Utility Functions



agent_to_host(string a) string

Extracts hostname from the ITM agent name, typically consisting of optional instance, hostname, and ITM product code.


  Primary:HOST_01:NT   ->   HOST_01
  HOST_02:LZ           ->   HOST_02


ifEmpty(object a, object b) object

Returns b if a is either null or an empty string.


/* Returns 2 */
ifEmpty(null, 2)

/* Returns hello */
ifEmpty('hello', 'world')


toBoolean(string | number obj) bool

Converts a string or number obj to boolean value. The function returns true if obj is the string true, yes, on (case-insensitive), or equal to the number 1. Otherwise, the functions returns false. Refer to the value table below for additional examples:

Input Type Result
yes string true
YES string true
on string true
1 string true
1 number true
no string false
NO string false
hello string false
0 string false
0 number false
3 number false


// Returns false
// Returns true


toNumber(object a [, number defaultValue]) double

Converts an input object, typically a string, to a decimal number.

If the input cannot be parsed into a number, the function returns Double.NaN or the default value, if specified.

Value table:

Input Type Result
null - NaN
"" string NaN
" " string NaN
"hello" string NaN
"null" string NaN
"0" string 0.0
"1" string 1.0
"1.0" string 1.0
[] array NaN
0 number 0.0
1 number 1.0


toLong(object a [, long defaultValue]) long

Converts an input object to a long integer number.


trim_zero(object a) string

Formats the input number to a decimal representation without an exponent field and by stripping trailing zeros from fractional numbers.


check_range(object in, number min, number max, number default) double

The function converts the input argument in to a number and checks if it satisfies the minimum and maximum constraints. The constraints are inclusive. If one of the constraints is violated, the function raises an error.

If in is not a valid number, the value default is returned.


check_range(in, 0, 100, 25)
Input in Type Result
null - 25
"" string 25
NaN number 25
8 number 8
"8" string 8
0 number 0
50 number 50
100 number 100
-10 number Error
200 number Error


printObject(object obj, string format) string

Prints input object obj as a two-column table in the specified format.

Supported formats:

  • markdown
  • ascii
  • property
  • csv
  • html

The first column contains field names, the second column contains the corresponding field values.

Object o can be an Entity or Window object. Retrieve such objects using the applicable function:

Returns an empty string if ojb is null.


printObject(getEntity('atsd'), 'ascii')
| Name                     | Value                              |
| created                  | 1516996501692                      |
| enabled                  | true                               |
| id                       | 1                                  |
| interpolate              | LINEAR                             |
| label                    | ATSD                               |
| name                     | atsd                               |
| portalConfigs            | []                                 |
| portalConfigsEnabled     | []                                 |
| tags                     | {container=axibase/atsd:latest}    |
| timeZone                 | null                               |
printObject(rule_window('jvm_derived'), 'csv')
printObject(rule_windows('jvm_derived', "tags != ''").get(1), 'markdown')
| **Name** | **Value**  |
|:---|:--- |
| empty | false |
| lastText | Send 300 commands to ATSD. |
| status | REPEAT |
| windowStatus | REPEAT |


samples([int limit]) map

Retrieves an ordered map of time series samples from the current window. Each sample object in the map contains two fields: key which stores command time as a DateTime object, and value which contains the numeric value.

The samples are sorted by command time in ascending order, with the oldest sample placed at the beginning of the map.

An optional limit argument can be specified to return a subset of samples:

  • If limit is positive, the function returns the first N samples.
  • If limit is negative, the function returns the last N samples.

To retrieve sample times and values separately, use timestamps and values functions respectively.

Window samples:

key value
2018-09-18T13:43:36Z[Etc/UTC] 10.0
2018-09-18T13:44:06Z[Etc/UTC] 40.0
2018-09-18T13:44:36Z[Etc/UTC] 50.0
2018-09-18T13:45:06Z[Etc/UTC] 85.0
2018-09-18T13:45:32Z[Etc/UTC] 90.0

Expression examples:

${addTable(samples(2), 'markdown')}
| **key** | **value**  |
|:---|:--- |
| `2018-09-18T13:43:36Z[Etc/UTC]` | 10.0 |
| `2018-09-18T13:44:06Z[Etc/UTC]` | 40.0 |
${addTable(samples(-1), 'csv')}
@foreach{item: samples(-2)}
    - @{date_format(item.key, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")} = @{item.value}
- 2018-09-18 13:45:06 = 85.0
- 2018-09-18 13:45:32 = 90.0

Refer to Control Flow overview for more information about the @foreach template.


values([int limit]) [number]

Retrieves a list of numeric sample values in the current window. The list is sorted by command time in the ascending order. Values are floating-point numbers (double).

An optional limit argument can be specified to return a subset of values:

  • If limit is positive, the function returns values in the first N samples.
  • If limit is negative, the function returns values in the last N samples.


timestamps([int limit]) [long]

Retrieves a list of sample command times in the current window. Each time is a DateTime object. The list is sorted by command time in the ascending order.

An optional limit argument can be specified to return a subset of times:

  • If limit is positive, the function returns sample times in the first N samples.
  • If limit is negative, the function returns sample times in the last N samples.


getURLHost(string url) string

Retrieves host from the URL specified by the string url. If url is null, empty or invalid, an exception is thrown.


/* Returns "example.org" */


getURLPort(string url) int

Retrieves port from the URL specified by the string url. If url is null, empty or invalid, an exception is thrown.

If url contains no port, the function returns the default value for the protocol, for example port 443 for HTTPS and port 80 for HTTP.


/* Returns 443 */


getURLProtocol(string url) string

Retrieves protocol from the URL specified by the string url. If url is null, empty or invalid, an exception is thrown.


/* Returns "https" */


getURLPath(string url) string

Retrieves path from the URL specified by the string url. If url is null, empty or invalid, an exception is thrown.


/* Returns "/en/products" */


getURLQuery(string url) string

Retrieves query string from the URL specified by the string url. If url is null, empty or invalid, an exception is thrown.


/* Returns "type=database&status=1" */


getURLUserInfo(string url) string

Retrieves the user credential portion of the username:password key-value pair from the URL string specified by the string url. If url is null, empty or invalid, an exception is thrown.


/* Returns null */

/* Returns "john.doe:secret" */


sendTcpMessage(string host, int port, string message) int

The function sends the specified message to a remote server, identified with the hostname and port, via the TCP protocol. The response status code is an integer:

Status Description
0 Connection established successfully.
1 Connection Error
2 No Route To Host
3 Unknown Host
4 Socket Timeout
5 Other Error
${sendTcpMessage('example.org', 9001, "hello world")}
${sendTcpMessage('example.org', 9001, entity + ' alert')}


sendTcpMessageReply(string host, int port, string message [, timeout]) TcpReply

The function sends the specified message to a remote server, identified with the hostname and port, via the TCP protocol. After the message is sent, the function awaits a response from the server, for up to 30 seconds. The default timeout can be customized using the optional timeout argument specified in seconds.

The function returns a TcpReply object containing the following fields:

  • status - Response status integer.
  • response - Response text received from the remote server.
  • execTime - Execution time in milliseconds.
Status Description
0 Connection established successfully.
1 Connection Error
2 No Route To Host
3 Unknown Host
4 Socket Timeout
5 Other Error
${sendTcpMessageRepy('example.org', 9001, order + '
TcpReply(status=4, response=Order 123 received OK, execTime=250)


Same as sendTcpMessage function using UDP as the protocol.


Same as sendTcpMessageReply function using UDP as the protocol.


lock(string key, long interval_millis) boolean

Create a named lock on the server for the specified duration of time in milliseconds. If an action triggered by another rule attempts to acquire the same lock within the lock interval, the function returns false.

The function can be used to ensure that some action is executed only once.


Send TCP message (cmd) to the target server
and ensure that the SAME command is not sent to the server
within 15 seconds.
@if{lock(cmd, 15000)}
${sendTcpMessageReply('example.org', 9092, cmd)}

The atsd.log records lock acquisition attempts with relevant rule details.

2019-07-03T08:10:21.742Z;INFO;sendNotificationsExecutor-2;com.axibase.tsd.service.el.ElFunctionsServiceImpl;Lock 'call-01' acquired by rule 'call_order', window {"metric":"property","entity":"nur","tags":{}}: locked until 2019-07-03T08:10:36.742Z
2019-07-03T08:10:21.806Z;INFO;sendNotificationsExecutor-18;com.axibase.tsd.service.el.ElFunctionsServiceImpl;Lock 'call-01' not acquired by rule 'call_order', window {"metric":"property","entity":"nur","tags":{}}: locked until 2019-07-03T08:10:36.742Z

To prevent the action from executing twice on the same day, enable Alert Logging and invoke the last_open() function:

@if{!lock(cmd, 15000) || date_format(last_open().open_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') != date_format(now, 'yyyy-MM-dd')}
# execute action or send notification


unlock(string key) boolean

The function releases a previously acquired lock. The result is true if an active lock is found for the specified key and the lock is released.

Actions for `${entity}` were unlocked.