Selecting Series


Database Schema

Widget configuration syntax provides a way to load and display time series data stored in a database. As series values change over time, their history can be visualized on portals with various widgets.

  type = chart
  # widget settings
  # series 1 settings
  # series 2 settings

Each series is identified by a composite key which consists of a metric, entity, and optional name/value pairs called series tags.

  metric = cpu_busy
  entity = nurswgvml007
  metric = df.bytes.percentused
  entity = nurswgvml006
    mount = /
    fstype = ext4
  • An entity is a physical or logical object such as nurswgvml007 (hostname) or br-1705 (equipment).
  • A metric represents the name of a measurable numeric attribute such as cpu_busy or temperature.
  • Series tags provide an additional level of detail for measurements such as a disk mount point or process Id. The series tags are optional.

An entity can be instrumented and monitored with multiple metrics, just as the same metric can be collected for multiple entities.

Exploring Series

Search available series from the Series tab in the main menu.

Alternatively, for known entities, explore metrics and series via portals containing drop-down list selectors.

Selecting Specific Series

To display values for a specific series, specify the exact series key at the configuration [series] level:

# Series without Tags
metric = cpu_busy
entity = nurswgvml007

# Series with Tags
metric = df.bytes.percentused
entity = nurswgvml006
  mount = /
  fstype = ext4

Selecting Multiple Series with Tags

By default, the database returns all series matching the request, including series with additional tags not enumerated in the request.

This enables loading series using only a subset of tags that are still sufficient to uniquely identify the series:

# Series with Tags
metric = df.bytes.percentused
entity = nurswgvml006
  mount = /

The above configuration matches all series with mount=/ tag, including series that have other tags.

To disable partial tag match, use the exact-match = true | false setting:

# Series with Tags
metric = df.bytes.percentused
entity = nurswgvml006
exact-match = true
  mount = /

When partial match is disabled, ATSD returns series with exactly the same combination of tags as specified in the request.

Each series request in the configuration can match multiple series. To control how multiple matching series are processed, use the merge-series setting.

Merging Series

Joining multiple series with different tags into one series is useful when certain tags can be ignored.

               date                 metric          entity                   tags     value
2018-06-15 00:00:00   df.bytes.percentused    nurswgvml006    mount=/,fstype=ext3      10.2    <- series-1
2018-06-15 01:00:00   df.bytes.percentused    nurswgvml006    mount=/,fstype=ext3      10.3    <- series-1
2018-06-15 02:00:00   df.bytes.percentused    nurswgvml006    mount=/,fstype=ext4      10.1    <- series-2
2018-06-15 03:00:00   df.bytes.percentused    nurswgvml006    mount=/,fstype=ext4      10.2    <- series-2

In the previous example, the underlying series do not overlap and can be merged without duplication.

               date                 metric          entity       tags     value
2018-06-15 00:00:00   df.bytes.percentused    nurswgvml006    mount=/      10.2    <- series-3
2018-06-15 01:00:00   df.bytes.percentused    nurswgvml006    mount=/      10.3    <- series-3
2018-06-15 02:00:00   df.bytes.percentused    nurswgvml006    mount=/      10.1    <- series-3
2018-06-15 03:00:00   df.bytes.percentused    nurswgvml006    mount=/      10.2    <- series-3


  • /media/datadrive file system re-mounted on a larger disk without change to mount point.
  • Containers with different identifiers launched on schedule to perform identically named daily tasks.
  • Measurements recorded for scientific experiments and tags contain experiment ID and input parameters.

Selecting Series for Multiple Entities

[widget] syntax provides a number of options to select series for multiple entities with same metric:

# Select specific entity by name
entity = nurswgvml006

# Select multiple entities by name using ? and * wildcards
entity = nurswgvml*

# Select all entities
entity = *

# Select an array of entities by name
entities = nurswgvml006, nurswgvml007

# Select an array of entities by name or pattern
entities = nurswgvml111, nurswgvml00*

# Select entities matching an expression referencing name, label, entity tags, properties
entity-expression = = 'ATSD'

# Select entities belonging to the specified entity group
entity-group = nur-collectors

Refer to the Data API Documentation for details on entity filters.

# Retrieve series for entities starting with nurswgvml00
  entity = nurswgvml00*
    mount = /
    fstype = ext4

Retrieving Series from the Database

As an alternative to defining a [series] manually or using wildcards, widget syntax supports the getSeries() and getTags() functions to retrieve series lists from the server.

getTags() function:

var tags = getTags('df.bytes.percentused', 'mount', 'nurswgvml006')

for tagValue in tags
      mount = @{tagValue}

getSeries() function:

var seriesList = getSeries('df.bytes.percentused', 'nurswgvml006')

for sobj in seriesList
    for tagName in Object.keys(sobj.tags)
      "@{tagName}" = @{sobj.tags[tagName]}

Controlling Displayed Series

The series-limit setting limits the number of possible series returned by the database for wildcard queries. Because the limit is applied to matched series before sorting, results can vary between requests which makes the setting helpful when exploring a dataset by preventing a widget from loading excessive series into browser memory.

entity = *
series-limit = 10
    fstype = ext4

To control which series are displayed, use the display and enabled filter settings which are evaluated on the client.

entity = *
display = value == top(1) || value == bottom(1)
    fstype = ext4

Additionally, the limit setting reduces the number of samples displayed for each series. This makes queries execute faster when loading data for high-frequency series from the server, in particular during design and validation stages.