
The FILE job provides a way to retrieve CSV files from remote servers and upload them into ATSD on a schedule.

In addition, the FILE job supports downloading JSON files and converting them to CSV format.

Other than the JSON to CSV conversion, the FILE job does not make any changes to the downloaded files and does not perform any local parsing.

The files are parsed by ATSD using a CSV Parser that is configured with the specific file format in mind.


  1. Download the file from a remote server or read from the local file system.
  2. Validate the file format.
    • CSV: check line count and match text in the first line.
    • JSON: check that the format is JSON and that the file contains the specified text.
  3. In case of JSON, convert the JSON document to tabular CSV format.
  4. Upload the CSV file to ATSD for parsing.
  5. Copy the file to a success or error directory based on ATSD response status.
  6. Repeat steps one through five if the Path is configured to download multiple files with an ITEM from the item list, the DATE_ITEM function, or a wildcard expression in the case of FILE, FTP, and SFTP protocols.
  7. Send a job status message into ATSD for monitoring.

File Job Workflow

Supported Protocols

Protocol Scheme Wildcards Description
FILE file:// yes Read file or files from the local file system.
HTTP http:// or https:// no Download a file from a web server.
HTTP_POOL http:// or https:// no Download a file from a web server using pre-configured HTTP pool.
FTP ftp:// yes Download file or files from an FTP server.*.csv
SFTP sftp:// yes Download file or files from a Unix server over STFP protocol.
SCP scp:// no Download a file from a Unix server over SCP protocol.

File Watch

In addition to scheduled checks, the FILE protocol exposes a setting to continuously watch the target path or paths for file creation and modification events.

When some creates or changes the file in the watched directory, the job is processed with the same workflow as files identified with the scheduled execution, except that the job continues running and watching for subsequent changes until the next job start time or until the watch interval expires.

File watch test configurations are pre-configured to watch the directory for 15 seconds.

Consecutive file modification events that occurred within one second of each other are deduplicated by the protocol to prevent too many files being sent into the database.

Note that watch monitors only file creation and modification events. Existing files that match the path but remain unchanged are ignored by watch protocol.

Downloading Multiple Files

To download multiple files with the same configuration, utilize one of the following options:

  • Match multiple files with a * or ? wildcard in the Path, provided the protocol supports wildcards.
  • Create a collection of items, referred to as item list, and include an ${ITEM} placeholder in the Path.
    The configuration is repeated for all elements in the list.
    The item list can be defined manually or can be retrieved from an external source such as a script.
    The item list can include parts of the Path or the entire Path.
  • Include ${DATE_ITEM()} function in the Path. The ${DATE_ITEM()} function produces an array of dates between start and end time, formatted with the specified pattern. The configuration is repeated for all dates returned by the functions.

Wildcard examples for FILE protocol:

/tmp/collector/errors/${TIME("previous_day", "yyyy-MM-dd")}/downloaded*.csv

FILE protocol supports directory traversal.



Name Description
File Format CSV or JSON. JSON files are converted into CSV files prior to uploading.
Protocol Network or file protocol to download the file from a remote server or read from the local file system.
Path URI to the data file in RFC 3986 form: [username:password@]host[:port][/]path[?query][#fragment].
If HTTP_POOL is selected, the URI must be relative: /path[?query][#fragment].
If the FILE protocol is selected, the Path to files on the local file system must be absolute.
Supported placeholders: ${ITEM}, ${TIME()}, ${DATE_ITEM()}.
Item List A collection of elements to execute multiple file requests in a loop.
The current element in the loop can be accessed with the ${ITEM} placeholder, which can be embedded into the Path and Default Entity fields.
When Item List is selected and ${ITEM} is present in the Path, the job executes as many queries as there are elements in the list, substituting ${ITEM} with an element value for each request.
${ITEM} value can be URL-encoded as follows: ${ITEM?url}

HTTP-specific Download Settings

Name Description
HTTP Pool Pre-defined HTTP connection parameters with optional authentication credentials and custom network/connection settings.
HTTP Method HTTP method executed: GET or POST.
POST method provides a way to specify request headers and payload parameters.
Payload POST method payload.
Headers HTTP request headers.
Enable Web Driver Executes Web Driver Script to download the file.
Driver Script Downloads the file by executing pre-recorded browser actions such as opening a page and clicking on a button to export a file.
The script can be recorded in Selenium IDE and exported into Java format.
Driver File Encoding File Encoding to use when saving the file downloaded with script.
Driver Timeout Maximum time, in seconds, allowed for the script to run before timeout.

FILE-specific Download Settings

Name Description
Watch Enabled Watch the target directories for file creations and modification and process the file on change event without a delay.
Watch Interval If set, ATSD watches the target directories for changes for the specified number of seconds.
If omitted or set to 0, ATSD watches the target paths until the next job start time.

Watched directories must exist at the time the job is executed. Deleted / re-created changes in the directory during job execution are not visible to the job until after a restart.


Name Format Description
Minimum Line Count CSV Minimum line count for the CSV file to contain.
An error is raised if the threshold is greater than 0 and the number of lines in the file is less than the threshold.
First Line Contains CSV Checks if the first non-empty line in the file contains the specified text. The check is case-sensitive.
If the specified text is not found within the first non-empty line, ATSD does not load the data.
Supported placeholders: ${ITEM}`, `${TIME()}`, `${FILE}`, `${DIRECTORY}`, `${PATH}. For example: # Effective Data ${TIME("previous_day", "dd.MM.yyyy")}.
File Contains JSON Checks if the file contains the specified text on any line. The check is case-sensitive.
If the specified text is not found within the file text, ATSD does not load the data.
Supported placeholders: ${TIME}. For example: "report_date": "${TIME("current_day", "yy/MM/dd")}".
Parse JSON JSON files are automatically validated by parsing the file as a JSON document.

Convert to CSV

  • Conversion settings are applicable to JSON files.
Name Description
JSON Path JSONPath expression to match an object or a list of objects in the JSON document.
Default path is $, which stands for the root object.
Collector attempts to convert fields of the matched objects to a tabular structure, using field names as column names and field values as cell values. For fields in the nested objects, column names are formed by concatenating parent object names using dot notation. Each matched objects returned by the JSON path expression is represented as a separate line in a CSV file.
Traversal Depth Limit traversal of the matched object or objects.
If Depth is set to a positive number, nested objects are included in the CSV files up to their depth level measured as the distance between the nested object and the matched object. When Depth is set to 1, Collector includes only direct fields of the matched objects. If Depth is set to 0 or a negative number, Collector traverses and includes all nested object in the CSV files.
Included Fields By default, all fields with primitive data types (number, string, boolean) are included in the CSV file. Array fields are ignored. The list of included fields can be overridden explicitly by specifying particular field names, separated by comma.
Excluded Fields List of field names to be excluded from the CSV file. Applies if Included Fields is empty.


Name Description
Parser Name CSV Parser name for parsing the uploaded CSV file.
The parser can be created on the Settings > CSV Parser page in ATSD. The parser must exist and be enabled.
Auto Detect Encoding Automatically detect file charset based on leading bytes, the header, and the heuristics. ATSD accepts the charset and the file is correctly parsed by the database.
Encoding Specify the file charset to correctly parse the file in the database.
Metric Prefix Text added to all metrics names extracted from the CSV file, typically to column headers.
For example, if the Metric Prefix is set to custom., and the file contains the PageViews column, the resulting metric name is custom.Pageviews.
Default Entity Default Entity name to use if the file does not contain information about the entity name.
The Default Entity name can include placeholders, such as ${ITEM}, which are substituted by an element value when the Item List is selected.
Supported placeholders are: ${ITEM}, ${FILE}, ${PATH}, ${DIRECTORY}, ${TIME()}.
Custom Tags List of name=value tag pairs, one per line. The tags are be stored by the database as additional series/property/message tags.
Supported placeholders are:${ITEM}, ${FILE}, ${PATH}, ${DIRECTORY}, ${TIME()}.
Use Current Time Enables all data contained in the CSV file to be stored with Collector current time instead of the date/time possibly contained in the file. This option must be used when the CSV file does not contain any time/date information.
Time Zone Timezone which must be used by ATSD when parsing the datetime column in the CSV file, if the datetime format does not contain information about the time zone.
Wait for Upload Wait for ATSD to finish validating and parsing the uploaded file. If disabled, the server responds HTTP Code 200 (success) immediately after the file is transferred to ATSD. If Wait for Upload is disabled, the Collector Job does not know if the upload file is valid or if there are errors.
Process in Rule Engine Process parsed commands in the ATSD Rule Engine. If enabled, allows the data in the CSV file to be checked by rules.
Ignore Unchanged Files Prevents unchanged files from being repeatedly uploaded into the database. When enabled, Collector compares the last modified time of the downloaded file (FILE, FTP, SFTP) or MD5 hashcode (HTTP, HTTP_POOL, SCP) with the previously stored information and ignores the upload if the file has not changed. For FTP and SFTP protocols, the remote files with unchanged last modified times are not downloaded to Collector host.


Name Description
Delete Files on Upload Applies to FILE protocol. Delete source files after you upload them to the database.
Copy Files Copy downloaded file or files into a Success or Error directory based on a local or remote status code. For example, if the file failed during validation, the file is copied to the Error directory.
Success Directory Absolute path to a directory for storing successfully uploaded files.
If the directory is specified but does not exist, the system creates the directory.
Supported placeholders: ${ITEM}, ${TIME()}.
Error Directory Absolute path to a directory for storing a file that failed to get uploaded successfully for any reason.
If the directory is specified but does not exist, the system creates the directory.
Supported placeholders: ${ITEM}, ${TIME()}.


Name Description
${ITEM} Current element in the Item List.
${TIME()} Text output of the TIME function.
${DATE_ITEM()} Current element in the Date Item List.
${PATH} URL path or the file's absolute path.
${FILE} Name of the downloaded file.
${DIRECTORY} Parent directory of the downloaded file.

Refer to placeholder examples.
