Text Functions


These functions compare and transform strings, null-safe: returns null or false if one of the inputs is null.



upper(string s) string

Converts string s to uppercase letters.


lower(string s) string

Converts string s to lowercase letters.


truncate(string s, int maxLength) string

Truncates s to the specified number of characters and returns the string as the result if string s length exceeds maxLength characters.


startsWith(string s, string pfx) bool

Returns true if s starts with pfx prefix.


endsWith(string s, string sfx) bool

Returns true if s ends with sfx.


split(string s, string sep) [string]

Splits string s into a collection of strings using separator sep.

// Returns ['Hello', 'world']
split('Hello world', ' ')

Use double quotes ("escaped_text") as escape characters.

// Returns ['Hello', 'new world']
split('hello "new world"', ' ')

To check the size of the returned collection, use the .size() method.

To access the n-th element in the collection, use square brackets [index] or get(index) method, starting with 0 for the first element.

authors = split(tags.authors, ',')
authors.size() == 0 ? 'n/a' : authors[0]


list(string s[, string sep]) [string]

Splits string s using separator sep (default is comma ',') into an array of string values, discards duplicate items by retaining only the first occurrence of each element.

Unlike the split() function, list() does not support double quotes as escape characters.


// Returns ['hello', '"brave', 'new', 'world"']
list('hello "brave new world" hello', ' ')


ifEmpty(string a, string b) object

Returns b if a is either null or an empty string.

If the number of arguments is more than two, consider the coalesce function.

Allowed data types

The function accepts arguments of any data type, such as objects and numbers.


  Returns the value of the 'location' tag.
  This this tags is null or empty, returns N/A.
ifEmpty(tags.location, 'N/A')


coalesce([string] strColl) string

Returns first non-empty string from the collection of strings strColl.

Returns an empty string if all elements of strColl are null or empty.


// Returns 'string-3'.
coalesce(['', null, 'string-3'])
// Returns the value of `location` tag if the tag value is not empty, otherwise 'SVL' is returned.
coalesce([tags.location, 'SVL'])
/* Returns the value of the entity label if the label is not empty, otherwise the entity name is returned.
If both fields are empty, an empty string is returned. */
coalesce([entity.label, entity])


keepAfter(string s, string sub) string

Removes part of the string s before the first occurrence of the given substring sub.

Returns the original string s unchanged, if sub is empty or null or if sub is not found.


// Returns 'new.world'
keepAfter('hello.new.world', '.')


keepAfterLast(string s, string sub) string

Removes the part of string s before the last occurrence of the given substring sub.

Returns the original string s unchanged, if sub is empty or null or if sub is not found.


// Returns 'world'
keepAfterLast('hello.new.world', '.')


keepBefore(string s, string sub) string

Removes part of the string s that starts with the first occurrence of the given substring sub.

Returns the original string s unchanged, if sub is empty or null or if sub is not found.


// Returns 'hello'
keepBefore('hello.new.world', '.')


keepBeforeLast(string s, string sub) string

Removes part of the string s that starts with the last occurrence of the given substring sub.

Returns the original string s unchanged, if sub is empty or null or if sub is not found.


// Returns 'hello.new'
keepBeforeLast('hello.new.world', '.')


replace(string s, string sub, string rep) string

Replaces all occurrences of the given substring sub in the original string s with a second substring rep.

Returns the original string s unchanged, if sub is empty or null or if sub is not found.


// Returns 'hello.ne2.2orld'
replace('hello.new.world', 'w', '2')


capFirst(string s) string

Capitalizes the first letter in the string.


// Returns 'Hello world'
capFirst('hello world')


capitalize(string s) string

Capitalizes the first letter in all words in the string.


// Returns 'Hello World'
capitalize('hello world')


removeBeginning(string s, string pfx) string

Removes substring pfx from the beginning of string s.


// Returns 'llo world'
removeBeginning('hello world', 'he')
// Returns 'hello world'
removeBeginning('hello world', 'be')


removeEnding(string s, string sfx) string

Removes given substring sfx from the end of string s.

// Returns 'hello wor'
removeEnding('hello world', 'ld')
// Returns 'hello world'
removeEnding('hello world', 'LD')


urlencode(string s) string

Replaces special characters in string s with URL-safe characters using percent-encoding (% followed by 2 digits).

// Returns 'hello%20world'
urlencode('hello world')


jsonencode(string s) string

Escapes special JSON characters in string s such as double quotes with a backslash to safely include the string within a JSON object.


htmlDecode(string s) string

Replaces HTML entities in string s with their corresponding characters.


// Returns 'hello > world'
htmlDecode('hello > world')


unquote(string s) string

Removes leading and trailing double and single quotation marks from string s.

// Returns 'hello world'
unquote('"hello world"')


countMatches(string s, string sub) int

Counts how many times the substring sub appears in input string s.


// Returns 2
countMatches('hello world', 'o')


abbreviate(string s, int maxLength) string

Truncates string s using ellipses to hide extraneous text. maxLength is the maximum length of the output string.

The minimum length of the output string is 4 characters: 1 character is string s plus 3 characters used for ellipses (...).

Integer maxLength must be set greater than 3 otherwise an exception is raised.

// Returns 'hel...'
abbreviate('hello world', 6)
// Returns 'hello...'
abbreviate('hello world', 8)
// Returns 'hello world'
abbreviate('hello world', 100)
// IllegalArgumentException
abbreviate('abcdefg', 3)


indexOf(string s, string sub[, int index]) int

Returns the integer index starting with 0 of the first occurrence of substring sub contained in string s starting with index.

Returns -1 if the substring sub is not found.


// Returns 0
indexOf('hello world', 'h')
// Returns -1
indexOf('hello world', 'Z')
// Returns 8
indexOf('hello world', 'o', 5)
// Returns -1
indexOf('hello world', 'o', 10)


locate(string s, string sub[, int index]) int

Returns the integer index starting with 0 of the first occurrence of substring sub contained in string s starting with index.

Returns -1 if the substring sub is not found.


trim(string s) string

Removes leading and trailing non-printable characters.

// Returns 'hello world'
trim(" hello world    ")


length(string s) string

Returns the length of string s. If string s is null, function returns -1.


concat([string] strColl [, string sep]) string

Joins the elements of the collection strColl into a single string containing the elements separated by the optional separator sep.

  • The default separator is comma (,).
  • The separator is inserted between the elements.
  • null objects or empty strings within the collection are represented by empty strings.
// Returns 'a:b'
concat(['a', 'b'], ':')
// Returns 'a--b'
concat(['a', null, 'b'], '-')


concatLines([string] strColl) string

Joins the elements of the collection strColl into a single string containing the elements separated by line breaks \n.

  • null objects or empty strings within the collection are represented by empty lines.
/* For entity.tags map containing {"location": "NUR", "state": "CA"},
the function returns text consisting of two lines:
      CA */
/*For entity.tags map containing {"location": "NUR", "state": "CA"},
the function returns text consisting of two lines: