Daily Pull Request Report for GitHub Repositories


Configure ATSD to produce a daily report with all open Pull Requests across multiple repositories and email the consolidated report to subscribers. The report has two parts: open Pull Requests passing all status checks, and open Pull Requests failing one or more status checks.

While GitHub webhook integration can notify repository owners of new Pull Requests, the number of real-time notifications for teams with a large collection of repositories maybe overwhelming. Use this guide to deliver a consolidated report for all Pull Request activities on GitHub using programmatic integration with the GitHub GraphQL service.

Generate OAuth Access Token

The report uses an OAuth Personal Token to query the GitHub API without transmitting user login information.

While logged in to GitHub, click the user profile picture in the upper-right corner and click Settings.

Open the Developer Settings page and navigate to the Personal Access Tokens tab.

Click Generate New Token and enter the account password when prompted.

Configure the token to grant read:org permissions in the admin:org section by checking the appropriate box. This scope grants read-only organization access to any user with this token, keep the contents confidential.

Copy the token to the TOKEN parameter of the sandbox launch command.

For more information about token scopes, see GitHub Developer Documentation.

Launch ATSD Sandbox

Execute the docker run command shown below to launch an ATSD sandbox instance.

Modify the launch command to include your particular settings:

  • The ORGANIZATION variable specifies the case-sensitive name of the organization on GitHub to monitor.
  • Copy GitHub OAuth token, generated before, to the TOKEN variable.
  • The SUBSCRIBERS variable contains the comma-separated list of email addresses subscribed to the daily report.
  • Bind /home/user/mail.properties file via volume.
docker run -d -p 8443:8443 \
  --name=atsd-sandbox \
  --env START_COLLECTOR=off \
  --env ORGANIZATION=MyOrganization \
  --env TOKEN=**************************************** \
  --env SUBSCRIBERS=user@example.org \
  --env EMAIL_CONFIG=mail.properties \
  --env ATSD_IMPORT_PATH=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axibase/atsd-use-cases/master/integrations/github/resources/github-daily-pr-status.xml,https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axibase/atsd-use-cases/master/integrations/github/resources/github-graphql-table.xml,https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axibase/atsd-use-cases/master/integrations/github/resources/graphql-queries.xml \
  --volume /home/user/mail.properties:/mail.properties \

Mail configuration has several required parameters, passing these parameters into the container via mounted file is the simplest solution. The volume variable must point to the absolute path to a file containing the following parameters:


Replace server, user, and password parameters with actual values. If the outgoing mail server uses a different port than 587 for SMTP messages, define it as an additional parameter:


Watch the sandbox container logs for All applications started and Mail Client configured messages.

docker logs -f atsd-sandbox

The log file prints the following message if Mail Client configuration is successful:

Mail Client test successful.

Upon successful completion, Mail Client in ATSD sends subscribed users a confirmation email.

For advanced launch settings refer to Sandbox Documentation.

Configure Subscriber List

After initial launch, you may modify the list of subscribers at any time. Log in to the ATSD web interface, accessible at https://docker_host:8443/. Open the Alerts menu and click Rules.

Search for the github-daily-pr-status rule and open the Rule Editor by clicking the link in the Name column.

Open the Email Notifications tab in the Rule Editor and modify the Recipients field. Emails must be comma-separated.

Configuring Report Delivery

By default, the github-daily-pr-status rule delivers a report upon launch and then again every morning at 5:00 AM server local time. Open the Settings menu in ATSD and select System Information to view server local time.

Modify delivery time by opening the github-daily-pr-status rule from the Rules page. The Condition field contains:

now.getHourOfDay() == 5

Change the value of this expression to the integer 24-hour time when ATSD must deliver the report.

now.getHourOfDay() == 18

Report delivery now occurs at 6:00 PM server local time.

Report Contents

The github-daily-pr-status rule builds an HTML table with information returned by the GraphQL query according to the configuration found in the Text field of the Email Notifications tab:

        ['GQL_query': lookup('graphql-queries', 'issue-list')]
      "$..pullRequests.nodes[?(@.mergeable == 'MERGEABLE' && @.pullRequestcommits.nodes[0].commit.status.state == 'SUCCESS')]"
, 'html', true)}

The report with failed Pull Requests uses an identical configuration with the exception of the JSONPath, which instead evaluates state == 'FAILURE'.

Table Function jsonToLists converts JSON file to string list. Table function jsonPathFilter parses the original document based on JSONPath defined as "$..pullRequests.nodes[?...]".

For additional Table Functions, view ATSD Documentation.

The queryConfig function queries the GraphQL API v4 returns Pull Request information in JSON format.

GitHub Developer Documentation offers a step-by-step guide to form each part of a query using the v4 API.

query {
  organization(login: "apache") {
        repositories(first: 1, orderBy: {field: PUSHED_AT, direction: DESC}) {
        nodes {
            pullRequests(first: 5, states: OPEN, orderBy: {field: UPDATED_AT, direction: DESC}) {
                nodes {
                    headRepository { nameWithOwner }
                    author {
                    ... on User {
                        login name
                    #milestone { title }
                    #labels(first: 3) { nodes{name} }
                    ... on PullRequest {
                        pullRequestcommits: commits(last: 1) {
                            nodes {
                                commit {
                                    status { state contexts { context description createdAt targetUrl } }

The above query targets Apache Software Foundation repositories and returns a JSON list with the first five Pull Requests from the first repository of the Apache GitHub library, alphabetically.

Configure these settings by modifying the pullRequests(first: 5, states: OPEN, orderBy: {field: UPDATED_AT, direction: DESC}) and repositories(first:1, orderBy: {field: PUSHED_AT, direction: DESC}) clauses, respectively. Modify this query on the Data > Replacement Tables page.

View the JSON results of the GraphQL query.

    "data": {
        "organization": {
            "repositories": {
                "nodes": [
                        "pullRequests": {
                            "nodes": [
                                    "headRepository": {
                                        "nameWithOwner": "harishbisht/incubator-airflow"
                                    "url": "https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/3387",
                                    "author": {
                                        "login": "harishbisht",
                                        "name": "Harish Bisht"
                                    "mergeable": "MERGEABLE",
                                    "baseRefName": "master",
                                    "headRefName": "master",
                                    "title": "added airtel in user list",
                                    "pullRequestcommits": {
                                        "nodes": [
                                                "commit": {
                                                    "status": {
                                                        "state": "PENDING",
                                                        "contexts": [
                                                                "context": "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr",
                                                                "description": "The Travis CI build is in progress",
                                                                "createdAt": "2018-05-21T15:53:56Z",
                                                                "targetUrl": "https://travis-ci.org/apache/incubator-airflow/builds/381737856?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification"
                                    "headRepository": {
                                        "nameWithOwner": "kaxil/incubator-airflow"
                                    "url": "https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/3394",
                                    "author": {
                                        "login": "kaxil",
                                        "name": "Kaxil Naik"
                                    "mergeable": "MERGEABLE",
                                    "baseRefName": "master",
                                    "headRefName": "AIRFLOW-2429",
                                    "title": "[AIRFLOW-2429] Fix contrib folder's flake8 errors",
                                    "pullRequestcommits": {
                                        "nodes": [
                                                "commit": {
                                                    "status": {
                                                        "state": "PENDING",
                                                        "contexts": [
                                                                "context": "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr",
                                                                "description": "The Travis CI build is in progress",
                                                                "createdAt": "2018-05-21T15:34:06Z",
                                                                "targetUrl": "https://travis-ci.org/apache/incubator-airflow/builds/381727712?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification"
                                    "headRepository": {
                                        "nameWithOwner": "RealImpactAnalytics/airflow"
                                    "url": "https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/3314",
                                    "author": {
                                        "login": "milanvdm",
                                        "name": "Milan van der Meer"
                                    "mergeable": "MERGEABLE",
                                    "baseRefName": "master",
                                    "headRefName": "milanvdm/subdag_view",
                                    "title": "[AIRFLOW-2419] Use default view for subdag operator",
                                    "pullRequestcommits": {
                                        "nodes": [
                                                "commit": {
                                                    "status": {
                                                        "state": "SUCCESS",
                                                        "contexts": [
                                                                "context": "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr",
                                                                "description": "The Travis CI build passed",
                                                                "createdAt": "2018-05-04T13:24:31Z",
                                                                "targetUrl": "https://travis-ci.org/apache/incubator-airflow/builds/374873020?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification"
                                    "headRepository": {
                                        "nameWithOwner": "hellosoda/incubator-airflow"
                                    "url": "https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/3370",
                                    "author": {
                                        "login": "milliburn",
                                        "name": "Roberth Kulbin"
                                    "mergeable": "MERGEABLE",
                                    "baseRefName": "master",
                                    "headRefName": "airflow-1472-master",
                                    "title": "[AIRFLOW-1472] Fix SLA misses triggering on skipped tasks.",
                                    "pullRequestcommits": {
                                        "nodes": [
                                                "commit": {
                                                    "status": {
                                                        "state": "FAILURE",
                                                        "contexts": [
                                                                "context": "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr",
                                                                "description": "The Travis CI build failed",
                                                                "createdAt": "2018-05-21T13:34:13Z",
                                                                "targetUrl": "https://travis-ci.org/apache/incubator-airflow/builds/381662628?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification"
                                    "headRepository": {
                                        "nameWithOwner": "gerardo/incubator-airflow"
                                    "url": "https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/3393",
                                    "author": {
                                        "login": "gerardo",
                                        "name": "Gerardo Curiel"
                                    "mergeable": "MERGEABLE",
                                    "baseRefName": "master",
                                    "headRefName": "docker-ci",
                                    "title": "[AIRFLOW-2499] Dockerised CI pipeline",
                                    "pullRequestcommits": {
                                        "nodes": [
                                                "commit": {
                                                    "status": {
                                                        "state": "FAILURE",
                                                        "contexts": [
                                                                "context": "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr",
                                                                "description": "The Travis CI build failed",
                                                                "createdAt": "2018-05-21T14:18:05Z",
                                                                "targetUrl": "https://travis-ci.org/apache/incubator-airflow/builds/381676845?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification"

The GraphQL query returns a JSON list of Pull Requests based on MERGEABLE status. Among the five returned Pull Requests, one has 'SUCCESS' state, two have 'FAILURE' state, and two have 'PENDING' state. ATSD Rule Engine filters these results with JSONPath syntax:

$..pullRequests.nodes[?(@.mergeable == 'MERGEABLE' && @.pullRequestcommits.nodes[0].commit.status.state == 'SUCCESS')]
$..pullRequests.nodes[?(@.mergeable == 'MERGEABLE' && @.pullRequestcommits.nodes[0].commit.status.state == 'FAILURE')]

The database uses the results to create two reports. One report tracks MERGEABLE Pull Requests which have passed all secondary checks identified by state == 'SUCCESS', and the second report tracks MERGEABLE pull requests which have failed one or more secondary checks identified by state == 'FAILURE'.

Each of these JSONPaths correspond to a JSON list which Rule Engine converts into an HTML table.

View the state == 'SUCCESS' JSON result set.

    "headRepository": {
      "nameWithOwner": "RealImpactAnalytics/airflow"
    "url": "https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/3314",
    "author": {
      "login": "milanvdm",
      "name": "Milan van der Meer"
    "mergeable": "MERGEABLE",
    "baseRefName": "master",
    "headRefName": "milanvdm/subdag_view",
    "title": "[AIRFLOW-2419] Use default view for subdag operator",
    "pullRequestcommits": {
      "nodes": [
          "commit": {
            "status": {
              "state": "SUCCESS",
              "contexts": [
                  "context": "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr",
                  "description": "The Travis CI build passed",
                  "createdAt": "2018-05-04T13:24:31Z",
                  "targetUrl": "https://travis-ci.org/apache/incubator-airflow/builds/374873020?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification"

View the state == 'FAILURE' JSON result set.

    "headRepository": {
      "nameWithOwner": "hellosoda/incubator-airflow"
    "url": "https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/3370",
    "author": {
      "login": "milliburn",
      "name": "Roberth Kulbin"
    "mergeable": "MERGEABLE",
    "baseRefName": "master",
    "headRefName": "airflow-1472-master",
    "title": "[AIRFLOW-1472] Fix SLA misses triggering on skipped tasks.",
    "pullRequestcommits": {
      "nodes": [
          "commit": {
            "status": {
              "state": "FAILURE",
              "contexts": [
                  "context": "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr",
                  "description": "The Travis CI build failed",
                  "createdAt": "2018-05-21T13:34:13Z",
                  "targetUrl": "https://travis-ci.org/apache/incubator-airflow/builds/381662628?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification"
    "headRepository": {
      "nameWithOwner": "gerardo/incubator-airflow"
    "url": "https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/3393",
    "author": {
      "login": "gerardo",
      "name": "Gerardo Curiel"
    "mergeable": "MERGEABLE",
    "baseRefName": "master",
    "headRefName": "docker-ci",
    "title": "[AIRFLOW-2499] Dockerised CI pipeline",
    "pullRequestcommits": {
      "nodes": [
          "commit": {
            "status": {
              "state": "FAILURE",
              "contexts": [
                  "context": "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr",
                  "description": "The Travis CI build failed",
                  "createdAt": "2018-05-21T14:18:05Z",
                  "targetUrl": "https://travis-ci.org/apache/incubator-airflow/builds/381676845?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification"

ATSD Rule Engine receives incoming JSON results and converts the information into human-readable HTML reports. Rule Engine generates reports based on Conditions, in this case, immediately after the first sandbox launch and then daily at 5:00 AM server local time. The report is created by Email Action which convert the JSON output into HTML table via jsonToLists function.

The above JSON result sets are be converted to two outgoing email reports, sent to the defined subscriber list.

Sample Apache Report for MERGEABLE Pull Requests with SUCCESS State:

Sample Apache Report for MERGEABLE Pull Requests with FAILURE State: