Label Formatting

Use the label-format setting to customize series labels displayed in the widget legend as an alternative to specifying a custom label for each series.

The default label-format pattern is:

entity: metric: tags: statistics: period: dataType - forecastName: rate

Supported keywords in the label-format pattern are:

  • entity
  • metric
  • tags: Semicolon-separated list of all tag=value pairs.
  • tagName: Semicolon-separated list of all tag names.
  • tagValue: Semicolon-separated list of all tag values.
  • tags.tagName: Value of tag with name tagName.
  • statistics
  • period
  • dataType
  • forecastName
  • rate
  • label: Value of the label setting in the current series.
  • alias: Value of the alias setting in the current series.
  • value: Formatted last value of the current series.

Create a new label format configuration using a combination of the supported keywords.

label-format = statistics : metric

See Examples for other usage.

String Functions

Invoke built-in string functions to format series fields.

Function Description
keepAfter Removes part of the string before the first occurrence of the given substring.
keepAfterLast Removes part of the string before the last occurrence of the given substring.
keepbefore Removes part of the string that starts with the first occurrence of the given substring.
keepBeforeLast Removes part of the string that starts with the last occurrence of the given substring.
replace Replace all occurrences of the given string in the original string with another string.
capFirst Capitalize first word.
capitalize Capitalize all words.
coalesce Returns the first object from arguments that is not undefined, not null and not empty.
Returns an empty string "" if all elements are null or empty.
Alias: ifEmpty
lowerCase Convert to lower case.
upperCase Convert to upper case.
removeBeginning Removes the given substring from the beginning of the string.
removeEnding Removes the given substring from the end of the string.
label-format = javascript:keepAfterLast(tags.logger, '.')
#returns AuthenticationFilter
    logger =

Use nested functions to apply multiple format settings.

label-format = javascript:capitalize(replace(metric, '_', ' '))
/* replace underscores with whitespace and capitalize all words */
    metric = swap_space_used
    #swap_space_used -> Swap Space Used


Use the label-format setting to replace entity and metric names with labels loaded from metadata.

Include the addMeta = true expression on the [configuration] level.

add-meta = true
/* Format label using metadata identifiers */
  label-format = javascript: [coalesce(meta.entity.label, entity), ifEmpty(meta.metric.label, metric), ifEmpty(tags), (statistics && statistics !== "detail" ? statistics : ""), (period ? " - " + period : ""), ifEmpty(dataType), (rate ? " ∇ " + rate : "")].filter(s => s !== "").join(": ")



label-format = entity
/* Display only the entity name in the legend */
  entity = nurswgvml007
  metric = cpu_busy
  entity = nurswgvml006
  metric = cpu_busy


label-format = tags.mount_point
/* Displays labels from tag mount_point in the legend */
  entity = nurswgvml006
  metric = disk_used_percent
    mount_point = *
    file_system = *  

entity : tagValue

label-format = entity: tagValue
/* Displays labels from entity followed by tagValue in the legend */
  mount_point = /
  entity = nurswgvml006


label-format = entity\ntags.mount_point\nvalue
/* Displays labels from entity followed by tagValue and last value in the legend */
metric = disk_used_percent
entity = nurswgvml0*
tag-expression = tags.mount_point not like '/mnt*'