Value Functions


This document describes fields and functions, which can be referenced in the value setting to create derived series.

The value setting is specified in the [series] and threshold sections.

# Define the original series, which values used in creating a derived (computed) series.
# The original series must exist in the database
  metric = cpu_busy
  entity = nurswgvml007

  # Specify an alias
  alias = s-1

  # Optionally, hide the original series
  display = false

# Define the derived series by specifying an expression in the `value` setting
  label = My New Series

  # Specify an expression called for each `time:value` sample in the original series
  value = 2 * value("s-1")

The value expression is invoked for each time:value sample in the original series.

The expression must return a numeric value or null if the value cannot be calculated. null values are not displayed on the chart.

  metric = cpu_busy
  entity = nurswgvml007
  alias = s-1
  # Show values that exceed previous value by more than 10
  value = value('s-1') > previous('s-1')+10 ? value('s-1') : null
  label = s-2

The time() function can be invoked within the expression to check the timestamp of the current sample measured in Unix milliseconds.

value = var diff = value('s-2') - value('s-1'); return time() > new Date().getTime() ? null : diff;


value() calculation is not affected by the visibility of the underlying series.

Lookup Functions

Function Arguments Description
value alias Value of the underlying series at the same timestamp.
time - Timestamp of the current sample in Unix milliseconds.

Statistical Functions

  • The alias argument is required. The interval argument is optional.
  • If the interval argument is not specified, it depends on the timespan setting.
  • If the timespan exceeds interval, series values are split into calendar-aligned periods and the function is applied to each period separately.
Function Arguments Description
max alias, [interval] Maximum within the specified interval.
min alias, [interval] Minimum within the specified interval.
avg alias, [interval] Average within the specified interval.
sum alias, [interval] Sum of values within the specified interval.
delta alias, [interval] Difference between last value in the specified interval and last value before the interval.
counter alias, [interval] Sum of positive differences between subsequent values within the specified interval.
count alias, [interval] Number of samples in the specified interval.
last alias, [interval] Value of the last sample in the specified interval.
first alias, [interval] Value of the first sample in the specified interval.
min_value_time alias, [interval] Timestamp of the maximum value in the specified interval.
max_value_time alias, [interval] Timestamp of the minimum value in the specified interval.
median alias, [interval] Same as percentile(50).
percentile n, alias, [interval] n-th percentile, for example percentile(75, 's1') or percentile(99.5, 's1').
n is a decimal number between [0, 100].
movavg alias, count, [minCount] Returns average value of count last samples.
Returns null if the number of samples is less than minCount.
By default, minCount = count.
movavg alias, interval, [minInterval] Returns average value of last samples within interval.
Returns null if series contains less than one minInterval starting from current sample.
By default, minInterval = interval.
previous alias, [offset] Value of the previous sample, with optional offset index which defaults to 1.

Metadata Functions

Function Arguments Description
meta alias Metadata object.
entityTag alias, tagName Entity tag value.
metricTag alias, tagName Metric tag value.

Window Functions

Define a custom JavaScript function in the window object using the script / endscript section in the configuration text.

  window.checkRange = function (val) {
     if (val > 100) {
       return null;
     return val;

The custom function can be accessed in the value field by referencing it by name.

value = return checkRange(value);

Functions in the window scope can be invoked in other settings that support functions, for example, in the format setting.

Implementation Notes

movavg(alias, count[, minCount]) Function

  • Calculates the moving average using count previous points in the series defined by alias.
  • The average is calculated if at least minCount previous points are available.
movavg(alias, count[, minCount])
Name Type Description
alias string [Required] Alias of the series, to which movavg is applied.
count number [Required] Number of points for which movavg is calculated.
minCount number Minimum number of points, for which movavg is calculated, default is count.

Calculate movavg when a defined amount of points are available for calculation

value = movavg('raw', 30)

Calculate movavg regardless of the number of points present

value = movavg('raw', 30, 0)

movavg(alias, interval[, minInterval]) Function

  • Calculates the moving average using previous points within interval in the series defined by alias.
  • The average is calculated if at least minInterval of previous points is available.
movavg(alias, interval[, minInterval])
Name Type Description
alias string [Required] Alias of the series, to which movavg is applied.
interval interval [Required] Interval for which movavg is calculated, specified as the number of time units.
Format: count time_unit.
minInterval interval Minimum interval, for which movavg is calculated, default is interval.

Calculate movavg when a defined interval is available for calculation

value = movavg('raw', '5 minute')

Calculate movavg regardless of the defined interval present

value = movavg('raw', '5 minute', '0 minute')

meta() Function

Name Type Description
alias string [Required] Alias of the series, from which metadata is returned.

Fraction of maxValue

value = value('raw') / meta('raw').metric.maxValue

entityTag() Function

  • Returns value of the tag by name from entity metadata loaded for series with alias.
  • add-meta setting must be set to true.
entityTag(alias, tagName)
Name Type Description
alias string Alias of the series, from which metadata is returned.
tagName string Name of tag which is retrieved from meta.entity.tags object.

Set size to cpu_count entity tag

size = entityTag('cpu_count')

metricTag() Function

  • Returns value of the tag by name from metric metadata loaded for series with alias.
  • add-meta setting must be set to true.
metricTag(alias, tagName)
Name Type Description
alias string Alias of the series, from which metadata is returned.
tagName string Name of tag which is retrieved from meta.metric.tags object.

Set threshold to threshold_value metric tag

value = metricTag('raw', 'threshold_value')
alert-expression = value() > metricTag('threshold_value')

Derived Series from Hidden Series

The display and enabled settings have no impact on the calculated series.

    entity = nurswgvml006
    alias = a

    entity = nurswgvml007
    alias = b
    display = false

    # The result is not affected by hiding the 'b' series
    value = value('a') + value('b')