Sender Script

SSH Tunnel

The sender script is used to stream nmon data into ATSD as soon as the data is written into the nmon file.

The script creates an SSH tunnel and uses it to send nmon data to ATSD.


The SSH Tunneling guide explains how to setup and test the tunnel manually.

Unpack the script to the /opt/nmon directory, as described in the SSH File Streaming guide.


The script uses Telnet to send nmon data to ATSD.


Unpack the script to the /opt/nmon directory, as described in the Telnet File Streaming guide.

Script Arguments

Example crontab setup:

0 0 * * * /opt/nmon/nmon -f -s 60 -c 1440 -T -m /opt/nmon/nmon_logs/
0 0 * * * /opt/nmon/ {atsd_hostname} -p 22 -s 60 -c 1440 -m /opt/nmon/nmon_logs/ -i /opt/nmon/id_rsa_atsdreadonly >>/opt/nmon/full.log 2>&1

The first line is a task to start nmon.

The second line is a task to run the script. The {atsd_hostname} must be replaced with a hostname or IP address where the ATSD is installed (NAT address if you are using port forwarding).

Argument -p specifies the TCP port of the ATSD server.

-s , -c, and -m arguments must have the same values in both lines.

All arguments, except -h, must have a value.

To stop the script and all involved processes, just run (with the correct pid of nmon sender script):

kill $nmonsenderPID

You can find the right $nmonsenderPID in output of command:

ps -ef | grep
Argument Description
-h Show help message.
-s [second] Set period of making snapshot of nmon (60 by default).
-c [count] Set count of snapshot (1440 by default).
-m [dir] Set nmon output directory or filename (./ by default).
-u [user] Set user for SSH connect (atsdreadonly by default).
-i [keypath] Set path to private key (~/.ssh/id_rsa_atsdreadonly by default).
-p [port] Set port to connect by SSH (22 by default).
-r [parser_id] Set parser id (default by default).