Alert History Functions


last_open() AlertHistory

Retrieves the most recent AlertHistory record with OPEN or REPEAT status for the current window.

If no records match, the function returns an AlertHistory object with default values such as 0 timestamp, NaN value, etc.

To call this function, enable Alert History logging on the Logging tab. Check the Log to Alert History option and enable either On Open / On Repeat triggers.

AlertHistory Object

Field Type Description Example
rule string Rule name. CPU high alert
metric string Metric name. cpu.used.percent
entity string Entity name. nginx-proxy
tags map Command tags of the command that caused the alert. {"docker-host":"nurswghbs001"}
tags.{tag-name} string {tag-name} command tag value. last_open().tags.docker-host: nurswghbs001
type string Message type web
source string Message source access.log
keys string Command tags or property keys {"docker-host":"nurswghbs001"}
command_time DateTime Timestamp of the command that caused the alert when Alert History is written.
Default: 1970-00-00T00:00:00Z[UTC]
add_time DateTime Server time when command is last added to the window when Alert History is written.
Default: 1970-00-00T00:00:00Z[UTC]
remove_time DateTime Server time when command is last removed from the window when Alert History is written. null if no command is removed from the window.
Default: 1970-00-00T00:00:00Z[UTC]
update_time DateTime Server time when command is last added or removed from the window when Alert History is written.
Default: 1970-00-00T00:00:00Z[UTC]
open_time DateTime Server time when window status changed to OPEN when Alert History is written. null if status is not changed to OPEN.
Default: 1970-00-00T00:00:00Z[UTC]
repeat_time DateTime Last time when condition evaluated to true when Alert History is written. null if status is not changed to REPEAT.
Default: 1970-00-00T00:00:00Z[UTC]
cancel_time DateTime Time when the window changed status to CANCEL, or when the condition evaluated to false for the first time when Alert History is written. null if status has not been changed to CANCEL.
Default: 1970-00-00T00:00:00Z[UTC]
change_time DateTime Time when the window changed status when Alert History is written. null if status has not been changed.
Default: 1970-00-00T00:00:00Z[UTC]
message string Message text Application restarted
value double Command value.
Default: NaN.
open_value double Open value.
Default: NaN.
status string Window status. REPEAT
condition string Rule condition. value > 75
alert_message string Alert message. High cpu usage (85.2)
alert_duration string Alert duration in dd:hh:mm:ss format. 00:00:01:00
alert_duration_interval string Alert duration in short format. 1m:0s
alert_open_time number Alert open in Unix time with millisecond precision.
Default: 0
2018-08-01 07:51:17
alert_open_datetime string Alert open time in ISO format.
Default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
rule_filter string Filter expression entity.tags.profile = 'production'
severity string Alert severity.
window string Window duration. time(5 minute)
repeat_count integer Alert repeat counter.
Default: 0
{user-variable-name} string User-defined variable value. last_open().valueCnt: 2


  • Check if sixty minutes passed since the last OPEN/REPEAT status, or if no previous record is found.

    elapsed_minutes(last_open().command_time) > 60
  • Check if the last command value exceeds the value in the previous OPEN/REPEAT record.

    last_open().command_time > 0 && value > last_open().value
  • Check if the user variable named location has changed compared to the previous OPEN/REPEAT record.

    last_open().location != location