Functions are predefined procedures that calculate a value or perform a task. Functions are called by name with arguments passed in round brackets and separated by comma. Function names are case-sensitive.
to_datetime(create_ms, 'US/Pacific').is_workday()
When invoked in expressions and placeholders, function definitions are replaced with the value returned by the function.
Functions can be referenced in a filter expression, user-defined variables, condition statements and placeholders.
Filter Expression:
lower(tags.location) = 'nur'
avg() > 80 && db_statistic('avg', '15 minute', 'metric-2')
${lookup('assets', entity)}
The parameters passed to the function in round brackets are called arguments.
Functions can accept arguments and return values in one of the following data types:
Notation | Name | Example |
double | double number | percentile(99.5) |
long | long number | elapsedTime(last_open().command_time) |
int | integer number | round(avg(), 1) |
number | any number | abs(value) |
bool | boolean | formatBytes(avg(), true) |
string | string | startsWith(entity, 'NUR') |
[number] | collection of numbers | randomItem([1, 2, 3]) |
[string] | collection of strings | coalesce([tags.location, 'SVL']) |
[k: v] | key-value map | randomKey(['john.doe': 0.8, 'mary.jones': 0.2]) |
map | key-value map | addTable(tags, 'html') |
object | object | to_timezone(now, 'US/Pacific') |
Optional arguments are annotated with square brackets.
date_format(long time [, string pattern]) string
If the argument can be of different data types, such types are enumerated with |
db_last(string metric, string entity, string tags | map tags) number
Name | Description |
contains | Returns true if string on the right is contained in the specified collection. |
collection_contains | Returns true if the specified collection contains the value. |
excludeKeys | Returns a copy of the input map without the keys in the input collection. |
copyList | Copy a list. |
copyMap | Copy a map. |
createMap | Create a new map. |
compareMaps | Compare two maps. |
mergeMaps | Merge two maps. |
flattenJson | Converts the string representation of JSON document into a map. |
IN | Returns true if string on the left is contained in the list of strings on the right. |
isEmpty | Returns true if the number of elements in the collection is zero. |
jsonPathFilter | Returns a list of objects matching the JSONPath expression. |
jsonToLists | Returns a collection of string lists containing field values from the JSON. |
jsonToMaps | Returns a collection of maps containing keys and values from the JSON. |
LIKE | Returns true if string on the left matches any pattern in the list on the right. |
likeAny | Returns true if string matches any element in the string collection. |
matches | Returns true if one of the elements in collection matches the given pattern. |
matchList | Returns true if string matches one of the elements in the collection. |
size | Returns the number of elements in the collection. |
Name | Description |
addTable for list | Prints list of lists as a multi-column table in the specified format. |
addTable for map | Prints a key-value map as a two-column table in the specified format. |
addTable for maps | Prints a collection of maps as a multi-column table in the specified format. |
addTable for objects | Prints a collection of objects as a multi-column table in the specified format. |
detailsTable | Prints a two-column table consisting of window and command fields in the specified format. |
Name | Description |
addLink | Returns the URL with a formatted short name. |
getEntityLink | Returns the URL to the Entity Editor page for the specified entity. |
getChartLink | Returns the URL to the default portal for the current metric, entity, and tags. |
getOHLCVChartLink | Returns the URL to the default OHLCV portal. |
getCsvExportLink | Returns the URL to the CSV file for the current metric, entity, and tags. |
getPortalLink | Returns the URL to the portal and entity. |
getHtmlExportLink | Returns the URL to the Export page for the current metric, entity, and tags. |
getPropertyLink | Returns the URL to the property table for the given entity and property type. |
getRuleLink | Returns the URL to the current rule. |
Name | Description |
addPortal | Attaches portal screenshots to email and webhook notifications. |
addOHLCVPortal | Attaches OHLCV portal screenshots to email and webhook notifications. |
Name | Description |
db_message_count | Returns the number of message records matching the specified parameters. |
db_message_last | Returns the most recent message record for the specified parameters. |
db_messages | Returns a list of message records matching the specified parameters. |
Name | Description |
db_last | Retrieves the most recent value stored in the database for the target series. |
db_statistic | Returns the value of a statistical function for historical values. |
db_statistics | Returns descriptive statistics for the specified series. |
db_multi_statistics | Returns descriptive statistics for multiple series. |
db_baseline | Returns the expected (baseline) value for same periods in the past. |
Related Functions
See value functions.
Name | Description |
forecast | Returns forecast object for the entity, metric, and tags in the current window. |
forecast_deviation | Returns difference between a number and the interpolated forecast value, divided by the forecast standard deviation. |
forecast_score_stdev | Returns the standard deviation for forecast values from actual values within the scoring interval. |
forecast_stdev | Returns forecast standard deviation. |
thresholdTime | Returns the estimated time when the forecast value is outside of the (min, max) range. |
Alert History
Name | Description |
last_open | Retrieves the most recent Alert History record for the current window. |
SQL Query
Name | Description |
executeSqlQuery | Returns the result of SQL query as list of rows. |
queryToMap | Returns the result of SQL query as a map. |
Name | Description |
collection | Returns an array of strings contained in Named Collection. |
entity_label | Returns label for the specified entity. |
entity_tag | Returns value of the specified tag name for the specified entity. |
entity_tags | Returns entity tags for the specified entity as a map. |
getEntities | Returns a list of Entity objects matching the given parameters. |
getEntity | Retrieves an entity object by name. |
getEntityCount | Returns a count of Entity objects matching the given parameters. |
getEntityName | Returns normalized (lowercase) entity name for the specified entity. |
lookup | Returns the value for the specified key from the replacement table. |
lookup_row | Returns the row object for the specified key from the replacement table of CSV type. |
replacementTable | Returns the Replacement Table as a key-value map. |
get_group_emails | Returns the list of email addresses for the members of the specified user group. |
subscribers | Returns the list of email addresses for topic subscribers. |
Name | Description |
convert | Divides the number by the unit and formats with one fractional digit. |
formatBytes | Returns the total number of bytes in human-readable format. |
formatNumber | Formats number with the specified DecimalFormat using the server locale. |
NumberFormatter | Creates a formatter object to convert numbers to strings. |
Name | Description |
abs | Returns the absolute value of the argument. |
cbrt | Returns cube root ∛ of the argument. |
ceil | Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument. |
exp | Returns Euler constant e (2.7) raised to the power of the argument. |
floor | Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument. |
log | Returns the natural logarithm (base e = 2.7 ) of the argument. |
log10 | Returns the base 10 logarithm of the argument. |
max | Returns the greater of two numbers. |
min | Returns the smallest of two numbers. |
pow | Returns the first specified number raised to the power of the second number. |
round | Returns the specified number rounded to the specified precision. |
signum | Returns the signum function of the argument. |
sqrt | Returns √ of the argument. |
Name | Description |
random | Returns a uniformly distributed double number. |
randomItem | Returns a random element from a collection or map. |
randomKey | Returns a random element from the map of objects. |
randomNormal | Returns a normally distributed double number. |
Name | Description |
rule_open | Checks if there is at least one open window for the specified arguments. |
rule_window | Returns the first matching Window object for the specified arguments. |
rule_windows | Returns the collection of Window objects for the specified arguments. |
Name | Description |
scriptOut | Executes the predefined script and return its output. |
Name | Description |
userAllowEntity | Returns true if the specified user has READ permission for the given entity. |
userAllowEntityGroup | Returns true if the user has READ permission to the given entity group. |
userAllowPortal | Returns true if the specified user has permissions to view the given portal. |
userHasRole | Returns true if the specified user has the specified role . |
userInGroup | Returns true if the specified user belongs to the specified user group. |
Name | Description |
avg | Calculates average value. |
avgIf | Calculates average of elements matching the specified condition. |
count | Value count. The function ignores NaN values. |
countNaN | NaN count. A sum of count and countNaN is equal to the number of samples in the window. |
countIf | Counts elements matching the specified condition. |
delta | Calculates difference between last and first values. |
diff | Calculates difference between last and first values. |
first | Returns first series value. |
intercept | Calculates linear regression intercept. |
last | Returns last value. |
max | Returns maximum value. |
min | Returns minimum value. |
mean | Calculates average value. |
median | Returns 50% percentile (median). |
new_maximum | Returns true if last value is greater than any previous value. |
new_minimum | Returns true if last value is smaller than any previous value. |
percentile | Calculates n -th percentile. |
rate_per_hour | Calculates the hourly difference between last and first value input. |
rate_per_minute | Calculates the difference between last and first value per minute. |
rate_per_second | Calculates the difference between last and first value per second. |
slope | Calculates linear regression slope. |
slope_per_hour | Calculates slope_per_second()/3600 . |
slope_per_minute | Calculates slope_per_second()/60 . |
slope_per_second | Calculates linear regression slope. |
median_abs_dev | Median absolute deviation. |
stdev | Standard deviation. |
sum | Sums all included values. |
sumIf | Sums elements matching the specified condition. |
threshold_linear_time | Forecasts the minutes until the value reaches the threshold based on linear extrapolation. |
threshold_time | Forecasts the minutes until the value reaches the threshold based on extrapolation of the difference between the last and first value. |
variance | Calculates variance. |
wavg | Calculates weighted average. |
wtavg | Calculates weighted time average. |
Name | Description |
abbreviate | Truncates string using ellipses to hide extraneous text. |
capFirst | Capitalizes the first letter in the string. |
capitalize | Capitalizes the first letter in all words in the string. |
coalesce | Returns first non-empty string from the collection of strings. |
concat | Joins the elements of the collection into a single string. |
concatLines | Joins the elements of the collection into a single string with line breaks \n . |
countMatches | Counts how many times the substring appears in input string. |
endsWith | Returns true if string ends with the specified prefix. |
htmlDecode | Replaces HTML entities in string with their corresponding characters. |
indexOf | Returns the index of the first occurrence of substring in the target string. |
jsonencode | Escapes special JSON characters with a backslash. |
keepAfter | Removes part of string before the first occurrence of the given substring. |
keepAfterLast | Removes part of string before the last occurrence of the given substring. |
keepBefore | Removes part of string after the first occurrence of the given substring. |
keepBeforeLast | Removes part of string after the last occurrence of the given substring. |
length | Returns the length of string. |
list | Splits string into an array, discards duplicate items. |
locate | Returns the index of the first occurrence of substring in the target string. |
lower | Converts string to lowercase letters. |
removeBeginning | Removes substring from the beginning of the given string. |
removeEnding | Removes given substring from the end of the target string. |
replace | Replaces all occurrences of the 1-st string in the original string with the 2-nd string. |
split | Splits string into a collection of strings using the specified separator. |
startsWith | Returns true if string starts with the specified prefix. |
trim | Removes leading and trailing non-printable characters. |
truncate | Truncates string to the specified number of characters. |
unquote | Removes leading and trailing quotation marks from input string. |
upper | Converts string to uppercase letters. |
urlencode | Replaces special characters with URL-safe characters using percent-encoding. |
Name | Description |
cancelAction | Cancel the current action based on a condition. |
getURLHost | Retrieves the host from URL specified in string url. |
getURLPath | Retrieves the path from URL string. |
getURLPort | Retrieves the port from URL string. |
getURLProtocol | Retrieves the protocol from URL string. |
getURLQuery | Retrieves the query string from URL string. |
getURLUserInfo | Retrieves the user credential part username:password from URL string. |
ifEmpty | Returns the second string if the first is either null or an empty string. |
printObject | Prints the input object as a two-column table in the specified format. |
samples | Retrieves a map of the samples in the current window |
values | Retrieves a list of the values of the samples in the current window |
timestamps | Retrieves a list of the dates of the samples in the current window |
toBoolean | Converts the input string or number to a boolean value. |
toNumber | Converts the input object to floating-point number. |
toLong | Converts the input object to long number. |
trim_zero | Formats the number to decimal representation without exponent and trailing zeros. |
check_range | Checks the input number is within the minimum and maximum range. |
agent_to_host | Extract hostname from ITM agent name. |
sendTcpMessage | Sends TCP message to a remote server. |
sendTcpMessageReply | Sends TCP message to a remote server and read a reply. |
sendUdpMessage | Sends UDP message to a remote server. |
sendUdpMessageReply | Sends UDP message to a remote server and read a reply. |
lock | Acquire a named lock to prevent duplicate actions. |
unlock | Release a named lock that prevents duplicate actions. |
Name | Description |
value | Retrieves value for the metric in the same series command. |
Web Query