PI Job


The PI Server is the real-time data storage and distribution engine that provides a comprehensive real-time and historical view into operations

Axibase Collector can be configured to extract data from the PI Server via JDBC, transform PI tags into ATSD metrics, and upload metrics to ATSD for long-term retention and analytics.


Before starting to configure the PI job, a machine must have the PI JDBC driver installed and stored in the Collector classpath. To perform this task, see Axibase Collector Documentation.

Job Settings

Just like the general JDBC job, PI job has a Data Source field. This allows a user to select the configured PI JDBC data source.

JDBC job settings

PI Configuration

To configure a PI job, click Create Configuration. Use the table below to set configuration parameters.

Entity The expression to retrieve entity name from PI tag name. Supported placeholders:
- ${TAG} = current processed PI tag
- ${LOOKUP()} = function to retrieve a value for key from an Item List
Default Entity Default entity applied if Entity Expression is not specified or entity is not found in the Item List.
Default Tags List of name=value tag pairs, one per line, stored as series tags. Tag value can refer to the ${TAG} placeholder.
pisnapshot WHERE Filter An expression included in the WHERE clause when querying the pisnapshot table. The expression must return a boolean value.
picomp2 WHERE Filter An expression included in the WHERE clause when querying the picomp2 table. The expression must return a boolean value.
pipoint2 WHERE Filter An expression included in the WHERE clause when querying the picomp2 table. The expression must return a boolean value.
Collecting Start Time Calendar expression defining the beginning of the data collection interval, for example: previous_week.
Use JOIN Clause while Fetching Tag Names If disabled, results of pipoint2 and pisnapshot tables are merged on the client side (in Collector). If enabled, Collector executes one query with JOIN clause to filter tags.
Ignore Unresolved Entity If enabled, skip tags for which no valid entity can be retrieved. If the entity is invalid and this case is not ignored, the job fails with an error.
Collect QSA Fields If enabled, collect non-default values of questionable, substituted, annotated, annotations columns.
Collect Status Fields If enabled, collect non-default (non-zero) status.
Store QSA and Status as Annotation If enabled, QSA and status columns are serialized into text (annotation) field like questionable=true;substituted=true;annotated=true;status=-253.
If disabled, QSA and status columns are stored as series tags by Collector.
Number of Tags in One picomp2 Query Maximum number of tags included in one query.
Max Rows in picomp2 Result Set Maximum number of rows per query
Query Timeout, seconds Query timeout in seconds

Configuration Example

The image below shows an example PI configuration.


PI Job