API Functions

This document enumerates functions that retrieve records, typically metric, entity, and series lists, from the REST API endpoints.

The functions can be invoked at the preprocessor stage in a var, if, if else, for .. in, or @{} expression.

Function Description
getMetrics() Retrieves the names of metrics for entity.
getEntities() Retrieves the names of entities for entity group.
getTags() Retrieves series and returns a sorted array of unique values for the specified series tag.
getSeries() Retrieves an array of series collected for the specified metric.
requestMetricsSeriesValues() Creates drop-down list values from values retrieved for the specified series field.
requestEntitiesMetricsValues() Creates drop-down list values from values retrieved for the specified metric field.
requestPropertiesValues() Creates drop-down list from values retrieved for the specified entity tag or property.
requestMetricsSeriesValues() Creates drop-down list from values retrieved for the specified series field.


The function retrieves a sorted array of metrics names collected by the specified entity, optionally filtered by name and tags.

var result = getMetrics(entity, [expression, [tags, [url, [params]]]])



Name Type Description
entity string [Required] entity name.
expression string Filter expression.
tags string List of tags included in the response.
url string Protocol, host, and path to which /api/v1 path is appended.
params object Object with additional request parameter names and values accepted by the API endpoint which are converted to query string.


Return metrics for entity nurswgvml006 which contains substrings cpu and user.

var metrics = getMetrics("nurswgvml007", "name LIKE '*cpu*user*'")


["cpu_user", "nmon.cpu.user%", "nmon.cpu_total.user%"]


The function retrieves a sorted array of entity names which are members of the specified entity group, optionally filtered by name and tags.

var entities = getEntities(group, [expression, [tags, [url, [params]]]])


To load multiple groups, retrieve members of each group separately and then concatenate the elements into one array.

var agents = [].concat(getEntities("group1"), getEntities("group2"))

var agents = getEntities("group1").concat(getEntities("group2"))  

Elements in the concatenated array are sorted first by group, then by element name.


Name Type Description
group string [Required] group path parameter.
expression string Filter expression.
tags string List of tags included in the response.
url string Protocol, host, and path to which /api/v1 path is appended.
params object Object with additional request parameter names and values accepted by the API endpoint which are converted to query string.


Retrieve entities from entity group docker-hosts whose names begin with substring nur.

var entities = getEntities("docker-hosts", "name LIKE 'nur*'")


["nurswghbs001", "nurswgdkr002"]



  • Loads a series for metric and entity from a defined URL whose last data point has timestamp after minInsertDate and before maxInsertDate.
  • Additional queryParameters can be specified.
  • Unique tag values defined by tagName are retrieved from tags of the loaded series and sorted.
  • Returned array is processed by list.escape() function.


getTags(metric, tagName, [entity, [minInsertDate, [maxInsertDate, [url, [queryParameters]]]]])

API Endpoint:

Sends synchronous GET request to /api/v1/metrics/{metric}/series

Returned Value:

Array<string>: unique sorted values of the specified tagName series tag.


Name Type Description
metric string [Required] metric path parameter.
tagName string [Required] Tag values retrieved from series descriptors.
entity string entity query parameter.
minInsertDate string minInsertDate query parameter.
maxInsertDate string maxInsertDate query parameter.
url string Protocol, host, and path to which /api/v1 path is appended.
queryParameters object Object with parameter names as keys and values as values, transformed to query parameters string.

Retrieve values for mount_point tag in a series for metric disk_used and entity nurswgvml007 received today


var mount_points = getTags("disk_used", "mount_point", "nurswgvml006", "current_day")

Request Sent:



["/", "/media/datadrive", "/mnt/u113452"]

Retrieve values for mount_point tag in a series for metric disk_used and entity nurswgvml007 and send server-specific query parameter cache and ignore other parameters


var mount_points = getTags("disk_used", "mount_point", "nurswgvml007", null, null, null, {cache: true})

Request Sent:



["/", "/media/datadrive", "/mnt/u113452"]



  • Loads a series for the metric and the entity from a defined URL, whose last data point has a timestamp after minInsertDate and before maxInsertDate.
  • Specify additional queryParameters.
  • Returns a loaded series.


getSeries(metric, [entity, [minInsertDate, [maxInsertDate, [url, [queryParameters]]]]])

API Endpoint:

Sends synchronous GET requests to the /api/v1/metrics/{metric}/series

Returned Value:

Array<object>: Received series descriptors.


Name Type Description
metric string [Required] metric path parameter.
entity string entity query parameter.
minInsertDate string minInsertDate query parameter.
maxInsertDate string maxInsertDate query parameter.
url string Protocol, host, and path to which /api/v1 path is appended.
queryParameters object Object with parameter names as keys and values as values, transformed to query parameters string.

Return series for metric disk_used and entity nurswgvml006


var seriesDescriptors = getSeries("disk_used", "nurswgvml007")

Request Sent:




FieldPath _(optional, type: string)

  • fieldPath is the dot-separated path to field in series descriptor object.
    • If not specified, series descriptor objects are returned.
    • If specified, the field found by fieldPath is returned.
  • fieldPath "entity" inherits entity from each descriptor.

To populate the drop-down list with the names of entities for which the metric is collected use the following syntax:

  options = javascript: requestMetricsSeriesValues("entity")
  change-field = series.entity

The content of the resulting drop-down list is shown below:

To populate the drop-down list with values of the mount_point tag use the following syntax:

The fieldPath "tags.mount_point" reads tags in each descriptor then retrieves the mount_point field.

  options = javascript: requestMetricsSeriesValues("tags.mount_point")
  change-field = series.tags.mount_point

The content of the resulting drop-down list is shown below:

Callback _(optional, type:function)

  • Use callback for manual processing of series descriptors or additional processing of retrieved field values.
    • If fieldPath is specified, the string values of some field are passed as the argument for the callback, otherwise the series descriptor array is used as the argument.

To fill the drop-down list with values of mount_point tag of the series, whose entity name begins with the fragment nur use the function as shown below.

Note that the series can be filtered by entity using the expression queryParameter.

  change-field = series.tags.mount_point

    options = javascript: requestMetricsSeriesValues(null,
    options = function (series) {
    options =   var mountPoints = [];
    options =   series.forEach(function(s){
    options =     if(s.entity.indexOf("nur") === 0 && mountPoints.indexOf(s.tags.mount_point) < 0) {
    options =      mountPoints.push(s.tags.mount_point);
    options =      }
    options =    });
    options =    return mountPoints.sort();
    options = })

The content of the resulting drop-down list is shown below:

To populate the drop-down list with entity tag values it is necessary to make two requests:

  • Retrieve entity names from series descriptors.
  • Request entity tags for those entities.
   change-field = series.entity

   options = javascript: requestMetricsSeriesValues("entity",
   options = function (entities) {
   options =   return requestPropertiesOptions("entity", "tags.app", null, entities);
   options = })

The content of the resulting drop-down list is shown below:



  • Request series for the metric and add queryParameters to the requested URL.
  • Creates an option for each loaded series.
  • The value of the field found by valueFieldPath is assigned to the option value.
  • The value of the field found by textFieldPath is assigned to the option text.
    • If textFieldPath is an array, it sequentially tries to find a field by every path.
  • When field is found it is assigned to the option text.
    • If callback function is specified valueFieldPath and textFieldPath are ignored.
  • callback retrieves the loaded series as an argument and returns an array of options, where at least the value must be specified.


requestMetricsSeriesValues([fieldPath, [callback, [metric, [unique, [queryParameters]]]]])

Scope of Usage:

Use in [dropdown] field options setting after javascript: prefix.

API Endpoint:

Sends asynchronous GET request to /api/v1/metrics/{metric}/series

Returned Value:

Array<{value: string, text: string}>: options, generated from series descriptor fields.


Name Type Description
valueFieldPath string Dot-separated path to the field, whose value is used as option value.
textFieldPath string or Array Dot-separated path (or array of such paths) to the field, whose value is used as option text.
callback function Function to process series descriptors, returns array of options.
metric string Metric, for which series are loaded. If not specified, metric from the [widget] section is used.
unique boolean Applied to raw series descriptors.
queryParameters string/object String or key-value object representing request parameters.


To fill the drop-down list with options with the value of the iucr tag and the text from the description tag, use the following syntax:

  options = javascript: requestMetricsSeriesOptions("tags.iucr", "tags.description")
  change-field = series.tags.iucr

The content of the resulting drop-down list is shown below:



  • Requests metrics for the entity adding queryParameters to the requested URL.
  • Creates an option for each loaded metric.
  • The value of the field found by valueFieldPath is assigned to the option value.
  • The value of the field found by textFieldPath is assigned to the option text.
    • If textFieldPath is an array, it sequentially tries to find a field by every path.
  • When a field is found it is assigned to the option text.
    • If callback function is specified valueFieldPath and textFieldPath are ignored.
  • callback gets loaded metrics as an argument and returns an array of options, where at least the value must be specified.


requestEntitiesMetricsValues([fieldPath, [callback, [entity, [unique, [queryParameters]]]]])

Scope of Usage:

Use in [dropdown] field options setting after javascript: prefix.

API Endpoint:

Sends asynchronous GET request to /api/v1/entities/{entity}/metrics

Returned Value:

Array<{value: string, text: string}>: options, generated from metrics descriptors fields.


Name Type Description
valueFieldPath string Dot-separated path to the field, whose value is used as option value.
textFieldPath string or Array Dot-separated path, or array of paths, to the field whose value is used as option text.
callback function Function to process series descriptors.
Returns array of options.
entity string Entity, for which metrics descriptors are loaded.
If not specified, entity from [widget] is used.
unique boolean Applied to raw series descriptors.
queryParameters string/object String or key-value object representing request parameters.


To fill the drop-down list with options defined by the value of the iucr tag and text from the description tag, use the following syntax:

  options = javascript: requestEntitiesMetricsOptions("name", "tags.description", null, null, null,{tags:"*",limit:15})
  change-field = metric

The content of the resulting drop-down list is shown below:



  • Requests the entity tags or properties for the entity or the entities specified by the entity parameter.
    • If postBody is specified, entity and propertyType parameters are ignored.
  • Function requests entity tags if $entity_tags is specified as propertyType, or otherwise requests properties.
  • Creates an option for each loaded tag or property object.
  • The value of the field found by valueFieldPath is assigned to the option value.
  • The value of the field found by textFieldPath is assigned to the option text.
    • If textFieldPath is an array, the function sequentially tries to find a field at each path.
  • When a field is found it is assigned to the option text.
    • If callback function is specified, the valueFieldPath and textFieldPath parameters are ignored.
  • callback gets loaded tags/properties as an argument and returns an array of options, where at least the value must be specified.


requestPropertiesOptions([valueFieldPath, [textFieldPath, [callback, [entity, [propertyType, [unique, [postBody]]]]]]])

Scope of Usage:

Use in [dropdown] field options setting after javascript: prefix.

API Endpoint:

Sends asynchronous POST request to /api/v1/properties/query.

Returned Value:

Array<string>: options, generated from the property or entity descriptors fields.


Name Type Description
valueFieldPath string Dot-separated path to the field, whose value is used as option value.
textFieldPath string or Array Dot-separated path (or array of such paths) to the field, whose value is used as option text.
callback function Function to process series descriptors, returns array of options.
entity string or Array entity or entities, for which properties descriptors are loaded. If not specified, entities or entity from the [widget] section is used.
propertyType string Type of loaded properties, default is $entity_tags.
unique boolean Applied to raw series descriptors.
postBody object Body of Data API properties query.


To fill drop-down list with values from entity and text from tag app, use the following syntax:

  options = javascript: requestPropertiesOptions("entity", "tags.app", null, ["nurswgvml006","nurswgvml007", "nurswgvml010", "nurswgvml301", "nurswgvml502"], "$entity_tags")
  change-field = entity

The content of the resulting drop-down list is shown here:

TextFieldPath _(optional, type: string/Array<string>)_

textFieldPath are the period-separated paths to a field in a series descriptor object, or an array of such paths. If it is an array then all elements other than the first are used as text. If textFieldPath is not specified or search on all paths failed the value is used as text.

To fill a drop-down list with options in which values are retrieved from the name field of the metric descriptor and text from the tag description, textFieldPath as string can be used.

  options = javascript: requestEntitiesMetricsOptions('name', 'tags.description', null, null, null, {tags:'*',limit:15})
  change-field = metric

Below is the content of the drop-down list:

Fill the drop-down list with values retrieved from the name field of the metric descriptor and the text from the tag description or tag documentation, if the descriptor has no value for the tag description, textFieldPath as an array can be used

  options = javascript: requestEntitiesMetricsOptions('name', ['tags.description','tags.documentation'], null, null, null, {tags:'*',limit:15})
  change-field = metric

Below is the content of the drop-down list:

Callback _(optional, type:function)_

  • Use callback for manual processing of descriptors, which are passed as parameters.
    • If callback is specified, valueFieldPath and textFieldPath are ignored.
  • Function returns an array of objects, representing options.
  value: string,
  text: string

To populate the drop-down list with the names of metrics, collected for the entity, and texts which are changed values of the description tag, use the following syntax:

  change-field = metric

  options = javascript: requestEntitiesMetricsOptions(null, null, function(metrics) {
  options =      return metrics.map(function(m) {
  options =        return {
  options =          value: m.name,
  options =          text: m.tags.description.replace('Gross Capital Stock', 'GCS')
  options =        }
  options =      });
  options =    }, null, null, {tags:'*',limit:15})

The contents of the resulting drop-down list are shown here:



  • Requests series for metric and adds queryParameters to the requested URL.
    • If fieldPath is specified retrieves fields found by fieldPath in the series.
    • If unique is specified retrieved values are unique and sorted.
    • If callback function is specified, the array of retrieved fields or the array of loaded series as an argument is returned, whether or not fieldPath is specified.
  • Returns array of options, objects with value property set to the retrieved and processed value.


requestMetricsSeriesValues([fieldPath, [callback, [metric, [unique, [queryParameters]]]]])

Scope of Usage:

Use in [dropdown] field options setting after javascript: prefix.

API Endpoint:

Sends asynchronous GET requests to /api/v1/metrics/{metric}/series

Returned Value:

Array<string>: Values fill the drop-down list, retrieved from series descriptors.


Name Type Description
fieldPath string Dot-separated path to the field, whose value is retrieved.
callback function Function to process series descriptors or retrieved values.
metric string Metrics, for which series are loaded.
If not specified, metric from the [widget] section is used.
unique boolean Specify if retrieved values are unique and sorted
Default value: true.
queryParameters string/object String or key-value object representing request parameters.

The fieldPath "tags.mount_point" reads tagsin each descriptor then retrieves the mount_point field.

  options = javascript: requestMetricsSeriesValues("tags.mount_point")
  change-field = series.tags.mount_point



  • Requests metrics for the entity adding queryParameters to the requested URL.
    • If fieldPath is specified, retrieves fields found by fieldPath in the metric.
    • If unique is specified, retrieved values are both unique and sorted.
    • If callback function is specified, the function returns the array of retrieved fields or the array of loaded metrics as argument, whether or not fieldPath is specified.
  • Returns the array of options - objects with value property set to the retrieved and processed value.


requestEntitiesMetricsValues([fieldPath, [callback, [entity, [unique, [queryParameters]]]]])

Scope of Usage:

Use in [dropdown] field options setting after javascript: prefix.

API Endpoint: Sends asynchronous GET requests to /api/v1/entities/{entity}/metrics

Returned Value:

Array<string>: values to fill the drop-down list, retrieved from metric descriptors.


Name Type Description
fieldPath string Dot-separated path to the field, whose value is retrieved.
callback function Function to process series descriptors or retrieved values.
entity string Entity, for which metric descriptors are loaded. If not specified, entity from the [widget] section is used.
unique boolean Specify whether retrieved values be unique and sorted, default is true.
queryParameters string/object string or key-value object representing request parameters.

To populate the drop-down list with names of metrics collected for the entity use the following syntax:

  options = javascript: requestEntitiesMetricsValues("name")
  change-field = series.metric

The content of the resulting drop-down list is shown below:



  • Requests entity tags or properties for the entity or entities specified by the entity parameter.
    • If postBody is specified, entity and propertyType parameters are ignored.
  • Function requests entity tags if $entity_tags is specified as propertyType, or if not, requests properties.
    • If fieldPath is specified retrieve fields found by fieldPath in the entity tags or properties.
    • If unique is specified retrieved values are both unique and sorted.
    • If callback function is specified, it is applied to the array of retrieved fields or the array of entity tags/properties, whether or not fieldPath is specified.
  • Returns the array of options, objects with value property set to the processed retrieved value.


requestPropertiesValues([valueFieldPath, [textFieldPath, [callback, [entity, [propertyType, [unique, [postBody]]]]]]])

Scope of Usage:

Use in [dropdown] field options setting after javascript: prefix.

API Endpoint: Sends asynchronous POST requests to /api/v1/properties/query

Returned Value:

Array<string>: Values to fill the drop-down list, retrieved from properties descriptors.


Name Type Description
fieldPath string Dot-separated path to the field, whose value is retrieved.
callback function Function to process series descriptors or retrieved values.
entity string, array Entity or entities, for which properties descriptors are loaded.
If not specified, entities or entity from the [widget] section is used.
propertyType string Type of loaded properties.
Default setting: $entity_tags.
unique boolean Specifies whether retrieved values are unique and sorted.
Default value: true.
postBody object Body of Data API Properties Query.

To populate the drop-down list with the id of network properties use the following syntax:

  options = javascript: requestPropertiesValues("key.id", null, null, "network")
  change-field = property.keys.id

The content of the resulting drop-down list is shown below: