Histogram Chart


The Histogram Chart shows the distribution of samples recorded within the specified timespan using percentiles, frequencies, and density.

  type = histogram

  top-axis = percentiles
  right-axis = density

    entity = nurswgvml007
    metric = cpu_busy

Widget Settings

  • The settings apply to the [widget] section.
  • Common [widget] settings are inherited.
Name Description
mode Add frequencies from multiple series.
Possible values: stack, none.
Example: mode = stack
bar-count Number of bars in which to group loaded samples.
Default value: 50.
Example: bar-count = 20

Axis Settings

Name Description
left-axis Value statistics displayed on the left axis.
Possible values:
frequency - The height of each bar is equal to the number of samples in the bar range.
density - The height of each bar is equal to the number of samples in the bar range divided by the total number of samples. The sum of all densities is 1.
none - No scaling applied.
Default value: frequency.
Example: left-axis = frequency
right-axis Value statistics displayed on the right axis. Same as left axis.
Default value: none.
Example: right-axis = density
top-axis Value statistics displayed on the top axis.
Possible values: none, percentiles, values.
Default value: none.
Example: top-axis = percentiles
bottom-axis Value statistics displayed on the bottom axis.
Possible values: none, percentiles, values.
Default value: values.
Example: bottom-axis = percentiles
rotate-ticks Rotate labels on the bottom axis (typically values axis) by n degrees.
Possible values: 0 (horizontal) and 90 (vertical).
Default value: 0.
Example: rotate-ticks = 90
range-offset Offset applied to the bottom axis, specified in pixels.
Default value: 0.
Example: range-offset = 100
percentiles Percentile numbers to calculate and displayed on the top or bottom axis.
Markers are hidden if the space to display the value is missing.
Possible values: list of comma-separated numbers (0,100].
Example: percentiles = 50,75,90,95,97,99
vertical-grid Display a vertical line corresponding to each percentile or bar range.
Possible values: none, percentiles, values.
Default value: percentiles.
Example: vertical-grid = percentiles
horizontal-grid Display a horizontal line corresponding to each value on the right or left axis.
Possible values: none, density, frequency.
Default value: frequency.
Example: horizontal-grid = frequency


Multiple Series

Stacked Frequencies

Log-Normal Distribution

Histogram and Box Charts