Series Table


The Series Table displays last series values.

  type = table
  metric = cpu_busy

    entity = nurswgvml0*

Widget Settings

  • The settings apply to the [widget] section.
  • Common [widget] settings are inherited.
  • Common Table [widget] settings are inherited.
Name Description
merge-columns Merge multiple series into a single row using a boolean expression or enumerated columns as a grouping key.
  • merge-columns = entity
  • merge-columns = entity, tags
  • merge-columns =
  • merge-columns = ==

hide-empty-series Hide series for which no data exists or data whose validity is expired.
Possible values: false, true.
Default value: true.
Example: hide-empty-series = false
new-row-color Highlight left border of rows, which have last.t greater than now - update-interval, with specified color.
Possible value: color name or hex code.
Recommended color picking tools: colorhexa,
Example: new-row-color = red

Series Settings

  • The settings apply to the [series] section.
  • Common [series] settings are inherited.
Name Description
key a. Name of the row field displayed by the column.
b. Client aggregation function. Default period is 1 hour. Refer to Server Aggregation for more details.
key = alias
key = avg

series-value JavaScript expression to calculate derived column value.
Example: series-value = min()

Row Object

The series table consists of multiple rows. In a basic configuration, each row represents one series and provides access to the following fields:

  • alias: string - series alias
  • config: object - parsed portal config
  • data: object - {t:[], v:[]}, timestamps and corresponding values
  • last: object - {t:<integer>, v:<number>}, last timestamp and corresponding value
  • lastIntv: array - array of last two timestamps

If merge-columns is enabled, the row contains multiple series comprising the following fields:

  • aliases: object - {alias: series}, object with key:value pairs, where keys are series aliases, and values are corresponding series objects, which fields are listed above

  • map: object - similar to aliases, but the key depends on merge-columns value:

    merge-columns Key map object
    entity Metric name {metric_name:series}
    metric Entity name {entity_name:series}
    Other value - {} -


aliases and map cannot be used simultaneously: if [series] contains alias it is not added to map.


Minimum and Maximum Value Time

Multiple Offsets

Sliding Window

Color Grid

Multiple Intervals

Alert Styles

Toggle Rows

Calculated Columns

Multiple Metrics

Multiple Tags

Metadata Columns

Configuration Columns

Server Aggregation

Server and Client Aggregation