series Command


Inserts a timestamped value (number or text) into a specified time series, uniquely identified by a composite primary key consisting of an entity, metric, and optional key=value tags.


series d:${iso-date} e:${entity} t:${tag-1}=${val-1} m:${metric-1}=${number}

The command can include multiple values for different metrics, which inherit the same entity, time, and tags.

series d:${iso-date} e:${entity} t:${tag-1}=${val-1} m:${metric-1}=${number} m:${metric-2}=${number} x:${metric-3}=${text}


Field Type Description
e string [Required] Entity name.
m string:number [Required] Metric name and numeric value. Multiple.
x string:string [Required] Metric name and text value. Multiple.
d string Time in ISO format.
ms integer Unix time in milliseconds.
s integer Unix time in seconds.
t string:string Tag name and text value. Multiple.
a boolean Text append option. If set to true, it causes the text value to be appended to the previous text value with the same timestamp.
  • At least one value field, m: or x:, is required.
  • If the numeric value is not specified along with the text value with the same metric name, the numeric value is set to NaN (not a number).
  • If the time fields d, s, and ms are omitted, the values are inserted with the current server time.

The d datetime field can be specified in ISO format.

Format Description
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss[.S]Z Z denotes UTC time zone.
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss[.S]±hh[:]mm Time zone offset.

ABNF Syntax

Rules are inherited from Base ABNF.

; entity and at least one metric is required
command = "series" MSP entity 1*(MSP [metric-numeric / metric-text]) *(MSP tag) [MSP append] [MSP time]
entity = "e:" NAME
metric-numeric = "m:" NAME "=" NUMBER
metric-text    = "x:" NAME "=" VALUE
tag = "t:" NAME "=" VALUE
append = "a:" BOOLEAN
time = time-millisecond / time-second / time-iso
time-millisecond = "ms:" POSITIVE_INTEGER
time-second = "s:" POSITIVE_INTEGER
time-iso = "d:" ISO_DATE


Refer to limits.

Data Types

New metrics are initialized with the float data type by default.

To insert metric samples with another data type, create or update metric properties using Meta API or the web interface.

New Records

If the command references non-existent entities, metrics, or tags, they are created and registered automatically.

Case Sensitivity

  • Entity name, metric names, and tag names are case-insensitive and are converted to lower case when stored.
  • Tag values are case-sensitive and are stored as submitted.
# input command
series e:nurSWG m:Temperature=38.5 t:Degrees=Celsius
# stored record
series e:nurswg m:temperature=38.5 t:degrees=Celsius


  • Insert the numeric value 72 for the metric cpu_used from the entity server001 recorded on March 4, 2015 at 15:14:40 GMT (Unix time seconds = 1425482080).
series e:server001 m:cpu_used=72.0 s:1425482080
  • Insert samples for two series:
    • Insert the numeric value 72 for the metric cpu_used from the entity server001 recorded on March 4, 2015 at 15:14:40 GMT
    • Insert the numeric value 94.5 for the metric memory_used and the same entity and time.
series e:server001 m:cpu_used=72.0 m:memory_used=94.5 s:1425482080
  • Same as the above, using milliseconds in Unix time.
series e:server001 m:cpu_used=72.0 m:memory_used=94.5 ms:1425482080000
  • Same as the above, using ISO8601 date.
series e:server001 m:cpu_used=72.0 m:memory_used=94.5 d:2018-03-04T15:14:40Z
  • Insert the numeric value 20.5 for the metric disk_used_percent from the entity server001 and the two tags mount_point and disk_name. The value is inserted with the current server time since the date is not specified in the command.
series e:server001 m:disk_used_percent=20.5 t:mount_point=/ t:disk_name=/sda1
  • Insert numeric values into two series (metrics disk_used_percent and disk_size_md) for the same entity and tags as above.
series e:server001 m:disk_used_percent=20.5 m:disk_size_mb=10240 t:mount_point=/ t:disk_name=/sda1
  • Insert the numeric value 24.4 and the text value Provisional (annotation) for the metric temperature from the entity sensor-1.
series d:2016-10-13T08:15:00Z e:sensor-1 m:temperature=24.4 x:temperature="Provisional"
  • Insert the text value Shutdown by adm-user, RFC-5434 for the metric status, from the entity sensor-1.
series d:2016-10-13T10:30:00Z e:sensor-1 x:status="Shutdown by adm-user, RFC-5434"
  • Same as the above. Append the specified text value to an existing value, if found.
series d:2016-10-13T10:30:00Z e:sensor-1 x:status="Shutdown by adm-user, RFC-5434" a:true
  • Insert NaN (Not-a-Number) for the metric temperature from the entity 'sensor-1'
series d:2016-10-13T08:45:00Z e:sensor-1 m:temperature=NaN

Number Representation

  • A numeric value can be a real number or NaN (Not a Number).
  • The string representation of a real number can consist of optional signs, + (\u002B) or - (\u002D), followed by a sequence of zero or more decimal digits ("the integer"), optionally followed by a fraction, optionally followed by an exponent.
  • The exponent consists of the character e (\u0065) or E (\u0045) followed by an optional sign, + (\u002B) or - (\u002D), followed by one or more decimal digits. The value of the exponent must lie between -2147483647 and 2147483647, and is inclusive.
  • The fraction consists of a decimal point followed by zero or more decimal digits. The string must contain at least one digit in either the integer or the fraction.
  • The number formed by the sign, the integer, and the fraction is referred to as the significand.
  • The significand value, stripped of trailing zeros, must be within the Long.MAX_VALUE 9223372036854775807 and the Long.MIN_VALUE -9223372036854775808 (19 digits). Otherwise the database throws an IllegalArgumentException: BigDecimal significand overflows the long type for decimal metrics or round the value for non-decimal metrics. For example, significand for 1.1212121212121212121212121212121212121212121 contains 44 digits and is rounded to 1.121212121212121212 if inserted for a non-decimal metric.

Series Tags, Text Value, Messages

Text inserted with the x: field annotates the accompanying numeric value and is not part of the series composite key.

Series tags, on the other hand, are part of each series composite primary key.

Since the total number of unique tag value identifiers is limited to 16,777,215, series tags are not recommended for high cardinality fields such as random values or continuously incrementing values (time, counters).

A text value, on the other hand, is stored as an annotation, without converting it to an identifier.

series d:2016-10-13T08:00:00Z e:sensor-1 m:temperature=20.3
series d:2016-10-13T08:15:00Z e:sensor-1 m:temperature=24.4 x:temperature="Provisional"

In this example, the temperature reading at 2016-10-13T08:15:00Z is annotated as Provisional.

A text value can also be used to record observations for series that contain only text values, in which case their numeric values are set to NaN.

series d:2016-10-13T10:30:00Z e:sensor-1 x:status="Shutdown by adm-user, RFC-5434"

Unlike message commands, series text values are available for SQL querying using the text column.

SELECT entity, datetime, value, text
  FROM atsd_series
WHERE metric IN ('temperature', 'status') AND datetime >= '2016-10-13T08:00:00Z'
| entity   | datetime             | value | text                           |
| sensor-1 | 2016-10-13T08:00:00Z | 20.3  | null                           |
| sensor-1 | 2016-10-13T08:15:00Z | 24.4  | Provisional                    |
| sensor-1 | 2016-10-13T10:30:00Z | NaN   | Shutdown by adm-user, RFC-5434 |

Text Append

The append option applies to text values specified with the x: field.

If the append option is set to true, the database checks the previous text value for the same timestamp. If the previous value is found, the new value is appended to the end using ;\n (semi-colon followed by line feed) as a separator.

To prevent duplicate values, the database checks the existing value for duplicates by splitting the stored value into a string array and discarding the new value if such new value is equal to one of the elements in the array.

series d:2017-01-20T08:00:00Z e:sensor-1 x:status="Shutdown by adm-user, RFC-5434"
series d:2017-01-20T08:00:00Z e:sensor-1 x:status="Restart" a:true

The new value is equal to:

Shutdown by adm-user, RFC-5434;


Versioning enables tracking of time-series value changes for the purpose of establishing an audit trail and traceable data reconciliation.

Versioning is disabled by default. It can be enabled for particular metrics by checking the Versioning switch in the Metric Editor.

To insert versioning fields, use reserved tags:

  • $version_source
  • $version_status
series s:1425482080 e:e-vers m:m-vers=13 t:$version_status=OK t:$version_source=collector-1

If the metrics are versioned, the $version_source and $version_status tags are converted to the corresponding versioning tags.