Portal Functions


These functions attach portal screenshots to outgoing webhooks or email messages.


The function can be invoked to attach a portal for an entity other than the entity in the current rule window.


addPortal(string portal)
addPortal(string portal, string entity / [string | Entity] entities)
addPortal(string portal, string entity / [string | Entity] entities, string comment)
addPortal(string portal, string entity / [string | Entity] entities, string comment, map options)
  • portal (required): Portal name. If wildcard * is specified, all portals for the given entity are attached to the notification. If the portal is not found by the specified name, a case-insensitive match without non-alphanumeric characters is used, for example tcollector - Linux becomes tcollectorlinux and the function returns the first matching portal.
  • entity or entities: Entities for which the portal is generated. Required if the portal type is template.
    • entity: Entity name is converted to entity URL parameter (&entity=test_e). If entity is not found by name, the entity is matched by case-insensitive label.
    • entities: [string | Entity] entities are converted to entities URL parameter as comma-separated list (&entities=test_e,test_e1,test_e2). If the element object type is Entity, the list consists of entity.name fields.
  • comment: Chart caption. If not specified or empty, a default caption is generated as ${portalName} for ${ifEmpty(entity_label, entity)} and can be retrieved with special placeholder $caption. The default comment contains links to the portal, entity and rule for Email notifications, Slack and Discord webhooks.
  • options: Map with request parameters are passed to the template portal. Also supported are dimension parameters.

The parameters can include literal values or window placeholders such as the entity or tag value.

If entity or portal cannot be found, the function sends Entity {entity} not found or Portal {portal} not found messages instead.

Supported Endpoints

The function returns an empty string for other configurations.


  • Regular portal

  • Template Portal for Specific Entity
addPortal('Linux nmon', 'nurswgvml007')

  • Custom Caption
addPortal('collectd', 'nurswgvml007', '$caption | <@' + tags.event.user + '>')


Attach the built-in OHLCV portal screenshot.


addOHLCVPortal() //extracts symbol and class from the window's entity
addOHLCVPortal(string symbol, string class)
addOHLCVPortal(string symbol, string class, string comment)
addOHLCVPortal(string symbol, string class, map options)
addOHLCVPortal(string symbol, string class, string comment, map options)

The options object supports the following settings:

  • Dimensions ['width': number, 'height': number], for example ``.
  • Interval and aggregation interval, period, startDate, and endDate.


addOHLCVPortal('TSLA', 'IEXG', ['width': 800, 'height': 400])
addOHLCVPortal('TSLA', 'IEXG', ['interval': '7 DAY', 'period': '1 HOUR'])
addOHLCVPortal('TSLA', 'IEXG', ['startDate': 'previous_working_day', 'endDate': `now`])