/* /opt/nmon
rm -r nmon
wget -O nmon https://github.com/axibase/nmon/releases/download/15e/nmon_x86_ubuntu134
  • Set permissions for nmon:
sudo chmod 774 nmon
  • Make nmon executable:
chmod +x nmon

Option 3: install nmon from binaries

wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/nmon/files/nmon15d_power.tar.gz
  • Extract nmon
tar xzf nmon15d_power.tar.gz
  • After extracting the downloaded nmon archive, choose the appropriate binary file for your system. For example: nmon\_linux\_x86\_64
  • Change the name of the correct binary to nmon
mv nmon_linux_x86_64 nmon
  • Set permissions for nmon
sudo chmod 774 nmon

Download Sender Script from Axibase GitHub

wget https://github.com/axibase/nmon/blob/master/nmon_sender_telnet.sh

Test nmon with Sender Script – Installed from Repositories

/usr/bin/nmon -F `hostname`.nmon -s 2 -c 30
./nmon_sender_telnet.sh {atsdhostname} -p 8081 -s 2 -c 30 -f `hostname`.

Test nmon with Sender Script – Installed from Axibase GitHub or Binaries

./nmon -F `hostname`.nmon -s 2 -c 30
./nmon_sender_telnet.sh {atsdhostname} -p 8081 -s 2 -c 30 -f `hostname`.

Setup nmon File Streaming

Set up crontab to collect data continuously from nmon daemon and the appended data is sent into ATSD.

Setup nmon File Streaming with Sender Script – Installed from Repositories

0 0 * * * /usr/bin/nmon -f -s 60 -c 1440 -T -m /opt/nmon/nmon_logs/
0 0 * * * /opt/nmon/nmon_sender_telnet.sh {atsdhostname} -p 8081 -s 60 -c 1440 -m /opt/nmon/nmon_logs/ >> /opt/nmon/full.log 2>&1

Setup nmon File Streaming with Sender Script – Installed from Axibase GitHub or Binaries:

0 0 * * * /opt/nmon/nmon -f -s 60 -c 1440 -T -m /opt/nmon/nmon_logs/
0 0 * * * /opt/nmon/nmon_sender_telnet.sh {atsdhostname} -p 8081 -s 60 -c 1440 -m /opt/nmon/nmon_logs/ >> /opt/nmon/full.log 2>&1         `

Entities collecting nmon data are automatically added to the nmon-linux and nmon-aix entity groups.

Entities collecting nmon data are also automatically assigned predefined nmon portals.

Predefined AIX and Linux nmon portals cover a variety of key metrics and have been designed to provide visibility into the performance of the target server.

Custom portals can be created using HTML5 Widgets to visualize any combination of collected nmon metrics.

Predefined nmon AIX Portal

Predefined nmon Linux Portal

Once nmon data is streamed into ATSD and predefined portals are working, you can use the Rule Engine and Forecasting tools for analyzing and planning capacity. Custom portals can be created using HTML5 widgets.